Terrorist Attack in London

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lenny flank said:
Alas, you are mistaken--those numbers have actually been counted:

"According to the GTD (Global terrorism Database), 80 Americans were killed in terrorist attacks from 2004 to 2013, including
perpetrators and excluding deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq, the majority of which are combat-related.
Of those 80 Americans killed, 36 were killed in attacks that occurred in the United States"
Terrorism is, simply, a nano-problem. We are all peeing our pants over nothing.
It may be a nano problem at the moment, but it would seem that terrorism has been on the rise. Those stats are mostly from 2013, and the latest 2015. I would point out that the San Bernardino massacre took place on December 2015. I'm not trying to be an alarmist, or anything close to it, but I do think people should be aware of their surroundings.
Anyone notice the same day as the "terror incident" in London, a white, American, Army veteran, decided to go to NYC and kill as many black men as he could? Because he hated them and wanted to kill them.
Ballenxj said:
It may be a nano problem at the moment, but it would seem that terrorism has been on the rise. Those stats are mostly from 2013, and the latest 2015. I would point out that the San Bernardino massacre took place on December 2015. I'm not trying to be an alarmist, or anything close to it, but I do think people should be aware of their surroundings.

Well, you can be afraid if you want. Me, I see nothing to fear from something that kills an average of six or seven people per year. Wild deer kill more people than that. Perhaps we should declare war on 'deer'.

Americans sure get scairt easily.............
We, as creatures, are not very good at assessing actual risk in the real world.  Traffic accidents, unintentional falls, and accidental poisoning combined kill 100,000 Americans annually.   No, I'm not really concerned about terrorism incidents.  I'm scared sh*tless of my shower, and to drive my car though.  

38,000 Americans were killed and 4.4 million injured by other Americans on US highways in 2015.

From the CDC's 2014 stats:

[font=Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All unintentional injury deaths[/font]
  • Number of deaths: 136,053
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 42.7
  • Cause of death rank: 4
[font=Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Unintentional fall deaths[/font]
  • Number of deaths: 31,959
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.0
[font=Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Motor vehicle traffic deaths[/font]
  • Number of deaths: 33,736
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.6
[font=Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Unintentional poisoning deaths[/font]
  • Number of deaths: 42,032
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.2
lenny flank said:
Well, you can be afraid if you want. Me, I see nothing to fear from something that kills an average of six or seven people per year.
Like I said, there is a difference between being afraid, and aware. I am not in the first category.
You can be unafraid, you can minimize what's going on, you can ignore it, but change is coming, it ain't good, and with the attitudes people have, they deserve what they'll be getting.
who said anything about fear?

yea,lets delete that paragraph,that would of got me all the "ism" labels
gsfish said:
At least the London guy with the knife wasn't in a clown costume. Now THAT would be terrifying!!   
It would be GREAT if all terrorists did wear clown costumes. At least they would be easier to spot. :p
HarmonicaBruce said:
You can be unafraid, you can minimize what's going on, you can ignore it, but change is coming, it ain't good, and with the attitudes people have, they deserve what they'll be getting.

Change has always come. The powers to be are always shifting, much of the middle east is going through a big power struggle/change as we speak. The crusades, people being hung as witches, the Holocaust, mass extermination of the native Americans, Slavery etc.  No denying there are evil people, they were here before us and will be here after.  When one evil entity is destroyed, there will be another ready to take it's place.  At the end of the day we are all extremely fortunate to be living where we do, all factors considered.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Change has always come. The powers to be are always shifting, much of the middle east is going through a big power struggle/change as we speak. The crusades, people being hung as witches, the Holocaust, mass extermination of the native Americans, Slavery etc.  No denying there are evil people, they were here before us and will be here after.  When one evil entity is destroyed, there will be another ready to take it's place.  At the end of the day we are all extremely fortunate to be living where we do, all factors considered.
This is why I always advocate being aware of not only your immediate surroundings, but what is going on in the world.
Now if you guys would rather I don't post this sort of news here, I won't. I just kind of figured on keeping my tribe informed if I can.
I'm just that kind of guy.
I think it's worth posting. I appreciate everyone's views whether they are the same or different than mine. It's never bad to see things from a different direction.
Ballenxj said:
This is why I always advocate being aware of not only your immediate surroundings, but what is going on in the world.
Now if you guys would rather I don't post this sort of news here, I won't. I just kind of figured on keeping my tribe informed if I can.
I'm just that kind of guy.

