Storage Unit Horror Story Your Items aren't safe!

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I'll add three things, first, use Yelp, BBB or whatever social media review postings you can, giving them bad reviews. People read those and it will hurt the business. Second, anyone can pay a lawyer to write a threatening letter, doesn't make it correct. Third, anyone can claim they will call the police, charge you, whatever. Yes they can, doesn't mean they will win. You(OP) already have contacted the police and it sounds like they are on your side, at the present. I wouldn't worry about what she "threatens" to do. It's like the old saying, "here's a quarter, call someone who cares". However, take her "generosity", pull your things and then let fly online with a factual review. That's the best you can do (other than get rid of things later).

I'm saying, so much of what we own is just "junk", at least to others who will end up with it. You do need to keep a box or two of momentos and legal/tax files, (that's even scary since your back tax records have all your identifying info on them). Try to electronically scan these paper things and keep them on a couple different flash drives or storage devices or "the cloud".

With the advances in 3D printers, heck, my moms antique walnut rocker can probably be 3D printed some day... Saves me carrying it in the van!
All good suggestions. I finally got my stuff out of there and took photo and video of the place.

I put up a bad review on Yelp and wrote reviews on ans But these sites require you to wait till they approve the review.

I have a feeling (where I found the unit) and won't post the bad reviews since the storage companies pay these companies to advertise for them and process reservations. We'll see.

Any other links or places I can get the bad reviews of this place out there.
Not to be picky but, they are more like a broker so to speak.

Can you say where the actual facility is that you had the trouble is at? That would have more meaning to anyone that might be so inclined to use them.

Also Facebook, amazing how S**t spreads on it!
It was Economy Storage in Raleigh NC on Trinity Rd.
While I was reading this the only thing I could think of was "maybe they did that dent to get your stuff" and "maybe other people have similar stories to you rv's". Who knows. Might be my imagination, or maybe they steal people's stuff by evicting them.
unrelated but Chancebond I just saw you graduated from HS. congrats. now back to your regular thread. carry on. highdesertranger
This has been said on this forum before, but it's worth repeating: Regarding storage, friends and family are the worst. They mean well, but I've heard and seen first hand several horror stories. If someone takes your stuff without your permission, that is criminal. Police officers can then legally do something about it. They may not do something about it, because, honestly, it is hard to find stuff that has been stolen.

OR if you give permission to allow someone to hold your stuff, but that person decides not to give it back, that is a civil matter. Yes, depriving one of one's property is theft, but that alone doesn't determine if the matter is criminal or civil. In this example, you have engaged in a verbal contract. You have agreed to allow your friend/family to take physical control of your stuff, but did not specify how long. It is not up to law enforcement make a decision how long the contract should last. Since you didn't put in writing how long your friend/family should keep your stuff, that becomes a matter for a judge to decide how long the civil contract should've lasted.

I had a situation where a roommate decided to disallow me to move my stuff after she had me arrested for trespassing in my apartment. I wanted my social security card, birth certificate, pictures- stuff that was obviously and irrefutably mine. To their credit law enforcement tried, but could not get my stuff back. I had to go to court to get my stuff back, but the judge ruled that nothing could be done. So I broke into my old apartment and stole my stuff. I will NEVER willingly allow someone have that much control over me.

