WalMart Keto Shrimp Zoodle scampi

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
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sitting on a river-bridge playing the banjo...
Take a bag of frozen, cooked shrimp of your choosing.
Soak in warm water twice for about three minutes each time.
Turn your Zucchinis in a noodle maker as shown...or cut into thin, noodle-sized strands.

(Rastafari lives!)
Melt a full stick of butter in a pan.
Add liberal Garlic powder, Onion chunks (easy on them) or onion powder.
Drop the Shrimp in and begin stirring the mixture with a spoon.

After about two minutes of the butter sizzling, drop the "zoodles" on top. DO NOT DRAIN ANY JUICE.
Add a few hand-mashed hot pork rinds if you like.

It should look like this now.
Cook it on medium heat now till the "zoodles" JUST become tender to your liking. Leave a little CRUNCH to them.

You can dump the entire mixture into another container, or use a second pan now...
...if a new pan, coat the bottom in olive oil. (If you are going "ONE PAN," the residual butter coating will be fine as is)
Add 3/4 of a coffee cup of water and crank the heat till the Asparagus till tender to your taste.

(I cover it while it cooks. Takes no more than five minutes for our desired tenderness.)

Now, it should look like this^^^
No need for butter or salt.
Dip the Asparagus in the juice from the shrimp/zoodles.
FREAKING AWESOMENESS (if you like shrimp)
This entire situation takes only 30 minutes start to plating.
Full gut, hot food and you are still slowly melting extra pounds off.

These pics taken today represent one bag of shrimp.
Four 10 inch "kielbasa" sized zucchini and a stick of butter.
(You never end up consuming all the butter.)

You can also save the residual juice from the pan for fish sauce recipes.
(It ROCKS with shrimp flavor.)
That is three full sized adult servings...and you will be stuffed.
Costs about 10 dollars to do this from pretty much any WalMart.

I suggest following it up with an Atkins candy bar...a good bong hit...maybe even some edibles later on.
(...while watching the new GOT episode, waiting for you on your video server... ;) )
I'd try twice except for I dont like seafood and veggie noodles seem wrong to me on some level for some reason.

I want to try zoodles but I'm scared of them for some reason. I've read about making noodles from young pine inner bark and I like bamboo shoot matchsticks but idk why I'm afeared of zucchini noodles. :p
love it

I am a very very (almost zero carb eater) and never go above, like 10-15 total carbs per day.....but I would eat ALL that shrimp, skip the zoodles cause not a zucc fan ever, and I would eat ALL of that asparagus :) even if all that asparagus got me above 15 for the day then so be it, I love the stuff :)

that would be my meal....yum. One meal I love it a nice ribeye steak and garlic butter shrimp on the side....oh yea baby.
RoamerRV428 said:
One meal I love it a nice ribeye steak and garlic butter ....

I wonder is steak with garlic and mushrooms keto? I've done ZERO research into keto. A steakhouse in Sarasota Fl called the stock yard has the tastiest steak I ever tried. This was years ago. It was many months aged beef steak. My only regret is that i was afraid of rare back then and requested well done.
Keto, simply is "Atkins with greens" if you want to super-simplify.
Yes, mushrooms must be held in cautious amounts, but yes.
Nearly every sauce is loaded with carbs though.

The tastiest steak I ever had, was a back strap off the baby bambi that got hit in front of me.

Strange, but 100% true.
$80 plates in all kinds of high end eateries up North never came close to that deer meat. Bambi veal...
I am on a see food diet. I see food and eat it.

My father-in-law raised cattle and we would get a calf right off the teat butchered. Good steaks! Never had a Bambi but regular deer meat is too lean for me.
Keto is a name/form of a low carb menu. Thing is I think keto has some 'rules to follow'......all I follow is very very extreme low carb eating, in other words I limit cards to around 10-15 total per day....I don't care where they come from....with keto (I believe/think) they have a kinda rule of foods to follow.

Guessing on keto rules here LOL since I never researched truly any of the names of different lc plans.
yea JD, sauces are killers for sure. I make my own garlic butter, or alfredo sauce or hollandaise 'buy' these out and they are preserved and chemical'd and carb'd to death.

I love reading you are keto and posting keto menus. I say I am super duper low carb to zero carb and people look at me like I am from another planet LOL
It surely is not an exact science. We kind of follow Bergs outline on YT.
Mrs G views all his vids. Trying to run 30 hour eat cycles (intermittent fasting I think) does a lot for weight loss, but I feel weak as a cat by the 20th hour.
Do you have bloodwork numbers before and after low carb?
Have you tried to increase stamina while on low carb?

