QUIET and STILL are you?

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wrc, you're right, there wasn't anything in my post to be offended by. It's just that sometimes people take things you say wrong. What I was saying is that I think you are very unhappy under the circumstances you find yourself in and perhaps it's time for a change. I really wish you good times ahead. Take care.
Oldnjung...I put a craigslist ad up, and will be sleeping in a woman's back yard for three months, to get my feet wet! It's a relief!<br><br>Highdesertranger...I will definitely check out the walmart. I wonder if there are other van dwellers? That would be cool!<br><br>Owl...too late for that one :p Unless I hang a clothesline out, or something!<br><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody ">Thank you, Tara. It's just helpful for me to know what being "paranoid" is, and what being "obvious" is. It may sound silly, but I'm always telling my boyfriend, "well someone on that site said that I shouldn't ______, but I should ______." I'm definitely feeling better since the cop thing. Much of that is from your advice, as well as other support and advice from folks on the site! And, I'll have a paid parking spot in a backyard for my first three months. Relief!<br><br>MK7...interesting advice about the struts. My van's a '95, so I'm sure the struts are probably super soft. I can't afford to put 1,000 dollars into it, but maybe in a couple months! Oh...and good tip about the sex offender thing. I want to be an elementary school teacher. That would not be a good charge for me!<br><br>ccbreeder...okay, park with the bulk of the people. That makes sense!<br><br>bri, owl, and jodi...I have to be stealth because I am climbing the ladder (as they say) to become an elementary school teacher. People don't want any kind of "freak flaggishness" around their kids. People can be weird about their kids. If I get a strange charge, and thus, cannot become a teacher, then "when one door closes," but I don't want to just straight announce to the cops that I'm here, and living in my van.<br><br>Also, my van is crappy looking because it was all I could afford. in rich suburbs doesn't make sense, but I've seen plenty old vans in the city.<br><br>Jodi...I'd love to be mobile, like you. Maybe one day!<br><br>WRC...great advice. Thanks! I know what you mean about high incomes affecting people's paranoia. Do you never hang out in your van during the day?<br><br>Thanks would be nice to use a sink to brush teeth at night!<br><br>Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to respond to everyone, because I really appreciate your help!
I understand the teacher thing. That makes a lot of sense! Parents tend to rush to the worst conclusions first when it comes to their children's safety. Not that I would ever do that as a mother...&lt;img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Sadly, I am not mobile yet. My baby is a Sophomore in high school and I won't leave until he graduates and everyone in my home moves to their new place without me. THEN I can begin using all of my earnings to begin my new life.&nbsp;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
i see! So, now it your time to dream about being mobile SOON! Sometimes, anticipation is almost as good as living out the dream. &lt;img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"&gt;

Unless you are visible to the public, you are not violating the by sexual activity in a van. A private parking area or at a time when no one was around would be preferable.

The police may be called by some old lady who saw the vehicle moving and heard noises, but at most you would be asked to leave after having your ID checked. You may have to put up with his grin. Lol

The thing a LEO keys on during a field interview is honesty. If you have nothing illegal to hide, be honest. If an officer detects a fabrication, its only natural to assume illegal activity is being concealed. That will make the interview process more lengthy as he attempts to find out why the deception, and much more likely you'll be told to move on.

