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highdesertranger said:
thanks Vagabound,  I had a feeling there was a brake issue.  I bet the seller knows about the issues.  highdesertranger

Yeah, I agree.  The way the owner just stared at me when I pointed out a problem and never elaborated after a simple answer made me come to the same conclusion.

Been gone a long time.  Don't know if Phoenix is a vehicle selling scumbag magnet or if every place in the States is like that now.  Craigslist has certainly made things more convenient and increased selection, but it seems to have opened the floodgates for unscrupulous sellers as well.

Good for you passing on something you really wanted...I've made bad buying decisions because I've been too emotionally involved before. Even in the face of negative evidence, I've justified my way around it, even counting the ways I saw fate or God lining everything up just so, and convincing myself it must be the right decision.

Patience always pays in the end, even when we've past the point where it feels like we can't afford to pay for patience ;)
OMG I am so glad you passed on it! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this.

The first 2 pics you posted on page 7, look very carefully at the top of the box at the ceiling right at the front...see how wrinkly the aluminum roof is? It's especially obvious in the first one. It's been hit up there before. The best I can tell from being a keyboard mechanic is that the aluminum trim(which is actually a part of the frame of the box) was probably damaged and replaced and possibly the FRP and corner caps as well because there's a lot of goop around them, they straightened the flat roof panel out and reattached everything as best they could, sealed it up and then painted everything on the outside.

I'm not as concerned with there being a lot of owners as I would be for something else. Many people buy these for a specific project or job and when it's over they pass them off before something expensive happens. However the guy you were dealing with sounds like a self-serving *******. Good move on passing on it.

And yes every state has those kind of sellers now. Craigslist as handy and cheap as it is just attracts them like magnets but that's the internet in general, not just CL.
Brad & Headache,

Excellent observations. Really.

Thanks a bunch,

Only been to Phoenix one time and cannot imagine staying at the Y or Hostel of any sort. I think I would go to the next town. My van pick is the Chevy Horizon. I own a 1993 purchased for under 5 k. That said, Deferred maintenance wax brakes, rotar, tires radiator. I have put over 10k miles on it in just a few months, love it! High top with everything needed.
Hi Lorrie,

I think you might be the first person to comment on my story.  The lack of response to it sort of surprised me and gave me the impression that I should stick to strictly business in the forums. Either that or my one story post was invisible to everyone except me! ;-)  Thanks for disproving that possibility.

You seem to have a nice vehicle.  Glad that's working for you for not a lot of money -- my goal as well.

Oh Vagabound, this caused belly-laughs and a few tears of dismay...isn't there a nuclear test site somewhere near there? That would explain some of this.

I am reading this thread like it's a suspense novel -- I, too, was just considering flying to Phoenix from New England to dodge the rust-buckets available up this way. But I'
m getting discouraged reading your odyssey. I hope the hero wins in this madcap, seat-of-your-pants treasure hunt. You know the old saying, though, at least you'll always have stories.

There has to be a vehicle out there...
Solitary Spell said:
Oh Vagabound, this caused belly-laughs and a few tears of dismay...isn't there a nuclear test site somewhere near there? That would explain some of this.

I am reading this thread like it's a suspense novel -- I, too, was just considering flying to Phoenix from New England to dodge the rust-buckets available up this way. But I'm getting discouraged reading your odyssey. I hope the hero wins in this madcap, seat-of-your-pants treasure hunt. You know the old saying, though, at least you'll always have stories.

There has to be a vehicle out there...

Hey SS,

Glad the story is clicking with someone, providing a little entertainment, etc.  In addition to soliciting help, that is really my goal.  I'm getting advice from different quarters that Phoenix ain't all it's cracked up to be in terms of vehicle availability/selection, etc.  Despite the thousands of cargo vans on the roads here (they're like flies, just everywhere), everyone I talk to acts like they are the rarest find for a vehicle buyer.  It truly is Twilight-Zone bizarre.  It's like walking into a rice factory and asking to buy a bag of rice, and getting shrugs and looks of incomprehension. This shouldn't be a pioneer project, but it feels like one. I should have multiple parking lots filled with used cargo vans to choose from, but everyone swears up and down that such a thing doesn't exist in Phoenix.  That is literally unbelievable.  However, relocating my "shopping hub" would be a nightmare at present because, cost aside ... I don't have a vehicle!  So, I'll stick with it for now.

You said, "I hope the hero wins in this madcap, seat-of-your-pants treasure hunt."  Yeah, me too.  Especially because, behind the scenes, there's a financial clock ticking.  I can't play this game forever.

Investigated a large, longstanding public auction today (online and phone).  No need to go because even they were not selling even one working cargo van.  Name of the place is Sierra Auctions.  They have about 3 auctions a month.  On 11/19, they will have a heavy equipment auction, and that one would include school buses, shuttle buses, and anything that isn't a normal passenger car.  Might go to that one if I'm still here at that time (hope not).

My other backup plan is to just bite the bullet and buy a Chevy Astro.  More of those are available and seem less desirable overall. I've been avoiding them because they are too short, in my opinion.  But start with an Astro, and attach a cargo trailer (I need the hauling capacity and space).  That said, I'm holding out for a while, and will live and breathe Craigslist for a few days to a week to see if that makes a difference.

Thanks for the note of encouragement.

