UV protective shirt for driving

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2015
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Today I bought one of those moisture-wicking UPF-rated shirts, with long sleeves, to wear as a radiation-blocking garment for those times when I might have to drive for hours and hours. I bought a white one because I figured it would feel cooler and deflect even more UV away from my body. But now I'm thinking, crap, it's WHITE, which means the UV will just bounce right onto my face.....Yeah, I'll be applying sunscreen, but still.....

Maybe go back and buy a black one instead?
IMO, just go back and return the thing!!

I've been driving all over the continent for 50 years now and have never, ever suffered a body sunburn of any kind. Some years I put on 50G worth of miles, all of it in warm weather.

Yes, I've gotten a 'truck drivers' tan' - left arm to the t-shirt line but still!! It evened up the first day in the sun.

Any regular moisture wicking short sleeved t-shirt will work just fine. You'll want short sleeve in the summer and a long sleeve for colder weather. If it's too hot in the van, turn off the heat and/or open a window...if it's too cool, put on a sweatshirt or turn on the heat!

And yes, White is a badddd color to have...not because it will reflect the sun but because you'll never, ever be able to keep it white... :rolleyes:
I started wearing regular long sleeves shirts , I like to keep my skin light its natural color, might get some gloves and just wear them some times , as for shirts all I buy is long sleeve now , no chance of getting caught in the sun and my arm or arms being baked
I went to long sleeve tees year round a couple years ago. I was always wearing gloves, either riding a bike or working with horses and riders.

When I came to the desert in November the sun wasn't strong, and I would wear short sleeved tees in the desert, but I kept the habit of wearing gloves.

I laughed when I saw I that had a light tan from above my wrists to the sleeve line and no where else.
I'm a redhead, so it takes maybe an hour, hour and a half for me to burn inside a vehicle in strong sunlight
I wear regular long sleeved shirts and work gloves if i have to have sunfall on me while driving
otoh, if I'm driving away from the sun, just a t shirt
Next summer I'll probably dress like a shiek.


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Add gloves to that ensemble and I might join ya :D
Where the heck would you even get clothes like that outside hollyweird?
I've never gotten a sun burn through any clothes.  ( I'm pure Irish and red headed).  I don't get sun burns while driving with the windows up either.  Modern window tinting filters UV rays.  To me it seems un-natural to block all sun.  We get vitamin D from sun.

Tulsa Time said:
I've never gotten a sun burn through any clothes.  ( I'm pure Irish and red headed).  I don't get sun burns while driving with the windows up either.  Modern window tinting filters UV rays.  To me it seems un-natural to block all sun.  We get vitamin D from sun.


The police made me take my tint off.
Mayby someday farmers tans will be the in thing.
I like to be all one color LOL
Sheesh, how much driving do you imagine you'll be doing? Hours every day? Because most full-time nomads spend days or weeks in the same spot. If you're worried about exposure to the sun, the bigger issue is just being outside.