Vandweller Newbie Here!!

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The Critic

Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Hi everyone, 

I am starting my vandwelling journey, beginning tomorrow. A combination of financial trouble and reading about others who do this propelled me to take a leap. I will be doing a combination of stealth in-town camping and partaking of the many places to camp in Idaho. 

I am scared and know that I have a lot to learn. My vehicle of choice is a 2005 Toyota Sienna minivan (w/ all wheel drive). No modifications to the van. Just the basics to get started. I do have a Coleman butane single burner stove, a 5 gallon bucket with pool noodle for a toilet, an Acopower 150wh portable generator and a small assortment of tools, cooking, a cot w/ memory foam I'm very comfortable sleeping on, an o2cool fan, some totes and a plastic dresser from Walmart, a cooler, water jug, thermos, an iPhone, some food, some cash, a Kindle, reflectix with black construction paper for the side windows (it took some trial and error to get it right), and some black privacy curtains for the rear window and behind the driver/passenger seats. 

Sorry to be so boring. I'm just in "to-do list" mode. 

I've managed to save up enough money and sell a few things to give me 1-2 months before I have to get a job. I'm in my 40s and have a masters degree, but graduating in 2008 and leaving the country for three years (ESL gig in Korea), my career in education never quite got on track. 

But I'm beyond worrying about things for the moment. There will be plenty of time to ruminate over "what the hell did I just do". I somehow trust the stories others who have done this. It took a while to get to this point. I worked at a homeless shelter for a couple of years after I came home, so I am fully aware of the risk one takes when they become officially homeless and branded by society as such. 

I look forward to being part of this community and doing what I can to make a positive difference. I have read through quite a few stories and just know that I deeply admire what you guys are doing and what you're all about. 

Wish me luck!!
I wish you all the best. I am also new here. I feel the people doing it, are still on it because the nomads living experience must be giving them a lot more than the traditional structured and boring routine that the system we live on programs our mind to have to fit it and if you don't agree, you become a bit isolated. Perhaps RV full-time is a way of having a kind of "out of the system" similar minded people together.
I agree and thank you for responding! I'm sure there are lots of reasons why certain people find the nomadic lifestyle appealing. I'm not sure where I fit along those lines. One day at a time!
Welcome to the CRVL forums Critic! Kudos to you for being so well prepared! It may take some time to get used to living in your van but it will soon feel like home. Please keep us updated on your vandwelling journey!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
When I started traveling two years ago, I had only the most basic and minimalist stuff---a foam pad for sleeping, a bucket for pooping, an alcohol stove for cooking, a little handcranked washing machine for laundry, a sink made from a metal mixing bowl, and some sweater boxes for storage. I expected I would upgrade stuff one piece at a time as I went. Instead, I found that either I was not really using a particular piece of equipment very much anyway, or that the simple version I already had was doing the job just fine. So I basically have the same setup now as when i started.
Welcome to the forum and the lifestyle! I am just a few months ahead of you and it has been a great adventure. I wish you the best!

Welcome aboard !
This should be a fun time for you !
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

You may be off to a better start than you realize !   After you are out there for a few weeks you may find yourself wishing you'd been able to do this earlier too.    Just live in the moment for awhile and compartmentalize
the worries of what you will be doing in the future and get your head clear of any past issues.  We all have our "woulda, coulda, shoulda" regrets but going Nomad for awhile is a good way to pick yourself up and dust yourself off to prep for a re-start.  OK

I notice you mentioning going off shore.  There are some Expatriates around here that it would be great if you could speak with.   I've looked at doing that myself but it will be awhile before I can do it.   If you set up as an Expat with an accountant who works with that type of Tax you could make up a lot of money you may have
not been able to earn in the past.   It was that the Fed Tax for Expats started around $91,500, and if you take up residency in a State that doesn't have a State Income Tax you won't have that to worry about.  Then you will be paying Social Security withholding.  It used to stop at $117K but I understand that they are moving it up to around $127K of earnings.  But once you reach that limit you don't have to pay into it any longer.  But you need to check this out with the accountant.  The other hook is you have to stay working outside of the USA for 11 months of the year.   You can come back any numbers of days up to one month for whatever reasons.

For the time you are going to be on the road here in the USA,  I'd invite you to view my websites below.  The first one addresses the basic setting up of a Van to live within.  You are welcome to any ideas in it.

The second is like a Swiss Army Knife of helpful information for planning to go  on the road or to use once out there.   A portal of sorts.  It is still under construction so I haven't organized the 100 links into categories yet.
It may be handy for you to know of. 

All the best.   And remember,  with travel you will be surrounded with new ideas and an awareness of new things you may have never have known of before that could make a difference in your life.
The Critic said:
Hi everyone, 

I am starting my vandwelling journey, beginning tomorrow. A combination of financial trouble and reading about others who do this propelled me to take a leap. I will be doing a combination of stealth in-town camping and partaking of the many places to camp in Idaho. 

I am scared and know that I have a lot to learn. My vehicle of choice is a 2005 Toyota Sienna minivan (w/ all wheel drive). No modifications to the van. Just the basics to get started. I do have a Coleman butane single burner stove, a 5 gallon bucket with pool noodle for a toilet, an Acopower 150wh portable generator and a small assortment of tools, cooking, a cot w/ memory foam I'm very comfortable sleeping on, an o2cool fan, some totes and a plastic dresser from Walmart, a cooler, water jug, thermos, an iPhone, some food, some cash, a Kindle, reflectix with black construction paper for the side windows (it took some trial and error to get it right), and some black privacy curtains for the rear window and behind the driver/passenger seats. 

Sorry to be so boring. I'm just in "to-do list" mode. 

I've managed to save up enough money and sell a few things to give me 1-2 months before I have to get a job. I'm in my 40s and have a masters degree, but graduating in 2008 and leaving the country for three years (ESL gig in Korea), my career in education never quite got on track. 

But I'm beyond worrying about things for the moment. There will be plenty of time to ruminate over "what the hell did I just do". I somehow trust the stories others who have done this. It took a while to get to this point. I worked at a homeless shelter for a couple of years after I came home, so I am fully aware of the risk one takes when they become officially homeless and branded by society as such. 

I look forward to being part of this community and doing what I can to make a positive difference. I have read through quite a few stories and just know that I deeply admire what you guys are doing and what you're all about. 

Wish me luck!!
Hi Critic, 

I am here wishing you safe and healthy travels! Thank you for your encouragement. I hope to be joining the ranks part-time withing about a year and later (after fulfilling some family needs) full-time. 

Keep us all up to date as you go along ok?
Hello! I have spent the last two months city dwelling. Took a job at a call center doing tech support. Digging myself out of a major financial hole.

Can't say I enjoy the vandwelling life when I've been broke this whole time, trying to survive high 90s low 100s heat.

I will say though that I enjoy not paying rent. I am slowly catching up on bills.

Its too hot to cook outside so I admit to eating fast food and bulk items at Winco. Just waiting for cooler weather to get here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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