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Wow, unless they're like a rich elder fellow, I would be highly, *highly* skeptical. Way to much danger can happen in this type of job.

Now if you wouldn't mind that, sounds like a good opp! :)
Yeah i first seen this in an article from japan, the girls even dressed up in various outfits, go into a little booth thats a big bed and snuggle.
Perhaps the closest thing you can get to prostitution with your clothes on?

It is interesting though, that humans can be so emotionally needy.
I never really enjoyed cuddling until a year ago. Probably because the women I had been with weren't into it. I allowed a homeless gal to move in with me until she could find a stable place to live. She was a major cuddler! She had to have her body against mine at all times and wanted arms and legs involved too. A few months later I stayed with a friend for a few nights and she was the same. Of course, I was good friends with both so feelings were involved. Cuddling with a stranger would be a bit weird. Not that I have the disposable income for it anyway. :)
Gosh! My best girl snuggles with me every night for just two squares a day, a walk and a rub behind the ears! Guess I owe her big time!

This job is incompatible with some dwellers' shower habits.
akrvbob said:
Now that's some good cuddling! And it only costs a little kibble and a few vets trips! :p

Haha. Kibble and some bits!!!
I have heard of people renting out their dog. It'd be nice for people that can't have a dog. Like in a city. I'd be kinda' leery though. Trusting someone with my dog? Hmmm
I know someone who does a pretty good business renting her dogs as jogging partners. The joggers are vetted pretty thoroughly before they're allowed to take a dog. They also leave a sizable deposit.
I always offered to rent out my kids to childless couples that would comment on how "good" they were. No takers.

I get all the cuddling I need from my cat. A $25 bag of food last 3 months with all the mooching he does!
I'm really bony and gristly; probably not my calling. However, if anyone wants to pay my dog to lick their face, that could be accommodated. The cost is $50/hour and comes with a free tube of Chapstick. :p

How much is the insurance to cover you from accusations and lawsuits?