the Flexible Apartment Roaming Transport build

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pmekdahl01 said:
Yeah I was trying to find a high top van but knowing that you have to go through all that I'm kinda glad I didnt.

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret getting the high top in the least. If I hadn't found the van with one already in place, putting the high top on would have been the first thing I did.

For all the pita and time delay in gluing up the blocks, I have standing room to spare and two of the biggest storage compartments you could ask for!

If anyone decides to add a high top to their van I strongly recommend getting the double layer style but if they end up with the single shell, I have the technique down pat.... :D

BTW, your van is looking good!!
LET THERE BE LIGHT! And a ceiling. And a trim piece

I had some help tonight from my buddy and was able to fully install the ceiling.
We were about to screw it in when I realized that I didn't make the wires for the fan long enough to reach the side of the van, that was a close one.
So, I've been basically working nonstop on the van trying to get it ready for camping this weekend. I got the charge controller, battery and fan wiring installed last night along with a few other small things. Tonight I gotta put the light switches and 12v outlets in and finish covering the wheel wells. With that it should be good for camping for three nights. I really excited because this will be my first time sleeping in the van!
Side note: solar is also hooked up and was putting out 16v with overcast skies! I thought that was pretty dang good.
Camping this weekend was awesome, however it did get a lot colder in the van than I anticipated. I figure its because of the windows and there being no barrier between the drivers section and the back. The battery held up well, but hen again I didn't ask very much from it. I had the lights on about half of the night and charged a few cell phones and GoPro's, but that was about it. Before i left I also had some sweet off road tires installed, because with out them there is now way I could have gotten to the spot that we did, lots of mud, ruts and water to cross.
There probably wont be any updates to the van for a couple weeks, need to save back up so I can finish the interior.

Heres the van at the camping spot

The finished wheel well covers with hinges

Light switches and 12v outlet

Battery, charge controller and fuse box. Yes i know the fuse box is crooked, i was in a hurry to get it mounted and kinda eye balled the placement.
Great looking work there. Very inspiring build... Cheers!
4GNomad said:
Great looking work there. Very inspiring build... Cheers!
Patrick46 said:

Great job so far on the build, and now you've got it broke-in too!

Game On!!! :D
Thanks, and its definitely broke in. I may have crossed a few muddy streams, and I may have been going a little to fast and caught a little air. I'm just surprised that nothing broke, although the fire wood I had in the back did fly all over the place and made a loud crashing noise.
And I take that back, something did break. The plug for the trailer hitch broke off of its mount, but whatever I zip tied it back in place.
Well its almost been a month since my last update. Its been slow going with lots of design changes the past couple of weeks. I've moved my bed to the drivers side so its a couch normally and a full size XL bed when its fully extended. There will still be room on the passenger side for a 20in counter top which will hold the sink and stove. The extra space between the bed and the drivers seat will be my main storage area. With the way things are going I'm hoping to be moved in by the end of July, pending any hiccups that I might encounter.


The bed isn't fully installed yet, I need to make some wood shims to level it out first and then I'll screw it down nice and tight.
Made the wood shims and secured the bed to the van. I'm so tempted to sleep on it tonight, but 2x4's aren't to comfy on the back. I also installed some latches to stop the bed from opening while I'm driving.

LeeRevell said:
What is the weight capacity of those sliders? I'd likely need some swing-down vertical supports to prevent collapse.
Each set is rated at 100lbs when fully extended and there is five sets, so in theory it should be able to support 500 lbs. I am able to put my full body weight on the very edge with almost zero flex. But I have thought about putting a support runner along the kitchen area which the bed will be able to slide into.
I'd bet that you will want to slip a support post(s) in after extension. That's a pretty good amount of free hanging area.

I do like it. Similar to mine with legs and just wood on wood slide.
MikeRuth said:
I'd bet that you will want to slip a support post(s) in after extension. That's a pretty good amount of free hanging area.

I do like it. Similar to mine with legs and just wood on wood slide.
My original plan was to build it just like yours, but then I saw a video where someone used metal slides and I had to do it. A little more expensive but I really like the way it turned out.

Also is that just a futon mattress or did you make it?
That was originally a home futon that was giving to me.

Original picture

I keep telling myself I'll be finished next month and I will finally move into the van. But it looks like I'll be setting my move in date another month out. But I have made progress, my kitchen area is mostly done but still need a lot of work. Like plumbing, finishing the counter top and finding a way to make cabinets. Also the bed now slides into the kitchens legs for extra support when the bed is all the way extended.

What keeps the futon mattress in place when it isn't a bed and you're sitting on it? Doesn't it slide down?
TMG51 said:
What keeps the futon mattress in place when it isn't a bed and you're sitting on it? Doesn't it slide down?
MAGIC!.... I don't know yet, still dont have a mattress. Maybe some Velcro strips.