wallmart vs. amazon

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the HD in key west is getting more like walmart, example: we used to have a lot of choices for metal cut off wheels and sawzall blades now all you have is avanti and they are junk, they also carry millwaukee but in my opinion is over priced,,the employees are getting the same way too,,,,most of the long timers are gone now. everything i need for heavy work i buy on line,,,,granger is awesome,,,when you call them you get a real person that answers the phone with out having to go thru a 10 step phone menu. ace hardware is pretty good too,,but down here is pretty pricy
I work in an industry where a lot of people are really anti-Amazon. But my goodness, they are good at what they do! I buy things from them all the time because I can think of something I need and order it right away. I don't have to get in my car and drive to Walmart either. Also, my house is on a hill with a lot of steps and ordering from Amazon means stuff ends up on my porch without me needing to haul it up the steps. I love Prime and mostly got it for the Prime Video and Washington Post access but I certainly find the free shipping to be valuable too. I do make a point of going to a local mom and pop store for the products produced in the industry my job is in.

I have mixed feelings about Walmart. I dont generally shop there just because I dont like the experience of it. However a few years ago, I had a dog who I just loved with all of my heart. She was diagnosed with diabetes, I had to start giving her insulin shots. She went through two vials a month and initially the insulin she was prescribed cost me $125 per vial or a $250/mo expense for me. Then I heard that Walmart's pharmacy offers several drugs at cost as a loss leader so I went in to see if they had a similar type of insulin. They did! For $25/vial or $50/mo for me. It allowed me to keep that dog with me for two years without killing my savings, which was good because my furnace died during that time and I wouldnt have had the savings for a replacement otherwise.

That, combined with their friendliness towards RVers probably means I will start shopping there more when I am on the road since it will then be more convenient to go to Walmart than to get things shipped from Amazon.
Thanks for the tip about sharing an Amazon Prime account! 

My Wife and I maintain separate Amazon accounts for privacy during gift giving times.
I never purchased the prime for my account because I'm a cheap SOB!  :D

We just set up an Amazon Household prime together, this changes my Amazon buying habits from only doing the long term free shipping option to prime shipping!! 

It's a very good thing!  :rolleyes:

Thanks guys!

I shop both Amazon and Walmart. Do a lot of price comparison, and usually buy based on lower price , but prefer Walmart when the price is close, because I find it easier to return to a store when when the product is not right. Had no problems with delivery. Both deliver to my campsite using Fedex or UPS .
I use Prime for the ease of shopping, and delivery is free. I've had one problem with a purchase on amazon and after getting through the first rude Customer Service rep. the follow up person was great.

Walmart is fine, it's just difficult at times for me to navigate their stores unless I use my own scooter, theirs are in a constant state of discharge or disrepair. I did buy my new generator from them and will take my weightlifter neighbor to help load it.

I think it's pretty much a draw, I watch a few of the movies on Prime, but I am not a movie buff so that means little to me.

HarmonicaBruce said:
Amazon and Walmart are the two top retailers in America, perhaps the world.  Amazon does it on-line, Walmart does it the old fashioned way, although Walmart is working the on-line angle as well.

Amazon is great, and they have the world's largest selection, even larger than Walmart.  They have an advantage over Walmart because they don't have the overhead of a physical store.  When shopping at Walmart, you can use your smart phone to price compare with Amazon.  But Amazon isn't always cheaper.  An example I like is canning jars.  The same product at Amazon and Walmart, costs $32.92 at Amazon, and $29.49 at Walmart.  At amazon shipping is free for prime members.  What you're paying for is to have UPS bring it to your door.  At Walmart, an employee moves a pallet of jars with a fork-lift, and you have to pick it up and get it "home".  I've found that large, heavy items are often cheaper at Walmart, whereas smaller, easy-to-ship items are cheaper at Amazon.  At Walmart you can see and handle the item, at Amazon you have to use your imagination.  Keep in mind the sales tax advantage for states where Amazon doesn't yet charge sales tax.

Both companies are great.  They fill different niches.  You'd never buy ice from Amazon, or fresh food, but for many things it's easier to buy from Amazon and not have to travel to the store.

I am sick to death of poor quality items on Amazon and ebay. I buy at walmart if they have it always. scammers are a big problem on amazon now. If i never buy anything from amazon again thats ok with me. Go wide Amazon to fill the pockets of the greediest mofo on the planet.