Bohemian scout said:
What I would like to know is....where are the trouble spots?
First, nobody can predict the weather and road conditions 2 months in advance so anything could happen in January, or nothing at all will happen and it will be smooth sailing all the way!
But I have 37 winter seasons driving a semi thru New Mexico so I have seen what can happen, and been involved in several shutdowns and seen dozens of bad accidents over the years.
Along the southern route I mentioned, the primary trouble spots
during severe winter conditions are:
West of Roswell, climbing up 12-mile hill and dropping off into Hondo Valley and Ruidoso.
Climbing Apache Summit and then descending into Mescalero. (its a snow ski area!)
Climbing Organ Pass (also called San Augustin Pass) between HLSTF/Missile Range Road and Organ NM. Bad weather is rare here, but when it happens, its very bad.
A possible number 4 would be Texas Canyon on I-10 between Benson and Wilcox...again, snow is rare here but I have seen it look like a blizzard!
Not trying to scare you...generally speaking the southern route will be a better bet than blasting down I-40 for 850 miles and hoping the entire route will be snow-free in January.
The problem on I-40 in eastern New Mexico is they dont have frontage roads along most of the eastern half of it, and if someone wipes out on the ice ahead of you, sometimes the wait for the highway to be cleared can be hours...or a day! And there you sit in 14 miles of backed up traffic. Not fun.
Closures on I-40 around Clines Corners (7000ft elevation!) and Sedillo Hill are common. I have seen Moriarty closed many times due to Sedillo Hill and Tijeras Canyon rendered impassable due to collisions and wrecked vehicles. I even have some archived dash-cam video of this!
Then again, the weather could be sunny and 60 degrees its best to wait and see what the weather is the week or so before you depart.
BTW....please bookmark the following website:
When the time nears, you can check road conditions thru New Mexico on a smartphone or laptop and even look at roadside webcams!
_____ << Thumbs-up smilie goes here.