The Violent Cop Knock

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S.J.<br /><br /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
It might not be a bad idea to keep package of donuts handy. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
I know it might sound cynical, but a jesus fish on the back of your van and a bible in the van in a conspicuous spot will probably deter a lot of the type of people who would try to roust you.<br><br>They don't want to mess with their own.&nbsp;
2013_Year_of_the_Van said:
I know it might sound cynical, but a jesus fish on the back of your van and a bible in the van in a conspicuous spot will probably deter a lot of the type of people who would try to roust you.<br><br>They don't want to mess with their own.&nbsp;
<br><br>Great idea. Place a bookmark on a significant passage about traveling. Mention you are studying Jesus wilderness pilgrimage. Cop will run the other way and not want to be preached at.<br><br>
re #23&nbsp; <IMG class=bbc_img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" rel="lightbox">&nbsp; good idea.
I like #23 idea too! I have magnets that I now put on my van or car that say <br><br>Search and Rescue K9<br>Training and Evaluations<br><br>Please call <br>and my number<br><br>Sidenote:<br>My ACD has passed her CGC and Agility test, now it's about finder her a handler that can handle her... This may be my&nbsp;voluntary&nbsp;vocation, I could take the crazy hyper dogs out of shelters and train them.... for whatever task they could do... EVERY dog can do something....
Time to chime in with my 'stupid' experience...I have mentioned it on another thread but will here too...<br><br>I was in Texas and very tired. I pulled into a small truck stop and asked the clerks if I could sleep out in the lot and they told me sure....<br><br>Middle of the night I am sound asleep as is my little pooch, And we get the knock..loud along with "Police, open the door!" or similar...dunno was still asleep. My dog was too surprised to go off on him like she usually does...<br><br>Now, here is the bad part....even though I am an experienced vehicle dweller, I was woken from a dead sleep and it takes me a few minutes to get my brain in gear....I was extremely surprised though since I had been given permission and I went ahead and opened the door without even looking...what a foolish thing to do! As it turned out it was an officer and he was checking on my ID because as he said, the shift had changed and no one told the new girls about me...the truckstop was out in the middle of nowhere, with two young girls running it and he worried about them. He was very polite and all but it was hard to get back to sleep even once the adrenaline slowed down...<br><br>I got a cheap lesson and won't let that happen again with out shining a light out on them if it is dark so I can see their ID and uniform, etc.<br><br>Bri
The best thing to do is park somewhere that overnight parking is legal and if someone comes knocking, just ignore them and eventually they will get bored and go away.&nbsp; If they can't prove there's anyone sleeping in there, and there's no sign saying you can't park there, then there's nothing that they can do.&nbsp; <br><br>Not to mention, sleeping in a vehicle is a misdemeanor akin to jaywalking.&nbsp; It's not a criminal offense worthy of a cop's time.
I'd be worried about a cop who suspects you are in there&nbsp; getting mad you won't answer and smashing a window.&nbsp; To assist you in case you may be in danger, of course.&nbsp; If it isn't a cop tho, I agree with waiting them out, tho i would probably just move on cause trouble is probably coming.<br><br>Thats one thing i love about my crappy minivan, no one even suspects im in there sleeping.&nbsp;
Has anyone on here actually had these nightmare cop run-ins where something actually went wrong?&nbsp; Not just where they had a relatively benign conversation with a cop and then over-analyzed it after the fact and imagined that they had just narrowly avoided a Deliverance-type ordeal, but something where the cop ACTUALLY arrested them or otherwise persecuted them without good reason.<br><br>I just can't imagine too many cops (at least not this side of the border) running around in the night persecuting van dwellers.&nbsp; I work at night and since I got into the whole van-dwelling thing, I've started actively trying to spot van-dwellers and I've found a few (some of them seem to be set up more or less permanently) but never seen them having any type of interaction with the cops.<br><br>Edit:&nbsp; There's the one story in 'talked to a city cop' but that sounds like a BS story to me (especially the part about the cops taking a police helicopter out of state to go gambling...)<br><br>Most of the stories seem to be more along the lines of 'a cop wanted to see if I was in need of assistance, so I flipped out on him' or 'a cop wanted to know if I was in need of assistance, so I told him I wasn't and he left me alone.'
Years ago, I was in a rental car on Marathon Key, mid afternoon, when fatigue suddenly enveloped me.&nbsp; I pulled into a supermarket parking lot, and parked up near the back, well away from the store.&nbsp; It was a very hot day in August, there was no shade to be found, so I left the engine and A/C running.&nbsp; Put the driver's seat back, pillow under my head I went to sleep.<br><br>I do not know how much later it was when there was a rap on the window.&nbsp; Startled, I sat bolt upright and opened the window.&nbsp;&nbsp; There was not only a police man, but an ambulance, paramadics and several shoppers who had called 911.&nbsp; Once I told them why I had done what I had, and assured them I was fine, they all left.<br><br>Most embarrasing!<br><br>Lifey
I think most of the bad cop experiences are harassment and citation more than physical abuse.&nbsp;&nbsp; Abuse of power and discriminatory enforcement is nearly as bad though, you feel powerless and victimized by the people who are supposed to protect you from it.&nbsp;

