Walmart parking lot shooting could have some far reaching effects

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Without more info, it's hard to tell if these people are illegals, or just a pack of rednecks. No info on why the shooting occurred, what did they do to set this event off, other than some vague mention of 'camping for days'. Need more info to know the real story.
It'll hurt a lot of folks if this one stand-alone incident closes Walmart to overnighters. I really don't like 'kneejerk' reactions to such problems. It solves nothing.
Having never overnight'd at Walmart I feel for both parties. This will have impact.
And exactly where do they think "these people" will go after kicking them out? I guess they are not considering that question because all it will accomplish is to spread the perceived problem out into many different neighborhoods.

I agree this will have impact..... at least in the AZ area.
As long as they go their separate ways.

I see what you mean, Cindy. I have hit a few WM lots as a resting point. Does this mean that suddenly dwellers will not have a place to rest?
It sort of reminds me of how Colorado Spings dealt with the Homeless problem, they just made it illegal to camp within the city limits. So all the homeless either went to Pueblo, or underground. It didn't solve anything or help anyone. It just moved the problem. But then I guess that's how incompetent government employees work, which is why it's so important for us to help out where we can. And no, I'm not saying all government employees are incompetent, heck, I used to be one, just so so many.  
I was working on a project in Eugene, Oregon a few years ago, and there was this travel trailer tucked at the end of a little road to nowhere and the city actually put a porta-potti next to it for the resident. That is a better solution. They helped the guy instead of criminalizing him.
Not all van dwellers are nice people. Hope the few that aren't don't spoil it for the majority who are.
This story hit last month. The family is from Idaho. They follow the one-horse rodeos around the west. They were camped in the parking lot, using Walmart's bathrooms. The ruckus started over that fact. The police were called and things escalated into the shoot out. Not typical van dwellers looking for an overnight. The locals have been quiet about the affair.
Illegals or rednecks are the only possibilities?
I don't know if they're illegal or rednecks. They were 8 people living out of a big SUV. Most recently, they're from Idaho; an evangelical Christian family band that believed in a coming Jesus Apocalypse.

I don't see any knee jerk reactions. I do see the possibility of overnighting at Walmart going away.
LeeRevell said:
Without more info, it's hard to tell if these people are illegals, or just a pack of rednecks.  No info on why the shooting occurred, what did they do to set this event off, other than some vague mention of 'camping for days'.  Need more info to know the real story.
It'll hurt a lot of folks if this one stand-alone incident closes Walmart to overnighters.  I really don't like 'kneejerk' reactions to such problems.  It solves nothing.

I hope it is not a black eye to the van dwelling community. The press focusing on that is typical since they don't have anything else to go on. Weather they were there for a day or several really isn't the issue. And we don't have the full story and we may never really know the truth about it all. 

As for being illegals I doubt it as they were a traveling band out of Idaho. Less than respectable citizens? I'm thinking that's a good possibility, but that's nothing more than an assumption on my part. 
As for being a pack of Rednecks, WOW little prejudice there eh? funny thing is those who we call rednecks quite often seem to be the folks who stand up for our great country.

Anyways I don't want to take this off the topic, just hope it quietly subsides and many of you have no trouble staying a night at a Walmart in the future. 
I'm camped just outside of Cottonwood and haven't heard any mention of it. They did cut off overnights tho. Don't know if its temporary or what.
Guess we'll know in time.

Some places that have laws against it overlook Walmart and use the law for troublemakers.
I hope this one case won't spoil a good thing for us all.
vandella said:
Illegals or rednecks are the only possibilities?
I don't know if they're illegal or rednecks. They were 8 people living out of a big SUV. Most recently, they're from Idaho; an evangelical Christian family band that believed in a coming Jesus Apocalypse.

I don't see any knee jerk reactions. I do see the possibility of overnighting at Walmart going away.

Which would be the knee jerk reaction.  And my statement on the family stands as given, considering, as I said, the lack of meaningful info in the earlier report.  I did state we needed more info to make a real understanding of this.
Also, not all Christians are 'good people', I do know a few I would not deal with. No religion has a monopoly on 'goodness'.
Being in AZ when it happened I've been following the story. The group assaulted a walmart employee in the bathroom so of course the police were called. They knew the police were coming so they set up an ambush and started shooting when the cops got there. Shots were fired and they were taken into custody. It's really hard to imagine what was going on in their minds, they must have clammed up because I've heard almost nothing about it since.

What I can't understand is why anyone stays there. Just a little research will show you that just 3 miles down the road is plentiful free dispersed camping on very pretty National Forest roads. No noise, no traffic, no hassles. It's a shame how few people know about dispersed camping.

There was one of our group there when it happened and he was interviewed on the news. He had been at the RTR and I did a seminar on dispersed camping so he should have known.

There are times when you have no choice but stay at Walmart or a truck stop, but out West more often than not you can camp on public land.
Bob, I have never camped at a Walmart, either, but I see nothing wrong with it. And, though I love dispersed camping, you need your own toilet and maybe not all 'van dwellers' have one. Likewise, if I were a homeless [no vehicle] person, a city street would be the LAST place I'd want to live but I guess that's where the handouts are.
For what it's worth, here's what I know. Two of the males reportedly were "guarding" the entrance to the ladies restroom which their mother was using. Why? Who knows. But, a female Walmart tried to go into the restroom and they were reported to have "pushed" her. She then called the police. As for an ambush, I watched the whole video and when the police tried to separate the group and get individual versions of what had happened, a scuffle ensued. During the scuffle, one of the males tried to take an officers' gun. Bad, Bad idea. He was then shot. The fights between them and the police continued for about 8 minutes. It's a wonder more of them weren't shot.

My experience has been that if you are respectful and reasonable, a police officer will usually return the favor.

Personally, I've stayed in Walmart parking lots all over the country and never had a single issue except at a store south of Winchester, Virginia off I-81. I was in a Prevost motorhome and was kicked out of the parking lot because according to the security guard, they don't allow RV's there except during the time you're actually in the store shopping. And I was parked 300 yards from the store entrance.
The actions of a few may eventually prevent the majority from enjoying this corporate hospitality.
Perhaps my 'redneck' comment was a bit testy, but I live on the west side of town, and have grown up in "bubbaville". They are family and friends, and I have at times personally Identified with them. But all population demographics have their good and bad. I see the people in this report as examples of the latter. So yes, my words must stand as given, according to my personal experiences and values.
I just hope this event doesn't result in Walmart making a blanket ban on overnighting, just as I am beginning to get into the vanning thing. Wallydocking has been a big part of that plan.
A blanket ban would not be in the best interest of WM. As it is they are getting giant flack for the closing of stores who tried to organize. They need all the good will they can get.

Being able to sleep in a lighted and patrolled place, with food and bathroom available is priceless. After 3 months in the desert, It was nice for a couple days. (but only over night. Gone within an hour of sunrise!)
If you have a membership, you can stay in Sam's Club parking lots even in towns that have banned overnight parking at the Wal-Mart next door. I know this because I have stayed in many Sam's Club parking lots. I prefer them to Wal-Marts. Usually better security. Usually a gated lot as well. If you have a business membership (like I do), you can get in early in the am and get free coffee and danishes/fruit/muffins depending on the club you are at. I have only stayed for a single night but have been invited by a store manager to stay for a week. I've been invited to stay for a few days by more than one manager in various states.