The lil Draggin's draggable live-in

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More sanding, a few coats of oil, and now it's starting to look right.

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 A bit like home,

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Nice color you got outta that rough cut lumber. What'd you patch walls with before painting? Body filler maybe?
Wow, really starting to take shape. Looking good. I love slabs of wood, but that would be a little to heavy for my little cargo trailer. I guess when you have basically a semi trailer chassis and tow it with a deuce and a half weight isn't that big an issue - a little more probably helps the ride quality. ;)
TMG51 said:
Nice color you got outta that rough cut lumber. What'd you patch walls with before painting? Body filler maybe?

Yep, it's all aluminum, so just went to napa and picked up some dent filler.
masterplumber said:
Wow, really starting to take shape. Looking good. I love slabs of wood, but that would be a little to heavy for my little cargo trailer. I guess when you have basically a semi trailer chassis and tow it with a deuce and a half weight isn't that big an issue - a little more probably helps the ride quality. ;)

This slab is only an inch thick and being ponderosa pine it's lighter than 3/4 ply. :)
Good to see you've been able to make time for your own home again Wolf! Looks great! Sassy
With all my travel this winter I still found some time to do the next jump in wood work on the Shelter's build.

 Last time I made my kitchen counter and closet. Now after a year of my closet looking like this,

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I really wanted a door on it. The far side of the closet had never been oiled either and was just waiting.

 I had a piece of white cedar that I had cut in half to start making one but still needed another 8" board (not an HD 7.5", 8" board), so it went under the futon for a while. Then I ended up in the right place and scored another cedar board, 1x8x16'. It wasn't white but I figured I could work it in some how. I had cut that down into a few usable sizes and pulled one out to work into the door.

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 As you can see the far board doesn't want to sit flush against the middle board. I needed to cut a couple inches out of the total width any way so that seemed the place to do it.
 Time for some table-saw work w/o the table-saw.
 The end result was something I could live w/.

 Next I took a couple pieces of throw-away wood (it had been used on the pallet load to stand up from the pallet so they could rap plastic around the whole thing) and made some connecting pieces to hold the boards into a door.

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Now it was time to finish sanding and get everything oiled.
 I removed the far side of the closet and gave that another sanding. Then oiled both that and the door.

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 Time to put it all back together. What I've been calling the far side of the closet and the door in place. You can see I'm already mocking up another shelf on the right.

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Now I had to hold it closed w/ something other than the clamp I was using.
Added a way to do that. I did have to do a bit of metal reshaping to give the "bolt" something to go into other than just wood. Now it seems done.

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 That evening a package I was waiting for came in. Time to change out that crappy sprayer.  :)

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Good work. I like the variation in color and "rustic" end details.

We have the same sawhorses.
way cool, that's some nice looking wood. what did you oil it with? highdesertranger
Time to catch up some before I go back offline.

In some of my pics of the closet you can see part of my on-demand water heater. I had scavenged that out of some old bus conversion we found in the junkyard where I did my engine swap. Well I finally got that sorted out w/ the appropriate sprayer (not a shower head like we found it w/ ).

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 You can also see my slide out sink behind what looks like a towel rack. I also started to add my bathroom things to the back of the closet door.

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The multi-pocket bag at the bottom was something that came w/ a cot we bought at one time. It was useless on the cot, just something they had added, instead of making their product better, so that they could try to one-up their competitors.


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Still love the slide in sink and that lovely natural wood....looking good. Hope all is well

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Was trying to post more last night but had to resize the rest of the pics, site didn't like their size.  :-/

 So here are a few of the other small, space saving, projects I did to make places for things.
They are all just made from scraps, and usually w/o the proper tools. Which reminds me, the work that I just did to pay off my three tires and turbo failures, once again using a circular-saw for table-saw work, is on my photo galleries here Trailer Build Out

 My cutting board had been taking up counter space for too long (and I always had to move it down when traveling), so a couple pieces of 2x2 and some 1x4 offcuts became this.

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 As you can see it lets me pull the board out part way and use it as a small table when I sitting across the shelter from it, as well as being fully removable.


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