About two hours ago at the Mount Dora, Wal Mart. I will give the exact location, as I will no longer be using that location and suggest not taking up residence, unless needed. At about 4 something in the AM, in a deep sleep. I get a tapping on my rear window, turn over to be blinded by a mag light. Female voice asked me some questions, but I'm half asleep and blinded. Ask her to please move the light and how was her day? Trying to be nice and smiled, as I just assumed it was cop (can't see due to blinding light, glasses on dash, and headlights blinding through the windshield. So she moves the light and said she's doing good, then asks what am I doing here and for ID. I did not want to lie, seeing as my license is from Clearwater (not far away) and registration is from Orlando. So I told her doing what I can to survive, I have an interview in the morning, in Leesburg; wish me luck! At this point she started to seem more worried and ask me to get my license and she went to the back to run my plates. She ran my plates and my license, clean. She of course ask if I had no where to go. If I had drug/alcohol problems (I hate that people assume this). When I answered her qeastions, she asked the dreaded qeastion I hate most,"Why are you homeless?" I did not answer, because I do not feel homeless. While I never thought I would be sleeping in a car, I always found "creative" lifestyles interesting and "smart" (especially for a college student). I asked why did she wake me, is there a city ordance? She pointed to a sighn and said yes it's strictly enforced. Then went on about snabbings and homeless in the area. Not knowing what to say but,"I hope there okay, I can move over to the next town if my presence is a problem." She said I should be okay for the night, but I should get permission from Wal Mart. I told her I have asked in past and they said it was alright, as long as I park out of the way. I even told her RV's and Vans park all the time... Then she said those are okay, there met for sleeping. But she left without hassle.

At this point I decided I should leave within the next 10 mins, after I wake up a bit (as not to be a danger on the road). I watch her do her checks in the parking lot, then leave. She never did go into Wal Mart, so I don't think someone inside called. But did take a strectch to get more awake and check out the sign, 82.210. From a google search, it just states no vehicle can be parked for more the 12 hours. So I go back to my car, mostly awake and about to leave.

When a Tahoe police car pulls in front of me and up to my bumper. Then two Crown Vics pull up. At this point I knew it was going to be bad, I place my hands on the dash and kept them there as they approached my car from all angles, with hands on there weapons. I said morning, how's everyone? Still trying to be friendly... Cop from the Tahoe asked if I worked here, I told them "no, I was just awaken by a female cop and was about to leave after I wake up a bit." They radioed something in and asked me to step out of the car. I politely told them "no, I would like to remain in the safety of my vehicle and leave as soon as possible." He yelled,"step out of my vehicle so they can search for my drugs or I will be arrested on felony charges." I told them,"I do not consent to any searches and will not answer anymore questions; unless an attorneys present." Then rolled my window up, placing my hands back on the dash. Heart is pounding through my chest, awaiting what ever is next. The Tahoe cop who was doing all the talking goes back and gets his dog. They go around the vehicle and the dog does not do anything. Then they told me to have a good day and left. So I leave, never to come back.

I guess I need to get the money together for window tint, plastic rain guards (so I can still crack the window), and shade for the front window... Then just park on the public streets in Orlando.
Good to read you kept your cool, and stayed affirmative, not aggresive.&nbsp; Very sensible!<br><br>
Niall-CorollaLiving said:
I guess I need to get the money together for window tint, ...
<br><br>Until then, why not go to Goodwill and get some dark fabric - table cloth, sheet, or similar.&nbsp; A small packet of sticky velcro dots (black), and cut the fabric to the size of your windows, attach with the velcro dots.&nbsp;&nbsp; Or find some other way to attach them. Even duck tape would do, if it will stick to the interior of your vehicle.<br><br>You will also sleep better without light, and avoid having spotlights shone into your face.<br><br>Lifey
Man, what a sucky situation.&nbsp;&nbsp; Don't you like how they lie about arresting you for a felony you didn't commit if you fail to do whatever they say?&nbsp; I'm glad you asserted your rights.
I found the three male cops, much more scary then the two strange men in the park... At first I thought the female cop was just doing a wellness check. But the second set of cops moments after; someone had to called the cops. I like the Mount Dora area when I have nothing to do, as I grew up in this area. So I do find it comforting, as it's familiar. Plus when I made the attempt to visit my parents; I visited the local gym and my card was still active (I guess they never removed me). But I should avoid going out to this area. With the creepy men and small town cops. I would be better of in the city, where there is more to do for free.<br><br>At the moment I do not have tinted windows and with a low car, it's very easy to see in for anyone passing by. I am also afraid of putting up any sort of fabrics in the windows, it may draw attention. I try by best to keep discreet and clean cut/shave. I keep my car clean, the outside needs to be washed and inside vacuumed. But I throw out any trash every chance I get.
Jesus.&nbsp; Three cop cars for a guy sleeping in a car. &nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>Fear really is the big killer.<br><br>The people are scared of the cops, the cops are scared of the people, everyone's scared of everyone and everything.&nbsp; <br><br>I remember pre-9/11 how much better life was.&nbsp; People can say what they want, the terrorists won.&nbsp; Everyone is scared all the time now, and that was their plan in the first place.<br><br>I think the real lesson here is if one cop shows up and then leaves, move your ass.&nbsp;&nbsp; There's more coming.
I found <a href="/post/You-and-the-PoliceA-Perspective-from-the-Other-Side-6370998?highlight=perspective" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">this thread</a> which I think still seems to have good, relavent info about how to handle these situations, from&nbsp;the cop perspective.<br><br>Basically says answer it and be polite and that there isn't a reason to get out of the vehicle for security guards, if I recall correctly.
You can call 911 to check if they are real. Not a bad practice in the middle of the night.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
If it gets really bad and you are still locked in the car while the cops are debating their next move, you can call 911 and report the officer/s for having an inappropriate state of mind and smelling of alcohol.&nbsp; That will get them pulled off, if they will not leave.