Van-Dweller Lindsey here! :)

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Nov 18, 2011
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Hi everyone!<br>My name is Lindsey and I'm 20 years old. In January I'll begin van dwelling at my college campus! I'm doing this to save, I'll save around 7,000 in room and board costs. I want very badly to get that college degree, but money is tight for me considering I'm pretty much doing everything on my own. My grandparents are kind enough to let me stay with them now, but I feel like a bother. They're retired and we have completely different schedules. I want them to be able to enjoy their retirement in peace and quiet. They've earned it. <br>A good friend of mine turned me onto the idea of van dwelling. We talked about traveling the country in a van after college, but he suggested that I go ahead and do this now! And why not? I need my own place to stay, but I can't afford to pay rent, utilities, and other bills every month AND go to school full-time. A van just seems like the best option.<br>I'm very excited to be doing this. And this website has been so so helpful to me. I've spent hours on here tonight just learning where I should put my bed, how to take a shower, how to travel with pets (and I will be bringing my cat, Sushi). <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> So thank you everyone that has shared information on here. I really appreciate it. <br>I'll keep everyone updated on my progress with this whole deal. I'm also setting up a blog to write about my experiences. I'll post a link to that as soon as it's up!<br>Any tips, words of wisdom, or advice you'd like to share, go ahead! I'm completely new at this and I'll appreciate whatever you have to say!<br>-Lindsey (and Sushi) <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>
Welcome Lindsey and Sushi. This is so exciting you get the picture at such a young age. I look forward to your blog.&nbsp; Mine is at the bottom, under the picture of my travel trailer.<br><b><FONT color=#00ffff size=3>Dragonfly</FONT></b><br>
Welcome, Lindsey!<br><br>You might be surprised at how much your grandparents enjoy having you with them.&nbsp; could be you're their love and light.<br><br>I don't want to discourge you from van dwelling.&nbsp; Just to stay close to your grandparents.&nbsp; <br><br>Looking forward to your journey!<br>
Welcome to the group!

Be careful with the emoticons, though ... We only have so many and when we run out, they're gone. Difficult to replace, too, as they're quick as the dickens, and clever to boot. Makes them near impossible to catch. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Hey Lindsey, &nbsp;I'm in college trying to save money too. &nbsp;I decided this semester to only take online classes through my campus that way I can travel around and still be in school. &nbsp;Just gotta find a starbucks now and again and use their internet and I'm set! &nbsp;That's my plan at least. &nbsp;
Hi, I'm just moving into a camper trailer to not have to work 80 hours a week. If I lived in a van when I was in college I probably would have hgraduated...

Do you have your van yet?

Sometimes I wonder if I should have got a van instead....
Hi Lindsey, my advice to all newbies is to be aware of how little stuff you can fit in a van. Most of us are overwhelmed trying to get rid of enough stuff to fit in such as small space. Better to have too little instead of too much. I've seen lots of people struggle with shuffling stuff around constantly and just get sick of it and quit. Also, organization is terribly important so you can find what you need when you need it. 18 gallon totes from Rubbermaoid or Sterlite really help. Also, plastic drawer units make life much better. Ideally you can make a bed high enough to slide totes in and out to use the space underneath.&nbsp; Feel free to ask questions as you make progress toward your new, wonderful life!! Bob<br>
Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I appreciate the support. I'm not sure how much of that I'll get from my family...I'm sure they will object to this van idea completely. Any ideas for how to break the news to them? <br>I won't have the van until January. I originally wanted to get a really cheap van that didn't work very well. I figured I could afford to buy that kind sooner and I just needed to park it on my campus and leave it. But, since I'll have all online classes, I think I'd rather get a van that still runs well so I can travel some. I probably won't go far (limited budget) but at least I'll have the option. <br>Thanks again for the support <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I've only told a few close friends about doing this and they think it's a great idea. I've only had one person so far tell me I'm absolutely crazy and a "hippie". Oh well!<br>I hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait until I'm replying to you all from the comfort of my own van!<br><br>
You probably shouldn't give out too much info &amp; details on your blog because it will draw way too much attention. It's pretty hard enough for vandwellers to stay stealthy, but you'll be mostly around a single location or inside of it, which is your campus. Not difficult to figure out who you are and security will start cracking down...&nbsp; especially if other students starts copying you. There's a girl who a college student that lives in an eyesore looking, VW Jetta that blogs about everything she does, including all of the hassles she gets from cops and campus authorities.&nbsp; She made a big stink about it challenging the campus rules/regulations, etc.&nbsp; I'm pretty sure she got kicked out from parking on campus overnight. <br><br>IMO, if you want to do it to save money, for the adventure, etc... go right ahead. Just keep it secret. Women get raped all the time on campuses. Imagine if the rapists knew where you're parked....all they have to do next is wait for you to go to sleep. <br><br><br>
....not sure how you're going to take care of your cat while you're in class though. If people see or hear an animal inside a locked vehicle on a hot day, they're going to call 911 and they'll come and break your window and may arrest you for animal cruelty. I think that's a felony in most states. <br>
My classes are all online, so I wouldn't NEED to be away from Sushi for extended periods of time. I have thought about how I would keep him warm/cool based on the temp outside. A good friend of mine has offered to install a temperature regulator inside my van so it always stays comfortable. He spends most of his time sleeping anyway <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I've actually read the blog you're referring to. I really have enjoyed it, but I agree, she should have been more low-key about the whole thing. A lot of people don't understand this lifestyle. They would be happier not knowing! My friend will be staying with me a lot, so I'm not too scared. At least I won't be alone all the time.<br>
Just be careful Lindsey, and trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, trust your instincts. It also sounds like your grandparents won't be too far, so you have a place to go at the last moment if you need to. That's a plus. Try not to be to obvious you're living in the van.&nbsp; The less attention you draw, the better.<br><br>And good luck ...<br>
Just thought I'd throw my " hi and welcome " in there too. I was 17 when I graduated H.s. and moved 1000 miles from home to go to college. I quickly became more interested in girls and" partying" than I did in school, so it did not go well with the parents etc. I did go back and get my degree, and have traveled up and down the east coast a couple dozen times establishing a deep wanderlust ( or a moving target is harder tohit, either way) that I have had to this day. Far more students get alcohol poising than raped, but both warnings are appropriate.I became a drunk for 20 years, now sober for 10. If you decide to travel, be aware and follow your gut, 'cause we all know how well teenagers and young adults heed warnings...<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> For all else, if you have questions, ask here
and one of us more "seasoned"(ahem) travelers will try to answer them. Take care and enjoy the road...
Actually, my 22 year old son is starting to come around to the fact his father is getting smarter with every passing year lol.

The vast majority of victims I deal with - on a daily basis - could have prevented being victimized: there's generally a moment in the timeline where the person realized something wasn't kosher, and could have avoided an umdesireable sequence of events. Most of them even say, "I should have known better," or " something didn't feel right, but..."

If a thief realizes you're living in a van, he might assume you have money or some minor valuables tucked away. A little cash or a credit card for emergencies...

Don't establish predictable patterns or routines in your daily actions.
Probably would want to move the van often as it would stand out if it was in one place all the time. Your spaces for parking will be limited too, based on your class standing as a freshman. You'd probably need to scope out some spots off campus to rotate. Save up money for a decent, white, passenger van, blend in more. If you need more space, maybe a conversion van. They have built-in screen windows that would be a life saver on hot days. A good, running van should be would suck to pay the city's tow &amp; impound fee should they force you to move one night and you couldn't. <br><br><br><br><br><br>

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