Tips on breaking up dog fights or aggressive dogs coming toward my dog.

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After have a couple of encounters hiking where a unleashed aggressive dog charged us (owner was not able to command the dog back to them) I have started carrying pepper spray but have not used it yet.

I actually called the local police last time and asked them what I should do.  They said next time carry a gun and shoot it!  Seems a bit extreme, but that is what the po po suggested.
Johnny B
Thanks for jogging our collective memory !
IGBT said:
After have a couple of encounters hiking where a unleashed aggressive dog charged us (owner was not able to command the dog back to them) I have started carrying pepper spray but have not used it yet.

I actually called the local police last time and asked them what I should do.  They said next time carry a gun and shoot it!  Seems a bit extreme, but that is what the po po suggested.

I think you'll find this is the response of most police officers as that's likely what they'd do if on scene.  Not many people are experienced in handling and deescalating a vicious dog and even less are willing as getting in between two dogs going at it can cause serious bodily harm.
gsfish said:
 and had two hound dogs named Jake and Elwood (wonder how he came up with that?).

That's pure genius.  If i ever get another dog,  my current dog is getting his name changed and the other one is getting named Jake or Elwood!
You would think that a well trained dog would never do such a thing .
I used to have a Dalmatian that I trained to be super mellow to help kids that were afraid of dogs and she was great for that , she wouldn't even bark!
One day I was in my home town at the grocery and left her in the truck.
My mom , who dog sat her when I was on a tour I couldn't take her with me , saw the truck and went up to say hi to her little girl and the dog went bat shit on her. Glad the door was locked ! So you never know ................
After that I trained her to use her hidden powers with a verbal command and mom always felt super safe walking her ...

I have a friend in Knoxville that has a one eyed Boston Terrier named Elwood.
I guess they would be better names for Blue Tic Hounds especially if they were brothers ...............................
anks so much. I am taking these suggestions very seriously and making a plan that starts with the least intervention, avoid, train mine, watch my energy then noise, pepper spray, then haven't decided. I have decided I probably would physically intervene. I couldn't watch her get torn apart, I owe her my life on so many levels. I am going to visualize and practice my plan so I don't have to think if itt happens, thanks so much on this sad subject, except for the beer antidote!
Snow Gypsy:  "... the new one and the prongs, that should be able to penetrate through the hair coat."

I've never even seen one!  Even with the new one, do you have to hit them at a direct right angle  >>|  for penetration?  What happens if you hit a dog that is wearing a thick, flat short coat at an angle?  >>/   
Will it slide off without shocking?
Keep in mind that the pits we encountered were aggressively trying to attack my dogs who were just standing there the entire time, there was no fight.   2 of the sharp prongs are on the end of the barrel, they are incredibly sharp,  I have accidentally poked myself.  There are also protruding hot spots on both side of the barrel and one on the outside of the handle grip.  The whole thing is rubbery and one has a good grip.  The barrel expands 6.5 inches out from the handle.  I will be firing it and hitting the offending dog(s) in the face as hard as I possibly can.  I believe this will be effective.  I have no concern about what happens to the offending dog.  In the last case, the owners were in the yard arguing about how the dogs got out, one young girl finally came to the street to retrieve them.

I wanted to carry one of those huge knives like Crocodile Dundee but the city has a limit of 4" blade.  The last city suggested carrying a "whistle", yeah, they needed to actually be there before making such a suggestion.

None of the dogs I ever had engaged in fights.  Not sure why.  I guess they see me as their protector and think I will take care of it.  It's probably better that way.
Dogs that instigate a fight rule their owner not the owner rules them.
You have to establish yourself as the pack leader.
Why/how ,,,,,needs it's own thread.
"If there is a handler for each dog, both should grab a dog by it's back hocks and start backing away from the fight with the dog being held like a wheelbarrow. Weave back and forth ~~~~~ and try to get the dogs separated by a barrier. This doesn't usually work with just one dog; the original victim dog (even a Chihuahua) will attack the attack dog if he is being backed away."
I will say it again.
NEVER get your hands near dogs fighting. NEVER EVER EVER.
If they are attacking your pal or family that's one thing, but I'm not losing anymore fingers to a dog.
All of the above advice other than this is sound. I've worked with dogs my entire life, nearly 40 years. I am sick of the "breed demonizing". I've been bit more by little tappers than any other dog. I worked at a pit ill rescue and kept 4 of them myself, never a problem.
Everyday I ride my little scooter to get my mail and go spend some time with my RV. It's actually a rare day when some little Yip-yip dog does not give chase. They have banned bigger breeds here. I dn't whack 'em or kick at them, just slow down so I don't run over them. And you are correct, small breeds account for more bites than any other breed. But no deaths of humans. None.

All I can say is control your dog on a short leash, and don't let them run loose. Rob
I have an attitude and a Great Dane.

The struggle is real.
IGBT said:
After have a couple of encounters hiking where a unleashed aggressive dog charged us (owner was not able to command the dog back to them) I have started carrying pepper spray but have not used it yet.

I actually called the local police last time and asked them what I should do.  They said next time carry a gun and shoot it!  Seems a bit extreme, but that is what the po po suggested.
Did he say which one to shoot? :angel:

Gunny said:
Everyday I ride my little scooter to get my mail and go spend some time with my RV. It's actually a rare day when some little Yip-yip dog does not give chase. They have banned bigger breeds here. I dn't whack 'em or kick at them, just slow down so I don't run over them. And you are correct, small breeds account for more bites than any other breed. But no deaths of humans. None.

All I can say is control your dog on a short leash, and don't let them run loose. Rob

I was chased on a dirt bike in sand it was scary

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rvpopeye said:
Dogs that instigate a fight rule their owner not the owner rules them.
You have to establish yourself as the pack leader.
Why/how ,,,,,needs it's own thread.

If I start a thread on tips to be the leader I hope u respond, this is my first dog

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bLEEp: "NEVER get your hands near dogs fighting. NEVER EVER EVER."

I've never seen a dog yet that has teeth on his back legs.

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