That officer is paid by the community to know what's happening in his jurisdiction, and tale reasonable steps to prevent potential problems. If he thinks you're a potential problem, he'll have you leave. If he realizes that's just your lifestyle, and you're being honest and not being a problem, he'll let you stay. When he knows who you are and where you are, he's done his job.
One issue about being stealthy is that odds are the cops know you are there, no matter how stealthy you think you are. When you are attempting to hide... it makes the cops nervous. Probably much more nervous than an older RV where it's probably just some "homeless" person (in state plate) or someone traveling (out of state plate).<br><br>When you start trying to hide, it gives the impression you have something inside you don't want anyone to know about, especially the cops. If you have a motorhome that shouts "someone is living in here", they probably won't be as aggressive if they approach you to tell you to move on as a white cargo van with few windows, almost all of which are blacked out.<br><br>A nicely painted conversion van would probably still be better than a white cargo van since it looks fancier. They have interior inside which most people wouldn't remove for conversion for living in. A white cargo van screams "industrial/commercial" from the outside. Which means... it could be someone is using it for a rolling meth lab. Especially if you start blacking out the windows.<br><br>Seraphim mentioned honesty. In my opinion, hiding in a cargo van is a form of dishonesty since that's not the van's intended purpose. You could be sleeping inside, spying on someone getting ready to kidnap them, preparing an arsenal of guns for am ambush in a nearby business, or you may have it completely empty and you're just waiting to pick someone up after work who needs a ride. There's no way the cops know until they investigate.
<span style="line-height: 20px;">WRC...great advice. Thanks! I know what you mean about high incomes affecting people's paranoia. Do you never hang out in your van during the day?
<br><br>I hang out in my Van all the time. &nbsp;Back when I was urban boondocking I just tried to not to be an obvious van dweller in a public parking lot, then park a few blocks away for overnighting, but I don't think I was fooling anyone, I just wasn't advertising during the daytime.<br><br>My current parking spot I have my own Wifi router aimed at my van and a large TV antenna clamped to my spare tire carrier cause I don't need to be stealthy here.</span>
I was harassed in Phoenix while sleeping in a pick-up truck. It was in a "neighborhood", but away from nearest house. I found a overnight parking lot, with a coin slot to pay, and spent three weeks exploring the area with out any more trouble. I'm sure the law knew I was there.
Seraphim said:
Rabies Unless you are visible to the public, you are not violating the by sexual activity in a van.&nbsp;
<br><br>This would depend on how far the cop wants to pursue the charge(s). Especially if it's a high income neighborhood, where rich people have connections to reprimand the cops for not getting "drifters" out of their area.<br><br>A van moving a little as people inside gets up to get something is one thing....while a van rocking constantly and at a "having sex" rhythm is another. I don't think it's legal to have sex in a vehicle, in public areas, even in RV's. Residents who calls the cops on people having sex in a vehicle, will be investigated for such activities. Just like pot can be smelled, so can sex...which should be enough probable cause for the cop to keep bothering you. They really can't collect any evidence, but what if the people making the call filmed the van rocking (everything's got a camera on it nowadays) + the cop smelling it + some other BS evidence. <br><br>Why take such risks? At least stay far away from school zones. Plenty of children have been conceived in cars, just that you may run into a cop that will work hard to get you on everything he can.

The cop can know you were having sex in the van. You can describe it to him in graphic detail. Doesn't matter. It's still not illegal as long as you were not visible - exposing genitals - to the public.

So what if the van's rocking? That's not illegal, either. Lol. I'll relate some humorous stories about people "having conversations" ( that's always the explanation for being parked somewhere) some time. Got quite a few of them. Only one, in 28 years, where someone got charged for it, and they had pulled into a place with private security who signed charges on them. They were also out on the hood of the car, in plain sight.

