State sponsored insurance and obamacare... (non political)

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ccbreder said:
Oh great. another conspiracy theory.  If I ordered a number, why not all the letters? Just another searched-out coincidence.

Just like ordering a personalized license plate....your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 6th choice may not be available. I could tell you about the lists of numbers on my customer service agents' desks while trying to please a client's request for a number....You get as close as you can within the available number pool.

That being said, a more plausible explanation might be that the low level Fed worker tasked with getting a toll-free number for the new system just took what the phone carrier gave from the 'pool', didn't bother to check any spellings, and there ya go. This particular number was probably in the pool precisely for what it did spell and nobody wanted it.

But I think my original analysis was the more likely scenario. :p
Any states that have used the federal system seem to have the bugs worked out, now. Some of the ones that tried to do it on their own have a lot of trouble. This is not the first time that I have heard of trouble with he Vermont system.
NickTheoBennett said:
My experience in Oregon has been overwhelmingly positive.  I've been living off of student loans, so I essentially have no reported income.  Because of that, I qualified for free entry into Oregon Health Plan.  

I've never had to pay a dime for anything.  The coverage is still a PITA sometimes (trying to see a specialist is like pulling teeth).  The coverage is also fairly limited.  If it's not "medically necessary", they probably aren't going to pay for it.  

The dental is less spectacular, but I still don't pay anything ever.  They don't cover anything more expensive than a root canal, and even those they will only pay for in a front tooth.

I am moving to Oregon. I would love to have any kind of affordable dental coverage! Right now, our dental coverage consists of wintering in AZ and going to Mexico.
Stephen said:
Thanks, Bob. I appreciate your transparency and information. I think we could manage that.   :blush:

If you are a couple making $24,000, you would get much more.
johnny b said:
Just like ordering a personalized license plate....your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 6th choice may not be available. I could tell you about the lists of numbers on my customer service agents' desks while trying to please a client's request for a number....You get as close as you can within the available number pool.

That being said, a more plausible explanation might be that the low level Fed worker tasked with getting a toll-free number for the new system just took what the phone carrier gave from the 'pool', didn't bother to check any spellings, and there ya go. This particular number was probably in the pool precisely for what it did spell and nobody wanted it.

But I think my original analysis was the more likely scenario. :p

Given the choice between a massive conspiracy or simple negligence or incompetence, I go with incompetence.

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