Youtube sites tend to die off if they do not serve viewers' needs. DIY videos which offer good ideas will often be viewed. Bob Wells' videos are of variable (usually high) quality; youtube channels like cheaprvliving will probably survive for a long time. There are many valuable channels. What is written here will have no impact on the existence of youtube channels.
There might be viewers whose "needs" are served by critical, ignorant and/or misleading youtube channels. As long as such viewers exist, youtube channels which are characterized here as distorting honest vandwelling videos will continue to exist. Fix the human race and the problem vanishes. ;-)
There might be viewers whose "needs" are served by critical, ignorant and/or misleading youtube channels. As long as such viewers exist, youtube channels which are characterized here as distorting honest vandwelling videos will continue to exist. Fix the human race and the problem vanishes. ;-)