So no rainbows and lollipops and kittens from you?   :(

Say it aint so!   :p

If you are able to post the facts without being political, more power to you.   :)
GotSmart said:
So no rainbows and lollipops and kittens from you?   :(

If it's kittens you're after, we have that in the cat thread. :p
I wonder what those figures would be in the middle east.  I bet being 'accidentally' killed by a foreign bomb or drone would be right up there with terror bombing.  I'm sorry, but if my granny and the kids were being called 'collateral damage' because they were born under an unfavorable leader, I might make it my life's ambition to get revenge. The West has been meddling in the Middle East since the 1800s and we have created a lot of enemies.  England saw it as their God given right to walk in and take any country they chose and use the populaces to enrich the crown. It's about time we got the heck out of other people's countries and perhaps they wouldn't be looking for revenge at every opportunity.
IanC said:
I wonder what those figures would be in the middle east.  I bet being 'accidentally' killed by a foreign bomb or drone would be right up there with terror bombing.  
It's about time we got the heck out of other people's countries and perhaps they wouldn't be looking for revenge at every opportunity.
That's a good point, maybe we shouldn't be there. While we're at it, maybe they should give us back Detroit?
NomadMike said:
.... the only reason people are so afraid and paranoid about it now, is because of the 24 hour news cycle of reporting every little incident to keep the public in fear. 

Have to agree with that.  If I did not know that some nutter did something bad in London, I would have no need or motivation to have any kind of general concern.

When I first visited LA in the early 90s, I was told that the news services did not report the hundreds of gang related violence events in an consensus agreement to not upset the tourists.   I had a great time in LA and never felt anxious or afraid while following the advice of the locals on what areas of the state to avoid.
"We travel less than most other citizens of first world countries."

I suspect that the reason for that may be having to deal with TSA. I wonder how much those agents have really cost the airline business, overall, since the DHS was created?
TrainChaser said:
"We travel less than most other citizens of first world countries."

I suspect that the reason for that may be having to deal with TSA.  I wonder how much those agents have really cost the airline business, overall, since the DHS was created?
I suspect quite a lot. I have spoken with many that say they would rather drive than go through the hassle of flying due to those alphabet agencies.
I don't know that we travel less, I suspect that we just travel less internationally.  This is a pretty big country to travel around in by itself.  

I suspect that the TSA and their placebo efforts at 'safety' have lost the airlines a LOT of business.  I only fly internationally now... and my passport lapsed two years ago without being used since '07.  Otherwise I drive.  In fact, that's why I have the van.  With the amount of time you waste in airports now, I can drive to any destination within a thousand miles in just a few hours more than the average air flight takes;  and arrive rested because I can nap and eat in the van on the way and bring all the luggage I want.  And my dogs.  And a bike.

Situational awareness is a valuable life skill no matter where you are and prevents the need to ever be in a situation where panic governs. There are two rules in "The Rules for Gunfighting" that are particularly important to follow in every day life to keep yourself "safe."  Likely the most important is Rule 23: "Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation[font=verdana, arial]."[/font]   The second most important is Rule 21:  "Be professional, be polite, and have a plan to kill every person you meet."    Both of those require a commitment to situational awareness at all times. 

As a life-long professional sheepdog, I know that while many folks would rather not be bothered, a commitment to the tactical tenants in those two rules served me well on the streets for thirty years. And it continues to serve me well.

Ballenxj is absolutely right...  situational awareness is necessary.  Fear, not so much.
hepcat said:
Ballenxj is absolutely right...  situational awareness is necessary.  Fear, not so much.
Thank You! I was starting to feel like Casper the friendly Ghost around here.
IMO, most here are Sheeple, and don't know what a Sheep Dog is.
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