Summer RTR 2016 Highly Probable--Suggestions for Where and When?

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Dec 12, 2010
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I have come to believe there is a very good chance of a Summer RTR 2016. If you follow my blog, you know I just did a post laying out plans that left zero chance of a Summer RTR. I'm scrapping most of those plans!!!

I reserve the right to make all my plans written in Jello, and in this case the Cherry Jello rolled over on its plate!!
 It's not my fault, it's the Jello's fault!

That's one reason I love this life!!

So, I'm open to suggestions to where and when. It's very likely to be in the exact same place as the last Summer RTR, just outside of Flagstaff, AZ a the end of June, first week of July. But I'm open to suggestions.

Don't send me suggestions unless you can also send me an exact location where it will be. We have very specific needs and very few places can meet them:

1) Must be free--no charges.
2) Must be able to hold 70 people and their rigs.
3) Must have very good Verizon cell and data signal.
4) Must be near a large enough town to have everything we need including a Walmart. 
5) Must be near  good number of interesting things to do--in other words, already a destination. 
6) Must be easy to find, preferably near an Interstate.
7) Must have a good chance of decent weather, not horribly hot or horribly cold, no very high humidity.

My spot near Flagstaff meets all these extremely well, we had 40 people at the last RTR with room to spare, free dispersed camping there, the weather was perfect, great cell signal, 1 mile from I-40, 5 miles from Flagstaff and a Walmart and the Grand Canyon and Sedona very nearby.

Unless you have a better place that's where it will be. 

Tentative dates, but they can change, are

June 16-26--10 day but you can come and camp with me before and after.

How many think they can make it? Let me know!

Dang, won't be able to make that one - I'll be in Vermont those dates. C'mon Bob, bring the crew to New England, it's summer. :D
Pick someplace that doesn't have mosquitos.  In addition to that whole Zika virus mess, officials in LA have now reported that mosquitos near Sun Valley are carrying the West Nile Virus.
Perfect excuse for me to get out there! I am about 90 percent sure I'd be there, barring a family meltdown. Flagstaff sounds as perfect as they come to me. Awesome! Thank u!
TMG51 said:
Dang, won't be able to make that one - I'll be in Vermont those dates. C'mon Bob, bring the crew to New England, it's summer. :D

He said someplace not Humid! :p
This is magical, the timing. I will be there.  How exciting! The truck gets tow readied on the the 13th, I learn how to drive and back up and use the systems for a few days and then on my way.

After 36 years, I am more than ready for a big new adventure and to meet you all.
Hey, you'll be there for Pride In The Pines, for anyone who's interested. It's a really nice small pride event held at the Thorpe Ball Park Field. Really a nice fun gathering.
I wish I could but my van won't be anywhere near ready by then. :(  I am planning to hit the regular winter RTR, though!  :D
That'll be in the middle of my first summer gig in Colorado sadly. I do plan on making the winter RTR though.
Looks like I'll probably go to Flagstaff for work May 30 - June 3.

If I'm lucky enough, that visit will get moved to The week of June 20th, in which case I could come hang out the weekend before and/or after. I won't have my van out there, I'd be in a rental SUV.
TMG51 said:
Dang, won't be able to make that one - I'll be in Vermont those dates. C'mon Bob, bring the crew to New England, it's summer. :D
I'd love t o, but I'm not there to find a spot. Find a campsite that meets all my criteria and and I'll come!!!
I won't be able to make it. The second half of June is the final push to get my summer show ready for opening. Not to worry though, while I'll be working 12 to 14 hours a day, seven days a week, I'll be having a blast doing it! Hopefully I'll be able to make the 2017 winter rendezvous.
TMG51 said:
Dang, won't be able to make that one - I'll be in Vermont those dates. C'mon Bob, bring the crew to New England, it's summer. :D

Vermont I think I could make that one.
akrvbob said:
I'd love t o, but I'm not there to find a spot. Find a campsite that meets all my criteria and and I'll come!!!

Yes, TMG51! I hope he finds one, Bob :)
I have a wonderful NF area that would begreat. Maybe not 40 units in one clearing but easily 5 to 10 per clearing not too far apart.

Up sides are all the free downed and dry firewood you can burn, Large open space with lots of hiking, 4x4 and ATV access. Lake and free CG nearby for fishing, several smaller stores near by for light shopping of food, gas and beer. No water and trash.

Downsides are it's between 9 and 10,000 ft. Cool to colder at night at that time of year, there may be a fire ban, larger stores like walmart are there but a drive.

So come on up to the Rockies. We can get there early and occupy at least two large clearings until people start showing up with a 25 ft trailer in one and a 20 ft tent in another. I'll have internet available, the power station will be online and I bet we can charge up anything you have.
Count us as being there barring yet another funeral :huh:  Everything seems to come in threes.  Depending on who it is we may just not be able to make it. :dodgy:  Dang, getting old is HELL, everybody we know is getting older too.

We should be re-re-launching this weekend or early next week, OK, maybe mid week.  You know those jello things :D
How long will you be in the area? I'm not sure I can have all the details on my RV done by the 1st of june, it would be close.