Tips on breaking up dog fights or aggressive dogs coming toward my dog.

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2016
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Working hard to train my dog, she is not used to cities, elevators ect, will be in woods most times. Need to be in hotel because of daughter and heat. Keeping her on short leash, having her sit. Training when we are both relaxed. One dog was off leash and ran up, owner got her. I'd rather she not have to sit in hotel room.


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I carry a stout walking stick and am not afraid to use it on an uncontrolled aggressive dog.  My dog goes Cujo when an unknown dog approaches and he is tethered (one hand to control my dog and the other to beat on the aggressor).

Carry bear spray (and the walking stick) when in the wild.

 -- Spiff
A collapsible steel billy club from any police supply store. Had a Pit come after me on my damn mobility scooter, one REALLY hard whack to his skull and end of conflict.
Excellent choice, Gunny. A large muscular pissed off dog would probably just take a ball bat away from me, but it's hard to argue with a telescoping steel baton.
Gunny said:
A collapsible steel billy club from any police supply store. Had a Pit come after me on my damn mobility scooter, one REALLY hard whack to his skull and end of conflict.

Carefull with this one. In some places it is considered an illegal weapon. The owner of the aggressive dog would get a ticket. You and your dog would go to jail. It comes under the same category as switchblades, brass knuckles, numb chucks etc.
Dog did not survive the encounter, I was on apt complex property and cops said not one word.
DannyB1954 said:
Carefull with this one. In some places it is considered an illegal weapon. 

That's why I carry and use a walking stick (call it a cane if you want).  Nobody will challenge you with that; especially if you are older.

 -- Spiff
I've already trained my dog to ignore dogs that come up running and barking in his face with the "leave it" command. However, if one ever bites him I'm letting the leash go and letting him solve the problem. Nothing worse than owners who don't or even worse.....can't control their dogs.

As far as Gunny's story is concerned, i'd be less worried about the legality of the baton and more about my safety. I don't know many cops that are going to side with an aggressive dog and it's owner over a citizen defending himself with an illegal baton. And if they do, I'd rather be defending the charges with my injury free body than defending them with a body mangled & maimed in a dog fight.

Charges for illegal weapons are usually add on you're caught selling drugs and they find an illegal baton when patting you down.....they tack the charge on to the drug charges. Using an illegal weapon to save your life is an entirely different ball game. If the cop doesn't see it your way, you still have another chance the judge will.
I'll explain a bit further; there had been a few dog attacks in this complex by unleashed dogs. There are also many young children running around. I could have taken one of my pistols and been well withing my rights to kill the animal, but with kids and other people in and around the walkways (what I drive my scooter on), I considered it safer for all concerned to submit the dog. I did not set out to kill it but unfortunately it died instantly.

I didn't even know it was illegal until I verified Danny1954's post. Sure as hell is. Can ya'll help with bail?
Thanks u guys, she is amazing two days of training we are sneaking by everyone of them. Won't solve one coming right after us but will prevent alot!
I've NEVER had a dog attack me.
I feel it, at least somewhat has to do with your attitude. Dogs sense things we do not.
As far as how to break a dog fight:
1. NEVER put your hands within reach of either animal, your own best freind will bite you under duress.
2. Try to remain calm, normally this is an ego thing, most dogs are not killers.
3. Carry that stick. Clacker sticks work well also. Your dog wants to please it's master, if it senses fear it will defend......
I had a Zap knuckle blaster stun gun when two pitbulls rushed my two dogs on leashes. My dogs didn't react and the pit bulls continued to bite at my dogs trying to get their necks. I got the stun gun close enough to redirect them again and again and my dogs were both wearing metal pronged collars so the pits couldn't get a hold on them. I now have a larger stun gun with prongs and 4 hot spots. Usually just the static sound when fired will make most dogs run.

I had a walking stick once when just walking one of the dogs and a Siberian Husky decided to run from its yard and try to attack my dog. The dog moved so fast that I couldn't do anything with the walking stick. Luckily the owner came out.

I had a conversation with the Animal Control Officer a couple of months ago and he suggests that steel stick thing being talked about above. He said they will just keep biting at the stick. I'm sticking with the stun gun and the only thing that matters is protecting my dogs, anything else can be dealt with later. Stun guns are not legal everywhere but are legal here. We have a lot of dog bites here. Can't wait to be out of here!
If a dog charges my dog I will interpose myself, as he would if a human charged me
if it attacks, well, me and my dog vs another dog, and I care not a bit for the other dog's welfare
the boom stick is a great idea though, and pepper spray works on dogs
The advantage of pepper spray is that dogs REMEMBER it.

Don't stun guns work best on bare skin?  Unless you're attacked by a Mexican Hairless, how effective will it be on an "insulated" dog?

If you use an illegal weapon on an attacking dog, remember to call the cops yourself.  To the police, the first caller is the victim and the other one is the perp.  It doesn't have to be true, it's just how it is.

If there is a handler for each dog, both should grab a dog by it's back hocks and start backing away from the fight with the dog being held like a wheelbarrow.  Weave back and forth ~~~~~ and try to get the dogs separated by a barrier.  This doesn't usually work with just one dog; the original victim dog (even a Chihuahua) will attack the attack dog if he is being backed away.
Dogs have hearing which is far beyond our range and sensitivity, so sound that they are not prepared for can be highly effective in interrupting their chain of focus-thought, postal carriers often carry one or more of the suggestions I listed.

The compressed air horn canisters that boaters use for signaling are quite effective.

For reference;

Or one of these; Electronic Handheld Dog Repellent

For reference;

Or one of these,Fox-Sonik-Blast-CMG-Whistle

For reference;

Also any of these items are 100% legal to carry, if this might be a concern.
The stun gun provided enough of a charge to make the dogs stop, look at me but then continue. I wasn't getting that close as they were moving fast and each time, I knew I was risking getting bitten or my arm chewed off! I was just happy to know that I would not freeze when presented with danger. The new one has sharp prongs and a long barrel.

One million volts can give a buzz, with the new one and the prongs, that should be able to penetrate through the hair coat.
Wow! Two pages and no one brought up the South African 'wet thumb butt plug' method.   :p :p

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