urban camo magnets ?

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Hi, I've thought a lot about this and have come to the conclusion that perhaps it might be better to leave a clip board on the dash with some invoices from a stationary store.

This way, I wouldn't draw attention to the van, but if someone was curious about it and took another look, it might draw them away.

BTW, if I did get a knock from the cops, I would be upfront and tell them it is definitly a deception, but not to deceive the police, but rather to deceive crooks.
Sometimes I think a refitted passenger van with blacked out windows would offer the best stealth. It would just look like transportation for a large family. Nothing suspicious, nothing threatening, nothing particularly theft-worthy (unless a thief wants to waste time ripping out obsolete navigation and DVD systems. Tools and equipment are much easier to rip off.)
OK let's see. I have NJ tags, I'm in Arizona, How can I pretend to be a local type business? been there. It is best to fess up. I'm on a cheap vacation. Other wise you are very suspicious. In our life style honesty with the law is the best policy.
I saw a van today with graphics that wouldn't freak out the law abiders and probably wouldn't interest the thieves. It said USED BOOKS.
ccbreder said:
OK let's see. I have NJ tags, I'm in Arizona, How can I pretend to be a local type business? been there. It is best to fess up. I'm on a cheap vacation. Other wise you are very suspicious. In our life style honesty with the law is the best policy.
<br><br>I gotta agree. Out of state plates stand out.&nbsp;<br><br>But if you really want to put a company logo and number on your van I'd go with the fake name and free google/skype number that others have&nbsp;recommended.&nbsp;At least with that you won't be caught in a lie involving real companies.<br><br><br>Security stickers in the corners of the windows. Red blinking led on the dashboard. It might help deter some petty&nbsp;thieves.
<P><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">In the U.S it is certainly different and must be a big problem with out of state plates and signwriting. I suppose your cops and homeland security are a little jumpy. </SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">&nbsp;In Australia the cops or anyone else for that matter don't seem to care if you stealth camp, freecamp or are sleeping at rest areas on the side of a freeway unless your causing a hazard or hassling people.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Even the theives can not be bothered. probably due to a good social security payment system here. I suppose in my case there isn't a resale value for hand tools either.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Personally when I do stop on the side of the road or stop longer at showgrounds in a town if I don't want to be disturbed I'll lay a long chain out from under the truck in a loop with a bowl of water and a dog bone beside it. Never seen anyone game enough to approach yet.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">N.B ....This I consider a good tip for the solo lady travellers</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM></P>
rokguy said:
<em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">if I don't want to be disturbed I'll lay a long chain out from under the truck in a loop with a bowl of water and a dog bone beside it.</span></strong></em>
<br><br>Some kind of badly chewed object like a plastic lawn chair or old cooler might add to the effect.
<STRONG><EM><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Hi mrnoodly,</SPAN></EM></STRONG><BR><STRONG><EM><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Yeh I keep the old chewed dogs bone in a well sealed stinky container. Same effect.</SPAN></EM></STRONG><BR><STRONG><EM><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Cheers&nbsp;</SPAN></EM></STRONG>
I would strongly advise against this for two very important reasons.<br><br>1) It makes your van a target for break ins. &nbsp;People break into work vans and steal tools all of the time.<br><br>2) Putting a logo on it automatically makes your PASSENGER VAN a COMMERCIAL VAN instead. &nbsp;NY has different registrations and license plates for commercial vehicles. &nbsp;Your plates won't match up and this is a huge red flag to patrolling cops who are trained to look for it. &nbsp;Any neighborhood with vigilant neighborhood watch types in it will notice it too and call the cops on you quickly. &nbsp;Plus, some communities have restrictions against parking commercial vehicles on the street overnight. &nbsp;
Have to admit, as I was reading the OP the first thing that came to mind was 'Auntie Em's Yard Cleaning Service- They Poop 'Em, We Scoop 'Em!'&nbsp;<br>Would also work for 'Aunt Maggie's 24 Hour Diaper Service'<br>No thief would get within 100 ft of your van! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img" title="Big Grin - :D">
This is a great thread, and a topic my son and I have talked alot about.<BR>(don't forget...I'm in the sign business, so this hits very close to home)<BR><BR>I love the "Flower&nbsp;Distributers" idea, and the "Bible Connection" for names on your van.<BR><BR><BR>but this idea of having a big dog spoof from Rokguy, with the chain and water dish is OUTSTANDING!!! and you could rig up onea those motion switches that's hooked up to a CD player that has a big dog growling on it.....PERFECT!!! (this was mentioned on another thread)<BR><BR>NOBODY in their right mind would come near you!! <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" title="Thumb - :thumb:" src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif">
Thanks for all the laughs you've all given me with this thread. I won't be using any of these ideas, but the laughs are invaluable.
Must admit i have not read all the posts on this, but......

DON'T DO IT!!!!! For one, you are attracting attention to your van, and ANY attention is bad attention. But if you really want to go through with this, whynot just put on the side a sign saying THIS IS A WORK VEHICLE WITH TOOLS LEFT INSIDE. PLEASE STEAL THEM. You get the idea.

The only thing i wpould ever put on a vehicle would be some low-key signage , professionally painted on, saying it's a church vehicle, complete with thde name of the church and a fake phone number. This is the only thing that might actually keep cops and evildoers off your back. Whose gonna mess w a church bus? Had a friend who had a church van that had the signage left on it. Drove it around for months with expired registration/plkates. Cops and state troopers would follow him for miles on the highway. Later figured out it was a kind of safety escort they were giving. And they never once, obviously, ran or even noticed the plates. Pure....frikkin'.....genius.