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Sep 10, 2018
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:huh: I stumbled upon one of Bob's tour videos and never looked up for 2-3 hours! For the last few years I have thought about selling my home and relocating to Florida from Maine. But I have also wanted to travel around the country. The community in Florida I was looking at seemed perfect. Older people, some with like hobbies, two swimming pools and gated.

 Looking around realistically at my house, I doubt I would get enough for it to avoid still having a mortgage. It was never finished after being started in 1994. One other thing on the plus side: you don't have to shovel humidity and A/C can't cost more than winter heating oil for 6-8 months of the year. Can it?
Buying a used RV would take a huge chunk of any equity in the house but do away with a mortgage and the myriad expenses like hiring snow plowing and property upkeep.

Hurdles include three cats, making house presentable for listing, lots of family genealogy, photos and keepsakes and I tend to be easily distracted from one hobby to another and accumulating lots of tools and supplies for each. Some can probably be rehomed or sold but I will never completely be able to give up my sewing machines. Yes, plural. Nor my beading and jewelry making things. 

So dear nomads, I have started a notebook for organizing my thoughts, concerns and fears of what happens if I am not happy with or ABLE to live the life? Planning, dreaming  and window shopping B, B+and F rolling homes.

Welcome Marcia to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger

Loved your post and your honesty. All I can offer is a warm hello and 'Let it all go', if that's what you really want. A/C is expensive. We never had a utility bill less than $400 a month until I let the central air go. I survived...not pleasant but that savings went into my gas tank and it was so worth it.

You can bead on the road. Maybe even sell at markets as you travel.

My sister died with #2 storage units filled to the brim with photographs and things she never needed. It was too sad but after sorting through her things I made the decision never to be bound by worldly possessions, again. My photos are stored in my memory and, surprisingly, they are fairly accurate, even at this late stage.

We either go or we don't go. I don't think such a commitment as this can have a middle ground.

For me, it's taking a nose-dive.

Best of luck.

mouseboots46 said:
Hurdles include three cats, making house presentable for listing, lots of family genealogy, photos and keepsakes and I tend to be easily distracted from one hobby to another and accumulating lots of tools and supplies for each. Some can probably be revoked or sold but I will never completely be able to give up my sewing machines. Yes, plural. Nor my beading and jewelry making things. Marcia

Hi Marcia,  Your predicament sounds similar to mine.  Too much house, with attendant expenses and upkeep, concern about power outs/heating, and on and on.

So, I'm looking for a rig I can afford NOW, fix up, then move forward.  Sadly I just lost out on a rig, which you can read about on my Methuselah thread.  Good luck.. hope to hear positive things from you in the future. Max :D
Photos can be scanned (there are even services for that), other mementos can be photographed, (multiple) cats can definitely travel in an RV, as can sewing machines (yes, plural), but look at least for a B+, if not even a class C (they are much cheaper to get)... if you want the adventure, you can definitely do it!
Well a big thank you for the welcome! I am still binge watching YouTube videos, trying to absorb as just as I can. Today I came across a few people living in a Kia Soul. (Individually! Not all in one car!) One, a young woman, and her tiny dog. I have a Kia Soul and a kitty about the same size as that dog. But even though I love my car, and it has more room than you might expect, it is just say too small. But hats off to her for making it happen.

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