vandweller guys

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ANG, you must have married my ex-wife. i can remember driving up my street and seeing her car at home in the driveway. my stomach would start churning in anticipation for what might come.<br><br>there are lonely times, but they are few. and no where close to as bad as the depression of feeling like a prisoner. i've been alone for over 10 years and i'm still high on the feeling of freedom. i'm not saying i'd never get into a relationship again, but there would need to be someone really special to get me to give up the happiness of my life as it is now.<br><br><br><br>
Completely agree with that <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
Indeed, 4x4! Testify! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<div>I don't mean to come off as really wanting a relationship again. I am just of a mindset right now that if it happens... it happens. I ain't gonna worry about whether it does or not.</div><div><br></div><div>That being said, it is spot on what you say about relationships.</div><div><br></div><div>Half of all marriages end up in divorce.&nbsp;</div><div>it gets worse, though.&nbsp;</div><div>The other half that stays married of THAT half, let's say half are truly happy and the other half are just staying in it for various reasons --stability, kids, etc...</div><div>That's over 75% failure rate! 50% divorced and the other 25% unhappy but married.&nbsp;</div><div>What a shambles.</div><div>And yeah, all of what you said is true... no hassles, none of that crap.</div><div>All I need to see is to go to any Mall in America and I am cheered up by the fact that I am not in any of these relationships people have... This scene repeats itself wherever you are --in the Mall, supermarket, etc.... ornery kids, frazzled parents... then there is school and all that entails. With the shameful school system we have? Good luck.</div><div>I am glad I ain't adding to any problems, that's for sure.</div><div>It is a good life, the single life.</div><div>Well, rock on!</div>
the question I always have is why would they be willing to live in a van while counting down the time &lt;grin&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
tween said:
&lt;p&gt;I told mine that in 5 years, she must find a man her own age. I've had a vasectomy. Sooner or later, all women want kids. I will not be 80 and have a 40 year old wife wiping my butt and helping me out of my wheelchair! She deserves much better treatment than that. In 5 years, I can teach her all she needs to know to be wealthy, healthy, safe and proud of herself.&lt;/p&gt;
ead this and it sounds selfish but... it is the single most intelligent thing I have ever heard a guy say.... it parallels exactly what I tell my friends about being single after spending years trying to be wonder woman and please everyone call me selfish.... I want to do and go where I want to... besides no one around here thinks like I do anyway.... they all think I am joking when I say I want to be "mobile homeless"&lt;br&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
<p>lonfu - you'd make a successful stand up philosopher *grin*</p>
At the end of the day, we all have only one life to live. Do we really want to spend so many years trying to fit into someone else's notion of a well ordered existence?&nbsp;<br />We only have this one life to live. And I for one, plan to make the best use of it as I can... This means enjoying it to the fullest without having to play any societal games or follow any silly rules the world foists on us which we know is clearly BS but because everyone is doing it, we play along as well.<br /><br />I spent a lot of my life deprogramming myself from what I picked up as a child and as a young adult. I am just getting to the point where I can now recognize real needs and real wants... knowing how to recognize people who are clearly a waste of our time. And to recognize what I truly want out of life and what values I want to hold dear.<br /><br />Life is too short to compromise away much of what makes us truly happy. Live long and prosper.
As far as Im concerned...NOBODY knows I live in my van. I thought I had a very nice senior lady friend. But when she found out I was living in my van , it all turned to %!#&amp;.....and I mean really bad. Really , really bad ! Im a really decent guy , and look quite good....but living in my vehicle has given me a complex ! I guess I got judged by little miss God know , "poor people are bad " type thing. Im hurt severley. I really loved her.....but when she found mattered nothing at all.....I will stick with hiding it.
&nbsp;&nbsp; You are fortunate you found out what she was really like. Life goes on.
Perhaps a new circle of friends is in order.&nbsp; Real friends.
This makes me so sad. You are the same YOU she knew before she found out about the van. I just don't get that kind of thinking. I know it must hurt, but obviously she didn't deserve you. Hang in there.
I wonder if I would have made the list if I'd&nbsp;made it there.

I think, especially at an older age, there are people just looking for someone to take care of them - not looking for someone to care for. Keep looking, and don't let one bad experience eat at you, and destroy your sense of self worth.
Of course vandweller men are interesting and smart and sexy too (although I am yet to gain&nbsp;proof of&nbsp;that last point<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif">) It is because like us van dweller girls they are living interesting lives!<br><br>Tracking one down to spend any time with is a tad difficult I am finding, we seem to have a far smaller 'pool' over here in Aussie land!<br><br>Guys just keep on being yourselves, you are are all great! Girls, that goes for us too!<br><br>annie
i was trucker for 11 years and lived on the road, destroyed the marriage but i made good money, girls find me attractive even today in my wheelchair and no legs at the knee, the best way to pick up chicks is very simple, look at them and smile, big smile, give her a&nbsp;mischievous&nbsp;expression and see what she does, if she smiles back get up and walk over to her, don't hesitate for a minute, tell her you find her very attractive and you want to get together with her, don't ask her if you can take her out because she will always say no, just tell her that you want to get together with her and look right into her eyes and smile some more, tell her your name and offer your hand, try to dominate the conversation and guide her in your intended direction, women want to get laid just like men but we are aliens from different planets and sometimes difficult to interpret. Make yourself desirable to her, she has to find you attractive as well, get a cheap watch that looks expensive and a sharks tooth necklace, get a hair cut, most of all you need to smell pretty because women are instantly turned off by bad hygiene, i don't mean take a whores bath and splash cologne on, i mean clean yourself up, make yourself presentable. Buy some clothes, keep it simple with blue jeans and a long sleeve black knit shirt not tucked in, if you don't have nice looking boots get some, don't walk up to her with flip flops or tennis shoes.. I could talk for hours but basically go after her the same way you go after a job, very&nbsp;aggressively, market yourself and look like something she wants to buy, the only thing you want from her is some tail and make that clear, play a little hard to get but not too much as she will give up...&nbsp;have fun..<br>
Heh. I drew my sword at "try to dominate the conversation and guide her in your intended direction".

I sharpened it at "sharks tooth necklace".
&nbsp;&nbsp; For the life of me, I can't tell if this is a put on or a neanderthal.
I didn't click the link, but reading the post it <em><strong>HAS</strong></em> to be a joke. Please, tell me it is...
The funniest jokes are those based on truth. This one is really funny...

Edited to add: even funnier if he's serious ;-)