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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
Reaction score
Yesterday on the 'Humor' thread a member, Qdini, made a comment I responded to about Gurkhas, a Military that serves with honor and distinction. His comment was simply a picture of a Gurkha and my reply and link was to the story behind the Gentleman in the picture.

The story was 'Badass of the Week' and the account of how he earned Englands second highest award for bravery but told by a military guy and using strong language, but what the man did was amazing. 

Someone deleted Qdini's comment and left mine hanging out in the breeze. There were four pictures, not one offensive but yet it got yanked. Anyone explain why, or are we not to ask?

I usually understand why posts get deleted but this is a new one to me. I know I am not owed an explanation but I would damn sure like one. 

I've bit my tongue and not responded to several snarky comments that have been allowed lately, I don't like to play Keyboard Kommando with tough guys, scares me.

So if it wouldn't be too much trouble, perhaps you could tell why Qdinis post was deleted so I can avoid offending the delicate sensibilities of someone. 

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Gunny said:
Yesterday on the 'Humor' thread a member, Qdini, made a comment I responded to about Gurkhas, a Military that serves with honor and distinction. His comment was simply a picture of a Gurkha and my reply and link was to the story behind the Gentleman in the picture.


So if it wouldn't be too much trouble, perhaps you could tell why Qdinis post was deleted so I can avoid offending the delicate sensibilities of someone.

Hey Rob, while I'm obviously not a mod here either, I too am curious about this? I read that post and saw absolutely zero that should offend anybody?
Rob, I read the post. Thanks for posting that it was an exciting and awesome story. I didn't know about the Gurkhas.

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Let's be clear:

1) This is NOT a democracy.
2) There is censorship here.
3) This is a take-it-or-leave-it forum.

Having said that I want you to understand that no matter how sure you are there is no reason for a post to be deleted, that's just your personal bias, it's very likely there is a reason.

Your personal pro-gun bias convinces you that this graphic is perfectly okay, but you are wrong. This is a political poster and half the members of the forum totally disagree with it and will be glad to tell you why. If I let you make your pro-gun argument, I have to let them make their anti-gun argument--next, we have a big fight over guns.

I personally agree with this poster, but I'm not allowed the luxury of getting what I want, I have to think of what's good for the forum. This post is bad for the forum.

I don't know why this is so hard to understand; we don't allow politics here and gun control is pure politics.

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