state resident/non resident ccw and nomadic life

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Jul 14, 2014
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Renewal is in Nov 2016. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how to do this since I no longer reside in MO where I had applied for it, although I have an active MO DL. Since I'm going to be in AZ for awhile and really don't need it here, I'm probably just going to have to let it expire unless a relative in MO will let me use his address, but that might not be legal. So far not coming up with relative info on the net. Anyone here face this or similar issue as a nomad.
Why not get a residence in SD or NV and get your permit in either of those states? SD is easy to become a resident, but you do need to spend 30-days in the county you reside before you can apply for the CCW. Only $10 and they give you the permit immediately, no wait.
I'm a resident of NV and have a non-resident CCW from AZ. Nevada is not a good state for reciprocity, they require actual shooting and won't reciprocate with state that don't, which is many. If I were you I'd get a AZ CCW, a few states won't take the non-resident CCW, but not many.
Don't you need a valid CCW in another state to get a non-res CCW in NV? My understanding is that non-res can not be your primary CCW, it is only *in addition too* your CCW from your primary residence. Correct me if I am wrong on that.

SD CCW is recognized in 31 states. Not NV, but neither is my CO permit. I just openly carry when in NV.
Thanks for the replies, Van-Tramp and Bob. Bob, are you saying to become a resident of NV and get a non resident AZ ccw? In that and any case I'll still need to have a real address. The more I think about it SD looks to be the only option unless I'm missing something, because it just dawned on me that I'll need to drive back to MO to get printed, etc. and give a phantom address for any non resident cww new or renewed. At least I'm legit with SD. Didn't see this one on the radar in time.
Van-Tramp said:
Don't you need a valid CCW in another state to get a non-res CCW in NV? My understanding is that non-res can not be your primary CCW, it is only *in addition too* your CCW from your primary residence. Correct me if I am wrong on that.

I'm no expert on this at all, I can only tell you my experience.

I do NOT have a NV CCW. For a long time it was only good for the weapon you shot during the training, if you carried a different weapon then your CCW was invalid and you broke the law. That just changed that so your CCW is now god for any weapon you carry. That's one reason i didn't get one. Now that's fixed I reconsidered, but I'd get no more reciprocity than I had with my non-res AZ so I couldn't think of any reason to spend the money.

My Non-res AZ CCW is my ONLY CCW. No one has ever questioned my need fo ra  NV one to validate my AZ one.
dogear52 said:
Thanks for the replies, Van-Tramp and Bob. Bob, are you saying to become a resident of NV and get a non resident AZ ccw? In that and any case I'll still need to have a real address. 

Since you are going to be in AZ, get an AZ permit. You have to be present in the state to get it, why would you drive to SD just to get a permit.

You are way overthinking the address thing. No one will ask for proof and I can't imagine a situation where anyone ever goes and knocks on the door and asks if you live there. 

In case anyone ever does, use a house for sale and in the bizarre case anyone ever does knock on the door, they'll say they have just moved in and don't know who lived there before.  
Thanks Bob,

I jumped over the site to see what the requirements are for a non-res CCW and actually I find that there is no such thing as a non-res CCW in Arizona. In fact, they have only the standard CCW which they offer to both residents of AZ & "US Citizens" (which means you can have an address anywhere in the US.

Applicants must:   

    be a resident of this state or a United States citizen;
    Is twenty-one years of age or older or is at least nineteen years of age and provides evidence of current military service or proof of honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable conditions from the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserve or a State National Guard.
    not be under indictment for a felony offense;
    not be convicted of a felony offense, unless the conviction has been expunged, set aside, vacated or pardoned, or the individuals right to possess firearms has be restored AND the individual must not be a prohibited possessor under state or federal law.
    not suffer from mental illness and been adjudicated mentally incompetent or committed to a mental institution;
    not be unlawfully present in the United States;
    complete a firearms safety training program pursuant to ARS §13-3112.N.

The web pages goes on to say that if you have a CCW from another state, they do accept that as proof of a "safety training program"
Wow, I thought the AZ ccw permit and non citizen right to carry were separate.....with the latter just a 2nd amend. recognition with no issued document. That will solve the residency/address thing unless they want an address from the state I reside (used to).....which in that case I'll go ahead and use a relative's address in MO. I guess I am over thinking this.....comes from fearing my government I guess. I'll check into this. Thanks again guys.
Van-tramp, I've wondered about that. No where on my CCW does it in any way say it is for a non-resident. Unless it shows up when they run the permit # it's the exact same as every other AZ CCW.
When you got your AZ CCW permit did you need to show proof of "training" ?
good question Ken. I noticed that too, that you need proof of completion. highdesertranger
I have carried in most all states have never been hassled. Perhaps I look like a model citizen.
You only have to show proof of training to avoid taking it in AZ. I took it in AZ so no proof neccessary.

No actual shooting involved, just a few hours of class-time. My class was lead by a retired cop--he knew his stuff.