vandweller guys

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The link goes to what appears to be a flicker acct with pics of vehicles and wiring diagrams. My phone didnt blow up.
<span style="font-family: Arial; line-height: 20px;">" and they got to keep all their 'stuff'?"<br><br>give me some stuff. give me some more stuff. give me some better stuff. what the ### am i going to do with all this stuff.</span>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><span style="color: #000000;">
gman97005 said:
women want to get laid just like men but
</span></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><span style="color: #000000;">I'm surprised this post hasn't been deleted, but since it hasn't perhaps my reply will be allowed to stay.<br><br>gman97005...Neither I nor any woman I've ever met would desire to be laid by you or anyone like you. However, on my recent trip through the desert I did see the solution to your problem. A woodpecker has even made it easy for you. Just wrap your arms around this Saguaro and enjoy. Personally I think the Saguaro deserves better though.</span></p>
Regarding post #80 & #88:
Wow, travelfriend....I've seen some interesting rejections, but yours is in a class all by itself! I'm reasonably certain that gman97005 is serious, and only trying to be helpful, but W-W-WOOOOWWW, is he ever crass! Sorry, gman, but yer delivery seems to need some empathy for the feelings of others, notably the ladies. I give you an "A" for being honest about yourself, but an "F-" for class. First-class entertainment, though.

That being said....travelfriend, are you SURE he didn't already visit this saguaro? It looks a bit....used.

Nothing wrong with relationships, or even families
So long as they are based on Mutual Benefit, and not obligation
Too many people are determined to control their mates, too many people see their mates as walking cash dispensers
too many people see their mates as domestic servants, or disposable utilities
in a loose relationship, either party can, at any time, say
"this is no longer of sufficient benefit for me to stay'
Formal agreements, particularly those enforced by law, ruin this dynamic, giving partners the ability to damage and even ruin one another by proxy violence
It even informs what most people currently thunk of as a 'relationship'
I will share what I am willing to share, and no more, and I expect no more form a friend
And that's what a partner should be: an asset, not a burden
I think vandwellers might be better able to grasp and live this concept than others, but I am still wary, I've seen some posts that drip traditionalism
Yes, swankiewheels is still a member.

In fact, the post you quoted was from just a few days ago (6/30/16). Her comment was about Ron who passed away several years ago. RIP Ron. This is a very old thread, started in 2011 just after this forum began.
VanDwellerMod said:
Yes, swankiewheels is still a member.

In fact, the post you quoted was from just a few days ago (6/30/16).   Her comment was about Ron who passed away several years ago.  RIP Ron.  This is a very old thread, started in 2011 just after this forum began.

I am alive an well, but mainly post on Facebook.  I seldom visit this Forum anymore.  I do have a blog.... .  Been working as a camphost in CO this summer.  Will be traveling again in a couple weeks, and returning to AZ to explore the northern part of the AZ Trail... checking out trailheads, trail towns, etc.

Photo... sheep grazing through my camp.


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