After more research and deliberation, this is where I'm headed:
I'll likely go for another Prius because it gets the highest MPG and remains big enough for me. I will be putting on lots of miles in the next 2 or more years. Many of those miles will be traversing Canada where fuel prices are high. Although I still won't be able to get onto some back roads, I do pretty good in my current Prius, and I'd expect that same level of risk to continue.
I won't be getting a van or trailer to store the stuff I've accumulated. Either would depreciate and deteriorate while being stored as I travel in the Prius. And, conversely, if I got a van, the Prius would depreciate and deteriorate while it's being stored. Plus, I'd have the extra cost of insurance and maintenance for a 2nd vehicle.
I won't be getting a storage unit for the stuff I've accumulated. After two years of storage fees, I'll have spent enough to replace those items I'll eventually need when I move into a van.
Next month I'll be selling the items I've accumulated (12v fridge, 12v swamp cooler, 3.5" camping pad, marine carpeting, dutch ovens, plastic drawers/bins, kayaking gear, etc.) I'll probably be listing them here and in the Seattle-area Craigslist. Or, if you're looking for a bargain right now on something, PM me. Buyers can pick up in Fall City (30 miles east of Seattle, off of I-90), or I can deliver to that small gathering in Tillamook, OR next month

Many thanks for all of the feedback. You all really made me re-think my options.
Suanne ... currently in Nevada, headed to Washington