Verizon has acquired Millenicom customers

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I called Verizon 3 times today. First time the system hung up on me, second time I "tricked" the phone system to get me a human, but he was the wrong dept of course. Finally got transferred, and that person says my # is a business account and not under my name so he could not do anything to help me. Obviously the "business account" is Millenicom, but try talking any sense to these guys.

I am on the phone for the third time now, been transferred to yet another dept "who handles those accounts", who has NO IDEA what I am talking about and I am back on hold while the person asks her supervisor...

... finally got things going. Had to go through a credit check (blah!), have to wait for a new sim card to arrive in the mail (2 days they say), and was given the option of a 16GB plan for $90 or a 10GB for $60 (plus one time $35 activation fee) on a NO-CONTRACT plan. I chose the $60 plan. They did then add an additional $20 each month for a "line access fee" so I can "easily expand to more devices in the future". So the bill comes out to $80 per month for half the GB that I had from Millenicom.

I love corporate greed!

BTW, you can call Verizon at 800-922-0204 an just keep pressing 0 and a human will answer right away. If you go through the phone systems then you will wait a long time.
Credit check for a preexisting account? Completely unneeded, and an unnecessary hit to your credit score. That's completely bogus; for anyone else, don't let them do that. You are already a customer, no need to further your trouble.

And THEN they offer you a much crappier plan than before, for more money? Thugs, I tell you!

Last time I had my credit run was a few years back. It came up completely blank. The poor bank person had no clue what to do with that.

"Who has no credit history at all?"

That would be me. I haven't had a credit card or a loan for over 20 years. I even went the majority of those years without a bank account, only getting one in 2010 when I started traveling (so I can more easily deposit my pay from my Corporate account).
I called them today using the number that was texted to my device. I was prompted to enter my phone number but I couldn't find it in time so that menu timed out and I went straight to an actual person. He knew about Millenicom and gave me one option - month to month 20 gig for $100 plus taxes. I asked about a cheaper rate if I went with a contract but he said that was the only option other than getting a standard plan, which would cost much more for only 15gig. I wound up taking it so I can stay online and will re-evaluate later.

I did not need a new sim or anything else.

Credit check is standard for them. I don't know how strict they actually are, I'm guessing it's largely about verifying your identity. Who knows.
Reducto, you are sooooo freaking lucky. I called that number at least three times, and every single time it put me on hold for 30 mins to an hour, and then simply hung up on me. I was livid. Every single time. At least four hours of my life gone, that I will never get back!

Then I called the regular Verizon customer service line, was put on hold for 30 mins, and finally got to talk to someone. They didn't know anything about the Millenicom thing and told me to just sign up for a new plan on their website.

I might try calling one last time, but if I can't get through and get a deal of 20 GB for $100/mo I'm going to rethink my entire life strategy. I don't want my work or my entertainment to be dependent on a greedy company like Verizon.
I called Verizon on the phone number sent to my device several days back and got right thru. I was given an option of $99/mo. or I could go with the more everything plan with thirty gigs of data and that would include my current phone for about $150, but I was told to call back today(Nov 4) to activate as that is when my new billing cycle starts. So I called back this morning and again got right through to a real person. As I discussed the more everything with her the price was about $30 higher than I was quoted the other day. I told her that wasn't going to fly and went with the $99/20 gig plan for the hotspot. It took about 20 minutes with her to get things set up no simcard change needed. It would help to have your hotspot opened up and the battery removed as there is a number on a tag in there that they needed to make the change. With keeping my phone on my old plan and the hotspot separate my bottom line is approximately $150.
Funny, I didn't need to open mine up - all I needed was the phone number which is available in one of the menus on the device.

I was definitely shocked by the fast and reasonable service - my previous experience with them was bad enough that I paid an early termination fee and went to Millenicom. I'll have to see how this one goes, I guess.
I didn't know the number was on the device and apparently the representative must not have either.
November 9 and my Milleincom jetpack is still working, though I keep suspecting a huge bill will show up some day from Verizon, what with them having bought the customer info and all. But if, as the grapevine claims, Verizon didn't get the billing/credit card info in the Millenicom buyout, then... Who knows?
It is still working because:

Action Required To Avoid Service Disruption
Wireless Service For Your MiFi device ends soon
A review of your account indicates that you have a MiFi mobile internet device and a wireless service plan with Millenicom. Verizon Wireless will no longer be providing wireless service to your MiFi device under your current plan. Due to overwhelming response into our call center, for a limited time we are extending the deadline to replace your current Millenicom plan with one from Verizon Wireless.
In order to avoid a disruption of service, please contact us at 800-233-8974, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern time to replace your current plan with a Verizon Wireless plan. We will explain available price plan options that best fit your needs and help ensure a seamless transition.

I received that email on the 5th. It doesn't say how long they are extending the deadline for. I called three times Friday, got hung up on twice and the third time I got a message that the offices were closed. I'm not real pleased as I have a tracfone and that was almost 200 minutes wasted and I haven't been able to talk to anyone yet.
Verizon is also discontinuing the ability to do an AOL ("assumption of liability") of an unlimited data plan, this coming Thursday the 13th, not sure if that's the last day you can or the first day you can't. Glad we got one a couple of weeks ago. I didn't have to deal with the MIllenicom thing because the day I was going to sign up with them was the first day you couldn't!
Aren't you getting the emails from Verizon about the deadline to swap being extended? I've gotten 3, the latest one just 4 days ago.
Yes, they keep pestering me, but I ignore them.

I already had a 10GB Verizon jetpack when I got the 20GB Millenicom one. 10GB wasn't enough for me, data hog that I am. So I had the Verizon one bumped up to 30GB (now that they offer more than 10GB) in anticipation of the Millenicom unit being shut down. But it hasn't happened yet.
Action Required To Avoid Service Disruption
Wireless Service For Your MiFi device ends on December 1, 2014
A review of your account indicates that you have a MiFi mobile internet device and a wireless service plan with Millenicom. Effective 12/1/14, Verizon Wireless service to your MiFi device will be suspended.

So there it is, those of us who are undecided about doing business with Verizon (again) and waited got a free month of service.
Verizon has a special deal now giving a free one gig data for November and December periods. I signed up for it. Keeping track of my data usage shows the free gig is being used right now.
Here it is, 10AM, December 1, and my Millenicom jetpack is still working. Curious.
It is reported that the service is extended to Dec 8.