Learning to make your own sauces is key to enjoying a little comfort food now and then.
Well made Cloud Bread around a cheeseburger, loaded with zero carb pickle relish can save you from falling off the wagon.
Have you done them with spinach leaves, pickle slices with double bacon slice and a little SouthWest Ranch spicy dip on top and a well done fluffy cloud bread? The burger over-rides the egg taste in the cloud bread. (Tuna Salad works well also.)
If you did not pay close attention, you would not really know it wasn't normal bread.
(Gotta use an oven to get it right though, in our experience anyway.)

Using salsa in the place of normal ketchup has been great. Cilantro stretches tomato in general, also.
Mixing olive oil mayo and spicy brown mustard, with to-taste Splenda will bake amazing chicken.

We don't even keep carb food around anymore.
How long have you been keeping carb counts down?
Have you gone raw chocolate yet?
I do 85% chocolate. rarely eat it tho.

I don't worry about bread luckily. I am not a bread fan truly, so I don't have to do cloud bread and all the subs for that.....I tried making it long ago and it didn't float my boat.

what I need to do to stay on my eating plan is have 'combo meals'. I need like 2 tastes to make me happy. I will have a cheeseburger off the grill and have a pound of crab legs in butter with it :) Or I make Cajun cubed chicken chunks and I will have a cup of taco meat along with it. It seems I need taste changes to make me happy and content and that way I can easily avoid carb/processed junky stuff.

Like morning I can do 2 scrambled eggs and some sausage or bacon....then I am good thru the day easily. I just say no when the family gets ice cream and such. I make sure I keep to a higher fat content in my eating and that keeps me in deep ketosis and I am just not hungry, I have the easy willpower to say no, especially when I know if I don't eat that ice cream I can go home and eat up a ribeye steak and scallops in butter :)

no I never did bloodwork and all that. I lost about 60 lbs in 2 years now. I just eat near zero carb and haven't 'done numbers' or 'macros' etc. Luckily I am a meathound to the ultimate so I walked into this kinda easy.

I have energy thru the roof I never knew I had LOL

I love this way of life.
RoamerRV428 said:
I have energy thru the roof I never knew I had LOL

I hope I can gain some of that myself as I melt down further.

I hear you loud and clear about the flavors being varied!

I send you my respect for being able to keep away from the naughties.
We don't even have that stuff in the house. I would have fallen off the wagon by now for sure had there been Chunky Monkey in the freezer.
Especially after a smoke break...when the goodies in the kitchen begin talking to you...???
They talk to me anyway. :(

Mrs G's stromboli, Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey are the things I miss the most.
(Don't care about the Audi TT...or building a balsa model of the Andrea Doria, either.)

(Only Fagen/Becker-enticed jazz-punks are likely to get those...)
But, if you have the time and bandwidth, here is where those references go:

It's all in the lyrics...
Rebel Creamery vanilla... ice cream. Yummy! ...and doesn't kick you out of Ketosis.

yea I have an LC friend who loves loves loves Rebel ice cream. She buys it I think in a 6 pack pint and they ship them all to her.

I keep low sugar beef jerky around. I try not to overeat on bacon cause I like to keep bacon as a 'go to delicious food' and eat a ton of it when I feel a bit 'deprived'. I keep tins of sardines as snacks....yea I know, others would say EWWWW but I love sardines LOL so to me they are a snack and one I can easily have. I used to eat some pork rinds but lost a taste for them.....but I love that wanting to snack out is kinda gone now from my life.

but the mind wants some things when it shouldn't :) Like I love love love Ben and Jerry's Phish food ice cream. OMG I have to power thru the ice cream freezer section and avoid my eyes in that direction or I want it so bad, but once I get by it, eh, the power it holds on me fades LOL

worst is eating out. the family eats what they want. It drives me nuts to pay top dollar for a crappy steak and NO sides :) when I can eat a great steak at home for a 1/3 of the cost.

but in the end I choose to eat this way cause I feel my best so I just let it happen and eat well cause I mean, steaks, ribs, brisket, chuck roasts in the crockpot, all the seafood, bacon etc I want and feel this wonderful, hey I can't say I ain't eating fab!
a lot of things are hard to change in my life that I would like to change a bit :) but being a meathound to the ultimate kinda keeps me on this eating path a bit more easily. So far so good for me.

hey not to say I don't do one bite rules on other things if wanted. If family gets ice cream I will eat a spoonful from hubby's cup and then a few licks off kid's cone :) but usually they get ice cream I don't like really anyway, so that keeps me from hounding it all down HAHA
"worst is eating out. the family eats what they want. It drives me nuts to pay top dollar for a crappy steak and NO sides"

