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Jun 18, 2012
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I made a comment yesterday to my coworkers saying I was wanting to go camping by myself. It was not a good response they suggested I get someone to go with me. Or not do it at all. How can I learn to be single and do things on my own if I'm going to be told horror stories or that a woman don't need to do that. It's very upsetting but I'm the type that if u tell me I can't I'm going to end up doing it. Still it was discouraging. What do y'all think?
Your co-workers are telling you what you already know. That being said ANYONE has dangers on the road male or female. Guns or no guns, stay alert and be positive. People skills a very important don't assume.
It's the same sort of response shared to the newly announced pregnant woman. Or some particular medical procedure. &nbsp;People feel the weird need to share the worst horror stories. Then it gets into "my experience was worse than your experience." &nbsp;<br>That said, I agree with Wagoneer. It's really a big dose of "common" sense. Be aware of your surroundings. Your co-workers are projecting their own fears to you. Myself, I'd limit what I share with them about my plans. What is your purpose to telling them? Did you hope for them to say good things? If they didn't, them it's safe to figure that won't change with future discussions. Don't put yourself through it. If you want supportive and unbiased feedback, this site is where you need to be coming!<br>Haha.... if all you said to them was that you wanted to go solo camping and you got this reaction, imagine if you'd shared you want to give up your home and live full time in a vehicle? Oh my, I can see the jaws dropping now!
i agree with wagoneer just be aware of your surroundings i would suggest a pepper spray or stun gun here is a good site i bought mine from www.be-safe-now.com <br>happy travels
That also depends on where you are camping. Are you camping in&nbsp;the middle of the wilderness with hardly anyone else there?&nbsp; If so, more caution may be needed in my opinion.&nbsp; Or are you camping at a camping park where you pay say $30 for an overnight stay, and there are many others camping there including families?&nbsp; If so, that is a very low risk scenario in my opinion.&nbsp;
I camp by myself all the time.&nbsp; Well, my small dog is with me. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp; I try to stay alert and prepared.&nbsp; Other than that, I can only suggest that fear, more than anything else, makes us prisoners.&nbsp; Do you want to be a free woman or a slave to fear?
&nbsp;IMHO, I think a lot of the problems associated with the 'Fortress America' mentality are due to the news media. I don't think it's any more dangerous out there than it was decades ago, it's just that the media reports on EVERYTHING and makes it seem like murderers/rapists lurk around every corner. It's a big pile of kife, and one of the reasons why I don't watch the news. ..Willy.
You're right, Willy!&nbsp; The media just want us to stay home glued to the tube rather than out exploring life.

I feel much safer in a forest alone than somewhere other people hang around. If one is concerned about people originated trouble, stay away from peeps.
I appreciate all the response and y'all are right. I don't think I will be telling anyone about my dream if just mentioning going camping got this reaction. I'm sure once I'm ready for camping or living in van or taking over world that I will be fine. I'm my own self now.
U go gurl !!&nbsp; Sometimes the people closest to you shouldn't know your business.&nbsp; Heck,&nbsp;that's why none of my family or relatives are on my Facebook list, haha! They don't need to know anything!&nbsp;<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
Once again, I'm with Willy.<BR><BR>The media wants to make money, and there's no money to be made reporting on good common things, so they only focus on the bad and terrible things that happen to people around the world. <BR>Look how much focus the government puts on terrorism....they want you to be afraid to leave your house!!! and, (like the good sheep that we are) we listen to 'em!!! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><BR><BR>This is why I don't have or want a TV in my rig!!<BR><BR><BR>Skrew all those jokers!!<BR><BR>I say head on out and have a wonderful tyme!!!<BR><BR>...but don't&nbsp;leave home without&nbsp;your parachute, your raincoat, a hotwater bottle, your fire extinguisher, and your Mommy!
Not quite ready to toss the tube as it doubles as a monitor and a movie is nice on occasion but the news sucks in general
They fear what they will not consider to do themselves. They probably care more than you realize, are not necessarily trying to get into your business. &nbsp;You are lucky to have someone who gives a you know what about you. I wouldn't mention it again. Let them follow your blog about the wonderful things you do and see. I camped alone back in the 70's all the time. I do firmly believe times are much worse though than they were even a few years ago.
&nbsp;Most likely they've never been camping themselves so how can they give you good advice?&nbsp; <br><br>&nbsp;Safety is a subject that comes up a lot on camping forums. I read the answers to see what people say and so far, after reading these types of posts for years, there has never been a case where anyone was actually in danger while camping. My personal experience has been the same. It's pretty safe out there. I've been camping for fifty years, first with my family as a kid and then with my husband. I've also camped with female friends and with my young teenage daughter. We've camped everywhere - public campgrounds, private campgrounds, parking lots and in the middle of the forest. No problems anywhere. Go camping and have a good time! :)
Many people think that camping is were you go to some large site with other people and party.&nbsp; The fact that some one would want to go some where by themselves makes them think that you are some kind of weirdo&lt;g&gt; and should be discouraged.<br>Long live the weirdos!&lt;g&gt;
I would especially watch out for people with wierd names, like Marf, Lark or Scar.&nbsp; Avoid them at all costs.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I have had people tell me that and I was only going hiking! Take a domestic violence and see what is going on in the homes.&nbsp;<br><br>You are more safer in the woods than in a mall in my opinion.<br><br>James AKA Lynx