Vagabound, this: It's like walking into a rice factory and asking to buy a bag of rice, and getting shrugs and looks of incomprehension.

Hahahahaha....that says it all. I was thinking about Bob's first (dwelling) vehicle being that random ratty-looking box van he just happened upon in Anchorage of all places. He took it for $1500 because that's all he could do at the moment. Here you are, having done all the research and tracked yourself to Phoenix) which we all thought was a good place to buy a damned van) and ... well, you know. You could do worse than an Astro. I'm partial to those little cutie-pies. If you get one to tide you over, you could probably resell easily. I know in my neck of the woods, they get scooped up pretty quickly if the miles and condition are reasonable. At least you'd have something and could then upgrade as you go. Periodic vehicle changes are inevitable in vandwelling anyway. I know it stings to "settle," but if you think of it as temporary, it might be easier to fork over the money. They'd be cheaper than a box van and you'd get your investment back, at least most of it?

I'll be reading to see what happens! Cheering you on too!

Solitary Spell
Solitary Spell said:

I'll be reading to see what happens! Cheering you on too!


(Signature line) “The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another.”  -- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Thanks.  The saga, as it must, continues ...

Really like that Jiddu.  He had some especially wise things to say.  The philosophical world, at least, was worse off when he went to the great Ganges in the Sky in 1986.  My favorite by him is this one:

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

I was lucky to find my camper van. I cannot image doing the conversion myself. I even added a second fridge for drinks. It runs off 12 volt while driving and I plug it in when I have hook ups. It is so a great backup for when I am not level and fridge stops working.
I keep cool packs in it to help keep cool. 
This also helps not opening main fridge.
Go with what you must but I cannot imagine having to sell on van to buy another while sll your stuff is in it.
Check craigslist for every place you can possibly drive to. 
I must have been really lucky.
You were lucky, Lorrie! At this rate, I'd rather be tasked with finding a cuddly pet grizzly than a good vehicle with a maintenance history, at a fair price. Not to go all "when I was a kid" but when I was a kid, I loved to go with my frugal, wheels-wise dad for every used car he found for himself, mom, and later, me and my siblings. He was a used-car wizard! And we were working with just the newspaper (this was in the 1970s). I think today, most people trade in their used cars for shiny new ones and the cars all end up at auction, to be flipped by shady-seeming dudes on CL who don't know anything about the vehicle or its history.

I would buy an Astro if I could find a good one at a decent price...and today there was one, a 2001. Original owner to whom I spoke on the phone (the phone, imagine!) and he told me he had all the receipts from every maintenance thing he'd done, religious oil changes (this is killing me) and 91K miles. No rust, not driven in the snow. Of course, one of the 100 other people who jumped in line ahead of me will grab that one. Only $2200 asking price, the guy just needs to sell because his kids are all off and grown and they have too many cars. 

You really need to check CL every second of every day to be first in line on the rare occasion this kind of thing pops up. Lorrie, is yours a class B?
Vagabound said:
Really like that Jiddu.  He had some especially wise things to say.  The philosophical world, at least, was worse off when he went to the great Ganges in the Sky in 1986.  My favorite by him is this one:

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

My favorite by him, too. Sadly, I've never been able to source that quote. Misattributed quotations are a pet peeve of mine, no more so then I've strongly identified with one that i myself can't source. Do you perhaps have a source for that quote so I can put my angst to rest?
Richard said:
My favorite by him, too. Sadly, I've never been able to source that quote. Misattributed quotations are a pet peeve of mine, no more so then I've strongly identified with one that i myself can't source. Do you perhaps have a source for that quote so I can put my angst to rest?


I feel similarly regarding quotations ... sort of a hobby of mine.  Loved a quotation by Thomas Jefferson.  Began to suspect the attribution.  Chased it down to the Jefferson Society (or whatever the name is of the people who work out of Montecello).  Turns out, he never said it.

Normally I'm very careful with attribution.  In this case, I've seen it attributed to him many times, but that could just be the same mistake echoing across the Internet.  Unfortunately, no better source.  If you find one, or I do, let's share it.

EDIT: The link provided by Solitary Spell (thanks!) was interesting. Led to an online database of his works. Did a search. Nada. So, I emailed them and asked. If I get a reply, I'll post it here.

Are you looking for anything specific? Right now I have a 1/2 ton I got pretty cheap last year that I can use until I find something I really want. That way I can "practice" with different configurations until I settle on something that works for me(or decide if I want to live in a van at all), get the van I really want and sell this one. I ask because I saw this which I'm assuming is a half ton(they don't say):
Good suggestion in general. I've just recently started to think along those lines as well. So thanks for that.

As far as I can tell, that is a van that I have already inspected. Although it looked pretty good, it belongs to the same people who tried to sell me the rusted-out box truck.

Thanks for the link all the same.

The big font in the last paragraph above was an Android phone typing anomaly. However, it was also appropriate and difficult to fix, so I just left it in.

Vagabound said:
The big font in the last paragraph above was an Android phone typing anomaly. However, it was also appropriate and difficult to fix, so I just left it in.


Vagabound, of course I find the perfect van for YOU while I search for myself:

When will the planets align? If you're interested in this one let me know, it's only 30 minutes from me. I'd be happy to check it out for you with a list of must-have criteria. It might even be more than you wanted at 14 feet length.
any of those last links pan out or am i still looking?