People: take the time to read the laws in the area where you live, so you know what they are. While they vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, they really don't vary that significantly. with all due respect to people offering their opinions on the topic, they are generally just offering opinions. Best to know - from the source - for sure.
If you are living in your vehicle in the same town for long time, you have to get to know where you can or can't park. The law knows you are there, and you could try to develop a friendly relationship with them. Then they see your van and you are someone they know, and don't need to investigate.
Seraphim said:
Mk7 The cop can know you were having sex in the van. You can describe it to him in graphic detail. Doesn't matter. It's still not illegal as long as you were not visible - exposing genitals - to the public.
<br><br>I've remember a few times on the TV Show Cops, where they arrested people for having sex in a car. One of them was&nbsp; van.<br><br>
So what if the van's rocking? That's not illegal, either. Lol. I'll relate some humorous stories about people "having conversations" ( that's always the explanation for being parked somewhere) some time. Got quite a few of them. Only one, in 28 years, where someone got charged for it, and they had pulled into a place with private security who signed charges on them. They were also out on the hood of the car, in plain sight. People: take the time to read the laws in the area where you live, so you know what they are. While they vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, they really don't vary that significantly. with all due respect to people offering their opinions on the topic, they are generally just offering opinions. Best to know - from the source - for sure.
<br><br>Well obviously, this is not that serious of a crime. My whole point was, limiting risks. Especially in her case of wanting to become a school teacher.&nbsp; And I'm not saying, don't have sex ever now, because she's living in a van. Just be extra careful.
Hm...I have decided that "the law" knowing I'm living in the van is a little too much for me right now. I've been renting a place to park in someone's back yard, and am exploring public lands during the summer. I agree that after vandwelling in a city for a certain amount of time, they probably get to know your van. I do suppose it's possible to slide under the radar, though, if you look enough like the work vans around you, and you live in a big city. I just got really tired of stealthing, so I may never be able to give an educated opinion on whether or not it's possible to avoid cop confrontation while living in the same place!<br><br>Also, I realized my shocks are shot. I've never had a van, so I didn't know that it was UNCOMMON for them to boingy boingy down the road, like this one <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I do suggest taking the shocks seriously when looking for a possible stealth vehicle!!<br><br>When my boyfriend rolls over in his sleep, the whole van shakes so much, I'm worried we're going to start rolling down the street!
if sound is an issue, one could line the walls, floor and roof of the cargo area with a material like dynamat. (coupled with XPS and reflectix of course)<br><br>i used fatmat rattle trap 80mil.&nbsp; no one can hear my a/c or fan or microwave or keyboard or speakers (if low-i generally use headphones anyway). cell phone conversations are muted.<br><br>i make an effort not to make really loud noises. but it happens. however, you would need to strain to hear anything really. unless you were in a really silent environment which for me, in north jersey suburbs, doesnt exist lol.<br><br>l live in a driveway and my host or neighbors never hear me despite close proximity and/or them standing near the van. my hosts and i are close and im like an uncle to their kids. they always come out to see if ill play basketball with them and i usually have to shout to answer them if i dont feel like opening the door.<br><br>the downside to doing this is its an additional expense, it adds weight to the vehicle and i cant hear jack you know what outside.<br><br>im oblivious to outside surroundings at times when i am fully "buttoned up"&nbsp; id like to remedy that with cameras but i can hear myself saying that ive crossed the ridiculous line.<br><br>either way, i can totally recommend the product i used (or similar).<br><br>
Okay, I'll bite.&nbsp; If you are doing urban (city) camping in your van, you pretty much want to only sleep, and do&nbsp;nothing else.&nbsp; If you are going to do something else, such as your aforementioned&nbsp;"extracurricular" activity, then do it first to get it out of the way (preferably in a secluded spot), and then go park&nbsp;immediately afterwards&nbsp;at a different spot that you will be sleeping at.&nbsp; <br><br>Before parking at the desired spot for sleeping overnight, you should first get everything else done and out of the way, such as eating dinner,&nbsp;going to the bathroom, cleaning up, getting the bed ready,&nbsp;etc.&nbsp; Once you park at the desired spot for sleeping, turn off the engine and lights, close the shades,&nbsp;wait for maybe 5 to 10 minutes to&nbsp;make sure the&nbsp;area is safe,&nbsp;and then&nbsp;go to bed.&nbsp; The next morning, get up and move somewhere else before the rest of the neighborhood gets up.&nbsp; I personally would keep the key in the starter&nbsp;in case you need to&nbsp;haul @ss&nbsp;quickly!&nbsp; Maybe disguise the key with something such as a towel, or&nbsp;one of those dark sunglass/cleaning holders. These are all the things I would do for&nbsp;"stealthy"&nbsp;urban camping.&nbsp;<br><br>By the way,&nbsp;I can't tell you how many times I've seen older vans that have a whole mess of papers cluttered on the dashboard!&nbsp; Seriously, nobody should do this! At least nobody that is trying to camp in their van and trying to be stealthy at the same time.&nbsp; Anytime I see a van with a huge mess cluttering the dashboard, that immediately tells me somebody is living in that van.&nbsp; I just recently saw such a van in my city, and that van was both ticketed and given the "Denver boot" lock!<br><br>Cheers and good luck to you!<br>Casey
I agree with Casey. I am Urban vandwelling and being deaf I need to know I am not making noises. Another thing make sure your phone is off! Being deaf (I can hear with hearing aids) I forgotten this little chore. I was alarmed when the first night I heard the phone letting me know I had a FB response. So all my settings where changed and I leave the ringer off. So now I leave my hearing aids on for 10 minutes to make sure its OK for the night.
It would not be too difficult at all to devise and hook up a proximity alarm on/around your vehicle (depending on sleeping location).<br><br>The alarm would be rigged to set off a very bright light, vibrator thing under your pillow, or cold water spray on your head...<br><br>Where I have been parked lately, although very safe and sound at night, I could easily attach trip wires through branches and along the ground.<br><br>In a parking lot, sensors attached to the door handles would work.<br><br>I know this is more of an alarm idea, rather than an idea on how to be quiet.<br><br>I am very noisy in my van when I am in certain spots.<br><br>But in parking lots and public areas, I am paranoid quiet.