LeeRevell said:
The major problem comes in their insistence of forcing their way of life on US. We left the 7th century behind long ago, and have no wish to return to that way of life.
I guess I don't really see that happening. I mean I suppose that world domination might be a goal and certainly they have pretty authoritarian cultures in many predominately Muslim countries but I am not sure how much they want to try to impose their way of life on the US. Not that they have the ability anyways. If anything, it is the USA that is imposing our way of life on them. I don't even mean primarily with our military, although there is that. Just with our dominance in global entertainment, we Americans are constantly spreading our culture everywhere! I think that since the reason it is spreading is that people seem to like it, it is good but seriously, we impose our culture more than the other way around.
That meme with the Muslim woman and the caption, "In my country I am forced to keep my mouth shut. Here I am free to talk trash about this country in the hopes it changes into a country where I am forced to keep my mouth shut" makes me wonder how many Muslim women you know. I mean, none of the Muslim women I know would ever advocate for a system where women are subservient to men. Most are downright feminists! Granted, but for an Iranian woman who lives in Tehran, all of the Muslim women I know are American Muslims, most born here even. They LOVE American values including Freedom of Speech. They are Americans through and through.
I live close to a town that is predominantly Arab Muslims and Arab Christians. There are burka stores!* I always hear people say that this town, Dearborn, has imposed Sharia Law on its citizens! No, not true! There are bars and strip joints and all kinds of whatnots. As far as I can tell, the ONE thing where they are imposing their culture on the rest of the town is that Dearborn does not allow dogs in their city parks. So, I dont bring my dog with me to Dearborn. I asked a dog loving friend who lives in Dearborn where she goes with her dog and she said the dog park in the next town so really, not that horrible of a rule.
Overall, I just wish people could meet all of the decent, modern, wonderful, Muslim people I know because I think it would help with fears based on stereotypes. I also think that toum can bring world peace.
(Burka stores which, btw saved me a lot of headache since I am sun sensitive but also sunscreen sensitive. Solution?