If I can't carry it, it goes bye-bye. Better than going to jail; I'm much too pretty for that. (Please refer to my avatar to substantiate my claim of prettiness.)   :sleepy:
This kind of experience can make someone feel against every self-storage facilities as it is a facility we trust someone without our possessions. But, It is definitely not like that everywhere. I have been using a self storage unit at Jiffy Storage in Toronto for years. Not only that they provide great service, the owner is a good friend of mine. You just need to find a reliable place. May be you can test a new place’s trustworthiness by storing less important items for a few weeks or months before storing important items. I tried that before getting my self storage unit years back. I got lucky first time, but not everyone will be that lucky.  
This kind of experience can make someone feel against every self-storage facilities as it is a facility we trust someone without our possessions. But, It is definitely not like that everywhere. I have been using a self storage unit at Jiffy Storage in Toronto for years. Not only that they provide great service, the owner is a good friend of mine. You just need to find a reliable place. May be you can test a new place’s trustworthiness by storing less important items for a few weeks or months before storing important items. I tried that before getting my self storage unit years back. I got lucky first time, but not everyone will be that lucky.  
Just met a couple who put stuff they couldn't bear to part with in a storage unit, left in their rv, and came back 2 years later to find it had been broken into and ransacked. Trouble was, after paying $250 a month for two years, they had grown so detached from the stuff they stored that they couldn't tell what or if anything had been stolen. They narrowed the stuff in the locker down to one trunk of photos and memorabilia that is stored in his brother's basement and sold the rest, but did not make their $6000 in storage fees back.
One Awesome Inch said:
You could scan or photoshop some lawyer's office letterhead on to a piece of paper. Then write a strongly worded letter threatening legal action. Considering the cost of mounting a defence any sane person would just give you your stuff. Cost to you = $0.
Cost to you.... some serious legal trouble! Don’t follow that advice.....
I had stuff stored with family and it was redistributed to the next generation already ( hey I'm still here!) also have a storage unit which I agree is a total waste of money. I have the goal of no rent and storage unit is rent. But I will have to say that I have always been treated well at the storage place.     ~crofter
quite a bit of very bad information and suggestions in the above posts.

even if you have been wronged, not many states allow you to arbitrarily damage their property to reclaim what you claim is yours ie cutting the lock and taking your stuff. that could end up getting you in much more trouble than you want to deal with and making you look like the criminal complicating your task of getting your stuff back

and as for faking a letter from an attorney, probably not as bad as pretending to be a cop and pulling people over but there are jurisdictions out there that fraud like that will land you in jail. for more than the weekend if you get my drift

storage is such a huge business that most states have very specific regulation on what can and cant be done. the tenant does not generally have the same protections as someone renting a room or house. no eviction process and such. the best thing you can do is research the laws for your state and perhaps county/city to see what rights you have. if they are violating your rights you may have to file a civil case against them locally

it sux this happened to you, but in general the laws have been put in place to protect the storage companies. shure they can be making bank on your "stuff" but they take it in the shorts everytime someone abandons a storage unit full of crap that gets auctioned of for $20
I have had storage units now and again over the years but never once have I had any problems at any of them.
The world is not perfect. Stuff happens.

I have never had a theft or damage problem with commercial storage units.

Nowadays storage comes with electronic secure card access and CCTV.

One in NJ required my PIN to exit, as well as to enter.
I would not rent from place requiring code to get out.
My storage unit company "requires" each person to have proof of insurance, which will help alleviate a lot of issues. Luckily, my condo insurance covers what's in my unit. They do have locked gates, tall perimeter fences, and security cameras.
My 2 cents
I downsized. Moved my favorite things to my sons. 8 months later he lost his lease. We took our stuff to storage while we looked for a little affordable place. He stayed at a friends, me in my car . 2 months later half stolen, dealt with insurance, cops, looking for my guitars on line, so stressful.
Still heartbroken.they took 40 years of family photos in plastic bins but left the tv. They took all my clothes, coats, dresses, shoes.
Crack heads.

Today my pack and duffel was stolen from my roof rack in broad daylight in a "safe area" parking lot outside a decent restaurant. I was there 30 minutes. Cut all my bungies. I usually take the stuff down and put in in the car when I park some place, movie, concert, long hike but today I did not.
Crack heads. All my clothes I had left from the previous storage unit robbery. My uggs, my hiking boots, my fleece and sweatshirts. My t shirts I got on my travels..I am now so broke I have no idea how I will get clothes again. I'm a girl, shopping takes time, years to have good quality items.

I have no trust in the human race at all. I've been cheated on by my partner, let down and lied to by family, now crack heads.
I really am a kind empathetic strong smart women, but now life has beated me down again and I have to climb back up once again.

Sorry, venting. No one to talk to about this.
Tired of being on guard. Is there anyplace to live where people are kind and honest?