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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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Please link me to the correct topic, if I missed it. I tried searching the forums.<br><br>I'm working on my van, and very concerned with it LOOKING stealthy. However, my recent run in with the police made me realize that I may need to be worried about making noise inside the van, as well as making the van shake too much.<br><br>My boyfriend was planning on moving into the van with me, in a few months. Can we not talk to each other inside it? If I walk from the front to the back, should I step lightly, so as not to rock the vehicle?<br><br>Okay...what about sex? No? Never? Just get a hotel room?<br><br>What about during the day vs. at night? I'm guessing it's more important to be stealthy at night than during the day, because it's less weird to be in a van during the day?<br><br><strong>So to recap, how much do you worry about: talking inside the van and moving the van, and is there a difference in what you do at night vs. the daytime.</strong> Also, <strong>intimate relations? Yay/nay?</strong><br><br>If I need to take extra precautions, that's fine! I'm flexible! I'd just rather see what you all do, because I don't want to be more paranoid than I NEED to be. Thanks!<br><br><img src="/images/boards/smilies/confused.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
It really is a matter of were you are parked. Some places no problem, some places don't stop.
I just used dark out shades for the windows (not to let stray light out) and headphones for tv and music at night(to keep noise down). &nbsp;Insulation might be an option, it muffles sounds as well as helps with temperature.<br><br>And yes a rocking van in a walmart parking lot would have my attention as well as most everyone. &nbsp;You will just have to find a secluded area for that sort of thing.
Thanks for your input! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br>I guess before the cops said they were called because my van was "moving" after just walking to the back, I'm now paranoid. I was just wondering if anybody else was paranoid.
Location, Location, Location! I won't park where I think a cop might hassle me. Look for sites on a day off or after work where other boondockers (stealthy or not) are parked. If I lived in a small town area, Walmart would probably be the best, but could ask around stores and gas stations. An ad for "RV" parking cheap or free in exchange for something might work.
i agree with location but walmart in a small town?&nbsp; never seen one in a small town.&nbsp; when in a small town ask the locals.&nbsp; highdesertranger
&nbsp; There are Walmarts in small towns all up and down Hwy 5 in the west. I think stealth is overrated, the cops aren't fooled and it makes regular folks suspicious. A van set up for living and traveling is more stealthy. Not looked at twice.
I don't worry about any of those things.&nbsp; I'm deaf, so noise isn't a problem for me.&nbsp; I try to not make a lot of noise, but I don't go out of my way or anything, it's just that as I learn that X makes a lot of noise, I try to do X in a quieter manner, but I'm sure I make a fair bit of noise without trying.&nbsp; <br><br>I'm not trying to hide that I live in a van.&nbsp; I'm not trying to call attention to myself either, I'm just trying to fit in with society enough that they don't bother me <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>I'm proud of my van dwelling, it gives me a large degree of freedom, and I feel very safe tucked away in my all-metal cargo van.<br><br>I agree with location being important, not all Walmarts are welcoming (most are, but some are not). I don't much like Walmart as a place to sleep, I usually do street parking, and usually next to other vans that look like mine.&nbsp; I like next to hotels(but on the street), next to residential areas, and low-industrial areas.&nbsp; All on street parking, where there is not a sign.&nbsp; Bonus if I find a place where other van dwellers/TT/etc are already parking in a city.<br><br>I would suggest not having rousing sex in a Walmart (or other shopping center), where people will be wandering by a lot, but in places where I won't have a lot of neighbors, I wouldn't be concerned with having sex. <br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody "><br>I think, just take the cop visit as a fluke, and don't worry about all these things.&nbsp; You will learn as you go. Relax, breathe and try to enjoy the adventure that awaits!<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Getting charged with having sex in public can be bad. Like if a kid saw you or if you were near school grounds, park, playgrounds, etc. where there may be children around, you could end up being charged as a sex offender....having to register as one, etc. where ever you go. Drunks who peed in public has had this happened to them. But mostly, there are sickos masturbating at parks, near schools, etc. while watching little kids. Even though you're with a partner, it can still be construed as such crimes.<br><br>One thing that will hep a van from rocking is buying high quality struts and shocks. Like Koni brand if they make them for your van. They're like $1,000 though. But well worth it as your van will handle so much better including handling heavier loads of a vandweller.
