Travel Guitar

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
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Homebase is Pahrump, NV.
I sold my classical guitar today.&nbsp; We're downsizing.&nbsp; It's too big to take on the road.&nbsp; But, I miss it already.&nbsp; <br><br>Actually, I haven't even played that much lately.&nbsp; But, I think I would if I could find a guitar that would&nbsp;be small enough to take in the car&nbsp;when I travel.&nbsp; I'd like to find something that I could simply relax with ...&nbsp;to chord ... to make music around a campfire or before bed.<br><br>Besides small,&nbsp;my travel guitar needs to be sturdy ... something that won't&nbsp;cause me to cringe when I accidently knock it against something.&nbsp; A guitar&nbsp;that's not so expensive that I'll feel ok laying it on a picnic table, or on the grass, or proped up on&nbsp;a camp chair.<br><br>I went to&nbsp;a local guitar store a couple of weeks ago in anticipation of having funds to get a replacement guitar.&nbsp; I checked out 1/2 and 3/4 versions of a traditional accoustic guitar.&nbsp; I liked one of them, but it seemed just as fragil as the guitar I just sold.&nbsp; The other guitar I tried was a Martin backpacker.&nbsp; I liked it too.&nbsp; It was both smaller and sturdier ... very unique looking.<br><br>So, I've been looking on ebay, craigslist, and some online sellers.&nbsp; I see on ebay there are some clones that look very similar to Martin's backpacker.&nbsp; So, here are my questions ...<br><br>Does anyone know how these backpacker clones sound in comparison to the Martin backpacker (steel string)?<br><br>Is there another type of small accoustic guitar that is just as sturdy or sturdier than the backpacker that I may have missed?<br><br>Thanks for any help or leads you might have.<br><br>Suanne<br>
I've tried out the clones and to be perfectly frank, not a single one is really worth getting. The Martin really is the best for quality and the price. Also you wouldn't have to go steel string (unless you want to) since they sell a nylon string version of the backpacker.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div><a href=";ZYXSEM=0&amp;CAWELAID=31205393" target="_blank">;ZYXSEM=0&amp;CAWELAID=31205393</a></div><div><br></div><div>I have too many guitars to bring with me unfortunately and taken my most valued or valuable ones to my sister's for safe storage while selling or giving away the rest. There's no way I'm giving up playing so I downsized to the ukulele instead. I've got both a tenor and soprano uek, which travel very well. If you're looking for alternatives.</div><div><br></div><div>Steve</div>
<div>i had never fully recovered from "tiptoe thru the tulips", and couldn't run fast enough from a uke. my business partner showed up with one at the farmers market last week, and i am smitten.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div>
sl1966 said:
<div>I have too many guitars to bring with me unfortunately and taken my most valued or valuable ones to my sister's for safe storage while selling or giving away the rest. There's no way I'm giving up playing so I downsized to the ukulele instead. I've got both a tenor and soprano uek, which travel very well. If you're looking for alternatives.</div><div><br></div><div>Steve</div>
sl1966 said:
I've tried out the clones and to be perfectly frank, not a single one is really worth getting.
</P>Thanks Steve.&nbsp; I was afraid that'd be the case.&nbsp; But, had to ask to be sure.&nbsp; <br><br>Suanne<br>
twokniveskatie said:
taylor makes a nice baby guitar.
</P>I think the other guitar I played and liked, besides the backpacker, was a Taylor 3/4.&nbsp; It was nice.&nbsp; But, looking for something sturdier.&nbsp; Thanks much for the lead tho'.<br><br>Suanne<br>
twokniveskatie said:
i had never fully recovered from "tiptoe thru the tulips", and couldn't run fast enough from a uke. my business partner showed up with one at the farmers market last week, and i am smitten.&nbsp;
<div><br></div><div>Oh man I remember seeing him make is circuit of TV shows when I was a kid. I stayed away from it for the same reasons. However I had a bunch of friends from Hawaii completely change my mind about it a few years back.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Then, then I discovered these guys ...&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a></div><div><br></div>
Suanne said:
twokniveskatie said:
taylor makes a nice baby guitar.
