The scamers are out in full force

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2017
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Dallas/Ft. Worth
I just got a robo call claiming to be from the IRS.  They claimed that they had tried to get in touch with me for six months... ( they had not )  They also claimed that they were about to take out a warrant for my and my family's arrest.  And if I wanted to avoid this I needed to call.  ###-###-#### immediately . 

Of course what they really want is for me to give them my credit card number over the phone.  

THE IRS DOES NOT PLACE SUCH CALLS!!!  They might pay you a visit however...

Watch out for this scam.
I strung these people along for a half hour wasting as much of their time as I could and sent them packing. Told them I had their number and was going to call the Police at the end of the call when they hung up! It was fun!

One would think people gullible enough to fall for scams like this would've lost all their money already. But there must be enough of them with money to make it worth the scammers' time looking for them.
My friend told them....come and get me. "Can I count on you getting here before dinner?" "I am really sick of cooking and cleaning....I can get caught up on my reading.....when did you say you would be here?"

The scammer was dismayed that she just did not care....come and get me!
I hired a dozen of them to work for the CIA, told them to call a secret line and ask for Captain kangaroo. if I hadn't been laughing so hard at their eagerness I would have actually looked up the number to Langley.
There's ads of the radio stating that if you have trouble with the IRS WE'LL FIGHT FOR YOU! Makes me laugh.

I used to work in public accounting (a decade ago). They want you to use their forms. Fill them out correctly, pay (if necessary), and it's all over.

If you can't pay, send an OFFER in COMPROMISE. If your spouse is out of hand, there are innocent spouse rules to protect you. Again, these are forms.

Moral of the Story, use their forms. I don't think they want to talk to you. LOL
if you have the bandwidth or can get to wifi then go onto YouTube and type in phone scams, there's all kinds of people who prank the scammers, the main ones are the Nigerian money scams, the IRS and the Microsoft. Apparently some of the better anti-scammers get into the scammers systems and lock them up or delete their data.  It's fun to listen to anyway.  I haven't gotten any of these calls, so all of my ideas of how to yank their chain have not been put into effect yet. 

It is a sorry thing that people fall for this crap, but many do, especially elderly.
I block these numbers as soon as I hang up on them. However I’ve been getting lots of fraudulent emails too.
I keep hearing about all of these scams but none of them ever call me...I never get to have any fun!
mpruet said:
They also claimed that they were about to take out a warrant for me and my family's arrest.  And if I wanted to avoid this I needed to call.  ###-###-#### immediately . 

I got a call like that last month, but I thought it was funny and hung onto the message for a while when I wanted a laugh.  

Not only would the IRS never leave you a phone message like that, the grammar used in the call was pathetic.  

The caller referred to the local police as "the local cops".  Uh huh, OK, sure.   :rolleyes:
This world isn\ said:
if you have the bandwidth or can get to wifi then go onto YouTube and type in phone scams, there's all kinds of people who prank the scammers, the main ones are the Nigerian money scams, the IRS and the Microsoft. Apparently some of the better anti-scammers get into the scammers systems and lock them up or delete their data.  It's fun to listen to anyway.  I haven't gotten any of these calls, so all of my ideas of how to yank their chain have not been put into effect yet. 

It is a sorry thing that people fall for this crap, but many do, especially elderly.

I've been watching some of these videos lately. My cure for insomnia. I loved one where the man said he was so glad they were coming to arrest him because he was about to be evicted and wouldn't have a place to live. Free clothes, free food and a free bed...thank goodness! LOL
Bohemian scout said:
I block these numbers as soon as I hang up on them. However I’ve been getting lots of fraudulent emails too.

Yeah I've been getting a lot of Amazon and PayPal phishing email. I just forward them to their spoofing departments.
You have to be careful because there is a scammed out of I think it's Mexico maybe Puerto Rico but it's a robo IRS call and it tries to get you to talk and it record your voice and then uses the recording and cuts it up to make it so they can access your accounts and stuff happened to my mom got her for almost 10 grand

Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
I recently got a paper-mail piece warning me that my vehicle factory warranty either Is expired or may expire soon.. (oh REALLY??) and I had better renew with their policy or it could cost me Thousands in repairs...
gsfish said:
Just before Thanksgiving I got a call and a male voice said "Grandpa?" We did a little back and forth and I guess it was going to lead to my grandson needing some money wired to him so that he could get 'Home'. He was using a common name like John. You could hear in the background that he was in a phone bank. Those people must be awfully hard up for a job or have no soul.


I actually had the "Grandpa" one and being I have never been married or had kids I LOVED it as I had it on speakerphone me play "The old man" and it ended with me cussing the kid out for being so stupid to get busted and hopefully they didn't find that kilo of coke in the side door and that I hoped he'd get raped by all the bigger inmates and then die of AIDS....

They hung up when they realized I didn't care about his problems....

Waiting for an IRS one.....
Jeremiah Diminovich said:
You have to be careful because there is a scammed out of I think it's Mexico maybe Puerto Rico but it's a robo IRS call and it tries to get you to talk and it record your voice and then uses the recording and cuts it up to make it so they can access your accounts and stuff happened to my mom got her for almost 10 grand

Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk

Something similar happened in Fremont County, WY but it was a faked kidnapping with the recordings of a family member's voice in the background to make it appear genuine. I'm sure it will spread though. These people have no soul and will burn in hell for eternity!!!!