In a box store parking lot, it is best not to be off on the out skirts, away from all the other vehicles. If there are RV's all the better to park near them.&nbsp;
Some times, us old farts, forget how it was once-upon-a-time, there are appropriate&nbsp;parking places, and if boyfriend doesn't get it,&nbsp;maybe&nbsp;wrong boyfriend. &nbsp;
I agree with Owl on this and think it is kind of funny when people talk so much about stealth. I don't know who they think they are certainly isn't the LEOs. I do think if you are sneaking around you call all the wrong kind of attention.<br><br>In my lifetime of on and off vehicle living and nomadics, I have almost never been accosted by anyone and the police only once...and that was when I had permission and was in a truck explainable reason was given me. <br><br>If you are being hassled, I would be willing to bet you are offering yourself to it. Better take a really good look at how you go about life.<br><br>Not pointing fingers here but over the years I have seen some really, really tacky and nasty looking rigs...maybe the folks are too poor to afford better, maybe they just don't care but the more you stand out, whether it is the unusual-ness of your rig in any way, or if you look like you are living under a bridge, the more attention you draw...<br><br>I speak from the position of having long hair and a beard in the 60's and 70s before Willie Nelson made it cool for everyone to wear it long and one day I realized I was getting hassled by the man because of it...I got a haircut and went "camo". Why fly my freek-flag when I can be under the radar. It made my life easier since appearance is so important to many....just go with the didn't change my life-view or morale code.....<br><br>Bri
&nbsp;&nbsp; Interesting bk, I had similar experiences. I was talking today with a fellow who lives in a bus with a VW bus welded on top and he was relating how he was always being hassled by LE. It is too bad that alternative self expression often brings unwanted attention. The fact is that's the way of the world and always has been. I guess nature doesn't like nonconformity. My answer is to be nonconforming in ways that confuse them. Many of my friends are unconventional in their lifestyle and look. I really like surprising folks with my unconventional views. When you look like I do, the last thing people expect is my tolerant views and attitudes. When I talk to younger folks and relate some of my experiences when I was young they are astounded. I guess everyone thinks what they do is original. Camouflage (stealth) is just that, blending in. I often encounter attitude from younger folks because I'm obviously older than they are. Age discrimination is the one form that is tolerated in our culture. Folks who pride themselves on being tolerant don't have a problem with putting down older generations because of their perception of our views and looks. I have always found when you get past outward appearances is when you really get to know someone and make some incredible connections. I'll shut up now!
Sorry I didn't meet you at the RTR Owl...I was not there long...just a few days....<br><br>I do hear you about the age thing but it has not been of much interest to me...most younger folks seem fairly respectful to me unless they are not the type who learned how to be...<br><br>I haven't had to look for work for some time so I am not dealing with it in the workplace where it is often displayed...<br><br>Be well,<br>Bri
I am happy to read the last few posts. Perhaps I am missing something, but I just don't get what the big deal is about stealth. Perhaps it's just the people trying to stay in one place? I am going mobile in order to kiss the corporate life goodbye. But I suppose if you are just trying to live in your car and stay in one place for work, then stealth is a good idea. If you're mobile, who cares?
Lately, I don't need to be stealth as I have a private parking spot and permission, and everybody on this street knows how I live, and knows i keep an eye out for things. &nbsp;I don't know if I could continue to deal with the stress of having to find a new spot every night and await the dreaded knock, every night. &nbsp;I did it for a long time and it wore me ragged.<br><br>But, I have done it a lot, and occasionally still do now ,and plan on doing the stealth thing in the future too. Sometimes in real quiet areas. &nbsp;Here, I do make sure to let no light escapes from within and make little noise, and rock the van as little as possible, and leave early.<br><br>Somethings to keep in mind is to hang nothing from the rear view mirror. &nbsp;Nothing so obvious as a shiny and pointless bauble swinging away to indicate someone moving about within for long after the movement occurred. &nbsp;Not to mention hanging something from the rear view mirror is illegal in most states, though rarely enforced.<br><br>No keys in the ignition. &nbsp;If you need them for interior lights/accessories in the back, you need to rewire those lights/ accessories.<br><br>A big visible steering wheel lock might be taken as 'there is nobody in the back of this thing' or at the minimum, 'nice try'.<br><br>I usually turn my passenger seat back around to face forward.<br><br>Some noises like a creaking floor/ seat or bed which are not obvious during the day are like fireworks in a quiet area at night.<br><br>Tired or overworked springs and shocks can really increase movement when moving about inside.