Van Life is Abnormal ?

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Normal is whatever you are .......

Everyone else can pick one of the below responses.

1 Bow to your greatness

2 Hop on the "crazy train" and join in

3 Point and laugh

4 Ignore you and just go away

5 If they don't approve , see #4
Silver said:
95 % of the people I talk
to : Friends Family etc
think I m crazy to want
to live in an RV.

Well I would have to say that to do this life style you must first decide to go for it regardless of what anyone thinks. When I made up my mind to move in my truck and go off the grid I was confused about a lot of things, then I ran into this group and it changed my life. I would have to say that after talking to my family (friends opinion do not matter-to me), they was not with my decision in the beginning, but after I explained it all to them and told them why I was mentally doing it they were all on board as long as I am safe and check in. If you are doing this on the basis of what others think you will never make the move.

I say do what makes you happy. ;)
Sameer said:
I don't see it being abnormal at all.  There are a million people living in various vehicles in the United States.  For those who thought 'old age' was an over 55 mobile home park and their adventures were over it is perfect.  It provides Freedom and Adventure also for those of us on Social Security (that was less than we thought).  It is not a life for everyone, but for those who want true Freedom and Adventure it is perfect!  "I LOVE MY LIFE!"  I also enjoy meeting the people that live like I have been living for the last two and 1/2 years.  They are open, honest, and connected with nature like we were meant to be.  For me it is the most natural way to live.  I cannot imagine life any other way!  To quote a friend..."I have wheel estate".

Love the quote! LOL!

If history has taught us anything, it's that the majority is always wrong.

I love my life too, and if I had listened to... well, pretty much anyone, I wouldn't have lived the life I loved, still do love, and always will love.


I had this big long post that got dumped because of wifi issues at McDs... Can't complain, price is right.
The upshot of my comments were that society in N America doesn't accept or like us because we are "different", we aren't paying property taxes and accumulating "stuff". We are looked at as possible predators, vagrants, thieves, meth cookers or other categories of undesirables because we are different. We thumb our noses at their lifestyle of debt and possessions. We can literally be in another state tomorrow. We (meaning me) mooch free wifi for the price of a .79 coffee and this morning I got 3 free refills...
Cities and towns pass ordinances to prohibit us from sleeping overnight, at the bequest of motel and campground owners. The National Forests and Parks have statutes against us living there, wether it's 1 day or 1000. If the ranger thinks we are "residing" vs. "visiting", he can order us off or cite us.
So are we "abnormal"? To a majority of society we are. We don't think so but what minority ever does?
Would I go back to sticks and bricks (S&B) again? No, not if I can help it.
Hey all, click on "The lady in the van" post in this forum, it's a movie trailer set in England about our lifestyle... Could be any of us actually...
Last comment, Brian & Jesse from above had a reply to a different thread, here's part of it. These two threads should be cross linked somehow...

Quote follows:
"We find that having a nice business card with your picture on it, and maybe a link to a website, if you have one, helps a lot. Tell people you meet who seem curious/suspicious that you're a writer doing research in the area (and keep a travel journal so you're always telling the truth), and then ask the person or people if they know much about the area, and have them give you their opinion on the birds, trees, weather, prices, cost of living, wildlife, social aspects, and recreational activities, ad infinitum - and get them talking to you, which they will. In all the years I've been globetrotting, I've yet to meet *anyone* who wasn't eager to give me their opinion.

A business card legitimizes you as not only an known entity, but a professional. A thousand cards on good, white stock, doesn't cost much, and they'll last you for years if you aren't advertising anything commercial. They're also great to hand to policemen, when you get pulled over, as they can check out your website and see the pictures you post, and the paragraph you write daily. (BLOGS are a great alternative to an actual website. I recommend .) Be SURE to highly praise any city or general area that you plan to park in.

No LEO or other official is going to worry about you when he/she can follow your adventures on the Net. (Do NOT link to any 'living-on-wheels' sites like this one.) Hiding in plain sight is the best way to go in today's world, and you'll find that you'll make friends with many Police Departments, National Park Rangers, and community vendors and other businesses in areas you frequent in your preferred parking/camping locations." Quote ends.

Thanks for great ideas (business cards, blog, travel writer). Anything we can do to deflect the "abnormal" ideas is good. They also "my reality isn't your reality" too but that doesn't come across as well or nicely.