Yeah, I can totally identify with this sentiment.  When I first started, I almost was in a panic just thinking about going to a restaurant.  Here's what I do now for Keto friendly meals... Most restaurants will substitute a double helping of veggies for a starch...  I'll also get greek or antipasto salads with seared steak, Yummy!.  Sashimi is totally delish but expensive (no rice).  El Pollo Loco (rotisserie chicken) sells a 4-piece all chicken no sides, add some salsa, and a diet Coke.  I get double-bacon cheese burgers as a lettuce wrap (no bun no fries).   Jersey Mikes and Subway will make subs as a tub/salad without the bread.  Cajon blackened salmon, ribeye steak with baked yam, subtitute a salad for fries/potato.   When nothing else is available, good ol-fashioned bacon and eggs breakfast is available most everywhere. Low-carb/Keto in restaraunts is just about making substitutions and asking the server for what you need... Even Disneyland has stuff we can eat.  The only hard thing about restaurants is getting enough fat. I always use extra butter on veggies, steak, salmon, and eggs.  If you tell your family about your diet, they'll even help pick places to eat...

"Have you tried to increase stamina while on low carb?"

I went to low-carb and periodic Keto specifically to increase stamina in my cycling, and it definitely increases stamina!  I went from hitting an energy wall at a mere 20 miles eating mostly carbs, to regularly riding 50-60+ before lunch just by eating low-carb.  My peak wattage output went from 230 to 750 watts over about 3 weeks time as I switched, and mid-900's after about 2 months low-carb.  So power and endurance dramatically improve...   Now, I regularly ride 20-30 miles on just my keto coffee alone.  After 2 hours or so, I might stop for a hard boiled egg or some protein and go back out for some more miles.  Keep in mind that long-term stamina is not the same as max power output.   Keto is a slow steady burn, and if you go balls-to-the-walls you'll burn up muscle glycogen and totally bonk.  Bonking feels terrible, like a flu or whole-body hangover.   Slow and steady is the deal with Keto, and you'll have plenty of energy for the long-haul.  If I know I'm going to be charging up some hills, doing sprints, a time trial, or hunting for PR's, I'll re-feed the night before with some squash or potatoes, and eat some protein in the morning with my coffee before going out.  Alternately, if I'm doing an intense evening training ride, I'll have some extra protein at lunch (about 3-4 hours before).  Protein converts to glucose and can mess with your Ketosis, so only eat what you need for intense energy output or recovery.
yes I absolutely agree that many restaurants will work with ya when it comes to sides etc.
Thing is for me I mostly love to eat at home. I make it MY WAY but of course I must realize that they want to eat out and I have to adapt to just that and I have.

oh boy my bacon/cheese/omelet is one of my most ordered food out. every smaller type diner place will make me an omelet at all times. I love that option and I can rate all my places around me on their omelets HA

I love our Chinese buffet place cause they have peel and eat shrimp. I eat a ton of shrimp when the family hounds down all the crap :) I won't eat the meats due to them soaking in sauces which are mostly sugar and who knows what else in there.

I can hit a wall and when I do I bonk out so fast it is scary. I must eat immediately. I can go SO LONG without eating but all of the sudden I must eat cause my energy level goes literally to 0. Exhaustion kicks in so fast and I know the feeling of it coming on fast and I carry around slim jims and beef jerky in my purse in the car etc. now with me at all times.

I received so many benefits from eating an extreme low carb menu. I got mental clarity which I love. Got tons of energy and no lag. I have that leaner, thinner no bloaty disgusting feeling after eating which is just wonderful. In fact too many benefits to list really, I can't ever see me going back to carby eating again. I found the fountain of youth for myself :) I ain't giving it up ever LOL

great post Doubleone!!
RoamerRV428 said:
I can hit a wall and when I do I bonk out so fast it is scary. I must eat immediately. I can go SO LONG without eating but all of the sudden I must eat cause my energy level goes literally to 0.


We had to change times to "when your belly says so."

If I wait too long, I start to shake and weaken to the point of seeing spots.
absolutely JD.

I got off the 3 squares a day plus snacks to graze thru the whole day and night routine. Food in your body at all times.

My eating routine has changed so much. Eat big protein meal and go forever not being hungry, til your mind says, hmm, I am kinda hungry but not 'really' hungry so I just wait and wait til go to far. I now know to count hours. I can go 6-8 hrs between my first and last meal and I am fine in a whole day. I push past that into the 9-10 hr mark of not eating after and I know I can go down for the count easily.

I eat at about 11-1 my 'breakfast/brunch meal' and then around 6-8pm I eat my final meal of the day. This keeps me from bonking out. I found my best routine that suits me and I try to hold very firm to it, but some times, well you know, so I keep emergency jerky with me LOL

when I travel far on rare occasions and situations I make a cooler kit. A can of tuna, some mayo packs, a few tins of sardines I love, a can opener, small bowl, some deli meats like salami I love and just bring it along with me cause I have been caught before with no food when needed, I know I will never be caught again.

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