Van-Tramp adventures

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I'm enjoying the accounts of your travels, as well as the beautiful pictures.

Question: If I remember correctly, somewhere you discussed firearms. One of the reasons I've sort of kept California off my potential itinerary is their strict gun laws. I'd be reluctant to leave my guns behind, and wouldn't even know where to keep them temporarily. Do you leave your guns behind and travel unarmed? Or just keep a long gun? Or how do you deal with it?

@ Bindi&us - Yes I agree. Normally they do not allow you to get too close, but these would have probably let me touch them (if I were dumb enough to try). We were literally standing within 6 feet (about as dumb as I want to be).

Hmmm, the word S T U P I D is censored here, but dumb is not {rolls eyes}

@ Thoreau - I travel with four guns but only one is really affected by California's gun laws; my handgun. The gun itself is not a problem, it is the magazines that hold more than 10-bullets that is illegal in the state. To comply with CA's laws, I remove, disassemble, and lock up the 15-bullet magazines before entering the state. I then lock all the guns in their cases, stored in the rear, and bullets stored and locked separately to comply with CA's laws regarding transporting of a firearm.

My advice, leave CA off your itinerary if you can. Stay in OR or NV and "hop in" to Yosemite and such, from the NV side, on day trips. There is too much crime in this state to go defenseless. I've drawn my gun only twice in my whole life, both times in CA.
Van-Tramp, thanks for explaining the details relating to guns and their transport in CA.

Your advice sounds right for me. I've been carrying for the past 15 years, and I'm inclined to maintain that freedom if at all possible. Most states allow for concealed (and some, even open) carry, and most honor each other's licenses through reciprocity. As you know, CA isn't playing nice in that way.
Thoreau said:
As you know, CA isn't playing nice in that way.

CA doesn't play nice in ALOTTA ways!

A good friend and longtime customer who owns a large trucking company here in Oregon is eliminating CA from his company's haulmap...completely.

I guess, that as of 12/31/13, the laws regarding trucking in CA are changing, and making it nearly impossible for any trucks from outta state, (unless they're brand new and in-step with the new regs) to comply with these new emissions laws. (and Chuck has some seriously nice junk at all!)

Now, I'm all in favor of regulating the serious polluters, but there comes a point where things get outta hand, and you cut off your arm to save your fingers...well, CA is apparently doing just that!
There's gonna be a huge vacuum created by these new regs, and there are going to be an aweful lot of very upset citizens who can't get the stuff they need because their own state government won't lets the trucks into their state to deliver the goods that these folks will want. CA is shooting off it's own foot.

This should be interesting to watch (from afar)....and I for one, am glad I don't hafta live in that state.

(sorry for thread hyjack, but I thought this was an interesting connection.)
I'm a little late to this thread but the pictures are simply amazing! How I envy your travels Van-Tramp, I hope to have the opportunity someday soon to travel as you are.