<br><br>Parking under or even near street lamps can cause reflections off windows which might be very obvious to persons nearby as a flashing / swaying light with the only obvious cause being a person moving around inside.<br><br>We as Van dwellers are obviously more aware of the fact that a van that cannot be seen inside of can be someone's home. &nbsp;To the general public it is not as obvious. &nbsp;But I don't think any LEO will be fooled.<br><br>There is a difference in trying not to be seen, versus not being noticed. &nbsp;Sometimes the former is self defeating and both can be impossible at times. &nbsp;There are a few Vandwellers in my town, they do get hassled, as they hang out by their Van all day long in public parking lots then drive a few blocks away at night and somehow think it is not obvious they are inside. &nbsp;<br><br>If you do get the dreaded knock: <br>You don't want to look and smell like aqualung.<br> You do not want the exterior covered in thick roadgrime and rust patches and tires with the treadwear bars showing. <br>You do not want clutter and clothes and trash scattered on the passenger seat.<br> You do not want to have to go into the back to get any paperwork, &nbsp;they will not let you go anyway, and make you exit the vehicle and then go around open the doors while they look for a reason to search the whole thing. &nbsp;Have all papers and documentation easily accessible from the driver's seat, or make sure to bring them up front with you there if the knock is at the driver's door. &nbsp;If you've been drinking, do not put the keys in the ignition to roll down the electric window. &nbsp;Indicate the window does not work and unlock the door. Sometimes they will open the door, other times they might expect you to open it.&nbsp;<br><br>Always keep your hands in view and move slowly. &nbsp;Making a LEO nervous is never wise.&nbsp;<br>Your story is either you are just passing through, or going through rough times and this lifestyle is temporary, or if your driver's license address is not too far away say you were visiting friends and were too tired to drive, and their screaming crying kids drove you into your van.<br><br> &nbsp;If they sense you planned to live like this intentionally to buck the system, and be a non conformist, then you are an undesirable deserved of the trouble they can and will cause you.<br><br>Don't wave your extreme freedoms in the face of someone who has resigned themselves to the voluntary slavery which is the 'American dream.' &nbsp;<br><br><br><br><br><br>
&nbsp; bk, you and I met before the cold drove you out. See what I mean about you never know who you're talking to, a small part of our conversation. The age thing comes up on this site occasionally, but what I was referring to was younger folks first impression of others&nbsp;because of age. <BR>&nbsp; wrc, I can appreciate what you are saying. My first thought is, rather than live under the conditions you describe, maybe some changes are in order. Not trying to offend, just saying
Owl, No offense taken, as I'm not really sure what to be offended by.<br><br>This could be some aspect of human interaction which I suspect I am completely ignorant of. &nbsp;If this is obvious to any others here, PM me if you feel you can enlighten me. &nbsp;I'm spending the second half of my life coming to terms with the first half.<br><br><br>Perhaps the conditions I describe are from my experiences of Van dwelling &nbsp;mostly in S California. &nbsp;There appears to be a certain self importance among &nbsp;a good percentage of the populace here which I have not found anywhere else in my travels.<br><br>I have had only one unpleasant run in with the Law van dwelling, but I did take many of the steps I list above to avoid the dreaded knock from there on out. &nbsp;It seems some of the stress I inflicted on myself to minimize the chance of the dreaded knock, also made me bitter that this lifestyle , to most, largely classifies me as a worthless Outlaw waste of space at best, and one step above aqualung at worst.<br><br>I thought some others here might be able to avoid more serious run ins with the law by avoiding a few mistakes, like unconsciously advertising the lifestyle in areas where the cost of living is sky high, and many people's self importance is inflated because of it.<br><br>It just takes one indignant douche with a phone to ruin your night and any sense of well being. The knuckles of the LEO doing the knocking, their first impression is vital. &nbsp;Do well here, with all your paperwork in order and a clean record, at you might only lose some sleep.&nbsp;<br><br>Some can roll with this better than others. &nbsp;I envy them.<br><br>My last encounter I asked the cop to keep his voice down so as not to disturb the nearby homeowners. &nbsp;He didn't even ask me to move, just handed me back my papers and said don't make a habit of it. <br><br>&nbsp;I couldn't fall back asleep.<br><br>&nbsp;<br><br><br>
I think Bob"s tip #2 in his "Where to stealth park" is particularly relevant:<br><br> <span class="text"><span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 26px;">2) Spend the minimum amount of time at your sleep location: I <br>usually scout out my location, then find a convenience store (or <br>other public restroom) and use the rest room (and brush my <br>teeth if possible). I go straight to my sleeping spot and go to <br>bed. <br><br><br><br></span></span>