</p>I think the other guitar I played and liked, besides the backpacker, was a Taylor 3/4.&nbsp; It was nice.&nbsp; But, looking for something sturdier.&nbsp; Thanks much for the lead tho'.<br><br>Suanne<br>
<div><br></div><div>My Nephew had a Taylor Travel guitar that was incredibly sturdy and sounded really good given it was made of various composite and veneer type materials. It didn't sound any worse than many average full sized acoustics. The good things about it beyond the size and price (around $300 I believe) was the environments it could handle. The material didn't have the same worries of keeping humidity and temp monitored. If you left it in a hot car, not such a big deal etc. Felt very sturdy too.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I probably should go that route too, but I am too addicted to my full size and continue to drag it and it's monstrous hard case around with me everywhere <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div><div>That and we still consider Taj our full time home even though we are parked here at Dad's ranch so much nowdays. All of our "stuff" still has to fit so unless I plan on only playing a travel guitar, the Breedlove stays!</div><div><br></div><div>I did however downsize something guitar related lately that is maybe worth mentioning. I got rid of my typical guitar stand (average metal variety) and bought a nice folding cooperstand that actually is small enough to fit in the case when not deployed. It was a nice and effective upgrade! BTW, if anyone considers that option, get it from Sweetwater since they have it the cheapest and no shipping. Also, they are the only place that had them in stock.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><a href=";zmas=1&amp;zmac=1&amp;zmap=cooperstdpg" target="_blank">;zmas=1&amp;zmac=1&amp;zmap=cooperstdpg</a></div><div><br></div><div>Nope, I don't have any financial interest or gain from that reference <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div>
VanTramp said:
<BR><DIV>My Nephew had a Taylor Travel guitar that was incredibly sturdy and sounded really good given it was made of various composite and veneer type materials. It didn't sound any worse than many average full sized acoustics. The good things about it beyond the size and price (around $300 I believe) was the environments it could handle. The material didn't have the same worries of keeping humidity and temp monitored. If you left it in a hot car, not such a big deal etc. Felt very sturdy too. ...<BR></DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>cooperstand <A href=";zmas=1&amp;zmac=1&amp;zmap=cooperstdpg" target=_blank target=_blank>;zmas=1&amp;zmac=1&amp;zmap=cooperstdpg</A></DIV>
<BR>A&nbsp;Taylor definately sounds like it's worth a 2nd look.&nbsp; I'm going to call the guitar store to see if that is, indeed, what I tried out the other day.&nbsp; <br><br><b>Update</b>: I called and yes, it was a Baby Taylor that I tried out.&nbsp; Hmmm, maybe I'll have to go back and do a strict side-by-side comparison with the Martin Backpacker.<br><br>Also, thanks for that lead on the small cooperstand ... will check it out.<BR><br>You are always full of such good info Mike.<BR><BR>Much appreciation, Suanne<br>
Thanks for that Suanne! I hope so!&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I am really curious to hear what you end up doing <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> If I had known about your mad guitar skillz, I would have pestered you to entertain us when we were all at Mom's LOL!</div>
Suanne said:
<b>Update</b>: I called and yes, it was a Baby Taylor that I tried out.&nbsp; Hmmm, maybe I'll have to go back and do a strict side-by-side comparison with the Martin Backpacker
<div><br></div><div>With the backpacker being a get-by-with type instrument I'm thinking the baby will probably sound better.&nbsp;I'm interested in hearing what you think once you do the side by side.</div><div><br></div>
VanTramp said:
If I had known about your mad guitar skillz, I would have pestered you to entertain us
</P>"mad skillz" ... Not<br><br>I chord, that's&nbsp;it.&nbsp; And I haven't really practiced in almost forever.<br><br>I loved hearing you play in the background while at your Mom's.&nbsp; Maybe we'll bring the guitars out next time we get together.&nbsp; Hopefully after I get my&nbsp;callouses back :)<br><br>Suanne<br>
twokniveskatie said:
Suanne is quite the singer. she played for us at Pahrump.
</P>I sure enjoyed my time in Pahrump with you all last year ... that was my first VanDweller get together.<br><br>And it was nice of you&nbsp;to let me play around on your guitar.&nbsp; Also, you are way too kind to even consider me a "singer" as I struggled to remember words and sing on key.&nbsp; It's a good memory tho'.<br><br>Hopefully I'll be practiced enough to bring a guitar to Quartszite in January.<br><br>Suanne<br>
Suanne! got my guitar fixed at a friends music store today, and he told me these guitars are hands-down better sounding than the martin backpacker, and are less costly. there are a couple versions, and different prices.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div><div><br></div><div>mine sounds sweet now. he replaced the neck bolt that fell out, filed down the saddle, adjusted the neck, cleaned it all up and put new strings on for me. she is lovely :)</div>
twokniveskatie said:
Suanne! got my guitar fixed at a friends music store today<BR><DIV><A href="" target=_blank target=_blank></A>&nbsp;... she is lovely :)
</DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Nice!&nbsp; </DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>I haven't gone back to the guitar store again ... now, I'll have to call to see if they are a johnson traveling guitar.</DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Thanks</DIV>
VanTramp said:
I am really curious to hear what you end up doing
</P>After giving it some thought, I decided to go with a Martin Backpacker guitar instead of a Taylor or Johnson.&nbsp; I know myself too well ... I need something as sturdy as possible to survive the knocking around it'll get while traveling.&nbsp; And the Martin Backpacker, although more ukulele sounding than then other two, is sturdier and will be more than adequate for my needs.<BR><BR>I found a pretty sweet deal on a used steel string backpacker yesterday; and&nbsp;took a nice drive to pick it up.&nbsp; So, now I just need to be disciplined enough to practice consistently.&nbsp; I'm even thinking of rearranging how I keep&nbsp;the gear in&nbsp;my car so that I will be able to play from the front passenger seat.<BR><BR>Suanne ... glad to have a guitar again ...<BR>
Suanne said:
<p>After giving it some thought, I decided to go with a Martin Backpacker guitar instead of a Taylor or Johnson.&nbsp; I know myself too well ... I need something as sturdy as possible to survive the knocking around it'll get while traveling.&nbsp; And the Martin Backpacker, although more ukulele sounding than then other two, is sturdier and will be more than adequate for my needs.</p><br>I found a pretty sweet deal on a used steel string backpacker yesterday; and&nbsp;took a nice drive to pick it up.&nbsp; So, now I just need to be disciplined enough to practice consistently.&nbsp; I'm even thinking of rearranging how I keep&nbsp;the gear in&nbsp;my car so that I will be able to play from the front passenger seat.<br><br>Suanne ... glad to have a guitar again ...<br>
<div><br></div><div>Congrats! I don't know if you record or not, but we once used a dean markley acoustic pickup and it sounded great. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Uke's aren't bad at all and I've heard some phenomenal stuff done with them. I'll bring my tenor Uke to RTR II so you can hear and play it some.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div>