Time to go, thank you for the time.

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It has become too dangerous out here in the wild, someone has tried to set my rig on fire, my satellite antenna has been shot at and my gas tank has been unsuccessfully broken into, I'm done.
Rough neighborhood, there are still a few places to hide pretty much from all that. Where will you go to? Safety in numbers you know.
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Sounds like you experienced an above average number off being in the wrong place at the wrong time situations!

Best wishes on happier and safer times for your next phase of life’s journeys.
Sorry about your bad experiences VonBrown. Any clues on who the perps are? I too would like to know where this is happening!
We generally travel with our long-term caravan chums.
Although we might appear to be a disorganized horde of half-nekkid hippies, we are ex-military and ex-LawEnforcementOfficials... and we rehearse and train for intruders.
We are always heeled.
We tend to scare punks away (hard to say, perhaps it is our collection of heads on pikes and waiting nooses).
Of course, we acknowledge that merely shifts their target to somebody projecting less of a 'sustainable' lifestyle.
Sacramento, California.
About 2018 or so.
We camped in our ExpeditionVehicle near the Freightliner dealer.
Middle of the night, a couple punks opened our fuel tank.
With two of us covering them with noise-makers, I quietly said "Don't do that...".
Last I heard, they are still running.
Rumor has it, they turned their lives around and became productive citizens [sarc].
Vonbrown seems to me like a guy who has said his goodbye and meant his goodbye to be his last words on the subject and is not hanging around the forum to discuss his decision with any of us.

I could of course be wrong but he is a pretty strong personality who fits that type of behavior.
Vonbrown seems to me like a guy who has said his goodbye and meant his goodbye to be his last words on the subject and is not hanging around the forum to discuss his decision with any of us.

I could of course be wrong but he is a pretty strong personality who fits that type of behavior.
True. But it might help others avoid some of this to post details on location and circumstances. I'll try to remember this and post such info when or if the same happens to me.
^^ read some of his earlier postings.
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