Starting out in my car

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Feb 4, 2014
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I have a '95 Nissan Maxima. I've had a couple overnight trips just to see how it does. Fully loaded with everything I'm going to be taking with me. First thing I'm doing. HEADING SOUTH ! I currently live in Central Indiana. I'm going to try to get to Gulf Shores Al. within the first 2 days. I have 22 days left to prepare for this. And ready or not it'll be car living. Kinda scary, but yet I'm excited to know it's finaly going to happen.
Hello and welcome! You have definitely come to the right place for encouragement and information.

I will be taking off this Wed or Thursday in my car also (a 98 Bonneville) and heading west, so I'm a newbie also!

If you don't mind me asking - what happens in 22 days? will your vacation be over then? sorry if that is a way personal question - if it is, just ignore.

Again, welcome and be safe!
Sorry I posted here before I introduced my self. Back in Sept last year I applied for full disability, I was approved in december, and will receive my first check March 3rd. I've been living with my sister and her husband since Sept. It's time to get out of here, so I'm counting the days till March 3rd.
Good luck and welcome. What is special about Gulf Shores AL? I have never been there, but when I leave Orlando in June I am looking for interesting places to visit.
Darth_Muerte said:
Good luck and welcome. What is special about Gulf Shores AL? I have never been there, but when I leave Orlando in June I am looking for interesting places to visit.

I'm actually starting out in Indianapolis. I've been through the Gulf area before. It's beautiful through there, It's a straight shot down I-65 and seems a good place to get started. Right now I just want outta this cold as quickly as possible.

So if the car is fully loaded where do you sleep?
Well, almost 2 months later and I still haven't gotten off the ground yet. Couple of setbacks, but I'm finally ready ( I hope). I still haven't acquired everything I want, but I'll just have to make do.
I had to rent an apt. for awhile, so with the rent I just haven't had the money to get everything I feel I need. Rents due the 5th. I'm leaving the 3rd. Here's what I have so far.
1. my car '95 Nissan maxima
2. clothes, some blankets, a pillow.
3. small igloo cooler
4. my dog.
I have plenty of tools for car repairs, food and water dishes for my dog.
I haven't been able to buy much of anything because of the high rent I've had to pay these last 2 months. My $1,300.00 just doesn't go far when I had to pay 650.00 rent a month. plus utilities, and food.
It seems the more I read the more I discover all these things I'm going to need. I know it's going to be rough for awhile, but I know I can do it, plus my best friend Coco, (my Dog) says she has all the confidence in the world in me, and she knows we can do this. Yes my dog talks, but only to As one poster put it, get a tent, some basic camping gear, and just get out there and do it.
I'm not sure I trust my car all that well, needs some work, but I'm just going to have to try and keep it together best I can for now. I have been trying to find a van, rv, or motorhome, but anything road worthy is out of my range right now. $2,000.00 for a 1977 motorhome? come on, it aint made of gold.
This website has been a tremendous help as far as giving me the knowledge of things I will need to do. A big thank you to Bob, and all the people that are sharing their experience and offering tips. I'm sure I'll be using a lot of the things I've read on here. And thank you to all that have offered me encouragement, and advice.
Congratulations - I'm excited for you! I hope you and Coco have a safe and happy journey. Singing merrily all the way will help you through any rough spots, too!
Thank you sassy. when I sing in my car I sound just like Tom and I will be too.
You got this! Just think, if you can get by right now with a 650+utility bill, imagine saving all that when you're on the road!

Don't get too down. Most of the worry is about the outside real world. I mean weather, break downs, emergency's (like if you get sick, your dog needs a vet, etc.), but past that it's a much more simple life.

Just like I posted in my other post on your thread, just get what you need. You have a nice list posted in that other thread, which Lucky Mike posted, as a tent, lantern, some food for you and your dog, cell phone (if even just for emergencies), etc. That doesn't cost much, and you can get it all in one go with just half what your rent and utilities was. Even more!

Don't panic, 1300 is a dream for those on the road, who often get less than 750.
kyonu said:
You got this! Just think, if you can get by right now with a 650+utility bill, imagine saving all that when you're on the road!

Don't get too down. Most of the worry is about the outside real world. I mean weather, break downs, emergency's (like if you get sick, your dog needs a vet, etc.), but past that it's a much more simple life.

Just like I posted in my other post on your thread, just get what you need. You have a nice list posted in that other thread, which Lucky Mike posted, as a tent, lantern, some food for you and your dog, cell phone (if even just for emergencies), etc. That doesn't cost much, and you can get it all in one go with just half what your rent and utilities was. Even more!

Don't panic, 1300 is a dream for those on the road, who often get less than 750.

Thank you, I needed to hear that today. I'm lucky to have what I do, and I'm going to make the best of it.
Ok, you've checked your car, changed oil and done all you can do to insure its safety and reliability.
Throw your stuff in the car, whistle for Coco and hit the road. You'll find ways to make it and can get more gear as needed down Gulf Shores way and save the bucks for now. If something happens along the way you have your money intact and can shift gears if necessary along the way.
How much camping gear do you need to make a fairly straight drive south??
Save the weight and space in your car for the run.

There's some good folks along the coast and you'll soon fall right in with the locals if you're a straight up guy.

Keep in mind that there's lots of free wifi along the way and you'll never be alone as long as folks here are there for you.

Good luck. It's a tough proposition until the moment you're free of the apartment. Then it's sweet, sweet freedom.
a45cap said:
I have been trying to find a van, rv, or motorhome, but anything road worthy is out of my range right now. $2,000.00 for a 1977 motorhome? come on, it aint made of gold.

That sounds about right for a 1977 motorhome. They don't keep depreciating until they're free. It plateaus out somewhere around $2000, especially if you want something road worthy and not a rust palace with every hose dried up and hidden bonus jackpots, like the ones that are $500.
Vic. said:
Good luck. It's a tough proposition until the moment you're free of the apartment. Then it's sweet, sweet freedom.

I've been living in a house now for a year and it's had it's ups and downs. My 21 year old heart yearns to be free an experience life instead of living in this monotonous (and sometimes exciting) house.

I feel all I ever do is work and pay bills and that's it.

Well I did it! I've pretty much been living out of my car now for the last 2 months. It's not been easy, and a lot of trial and error. I've stuck around the Midwest and southeast, staying at free campgrounds, and renting an occasional room for a week. It's been fun, exciting, boring, and sometimes costly. There's not much advise I can offer that hasn't already been posted, and of which I have used. some things I've learned the hard way about camping.
1. If you camp on free TVA land in Tennessee, and the sign says NO Alcohol, believe it. The tenn. troopers came through almost every night doing cooler checks. Wether you look suspicious or not they WILL look in your coolers, tent, car. The couple next to me one week, got nailed. We all saw the troopers coming, and knew what they were doing. the couple next to me went dark, put out their fire, jumped in their tent, and feigned sleep. troopers didn't care woke 'em up. found booze, made 'em leave on the spot.
2. Drinking water is mandatory. I found it was always best to keep at least one night supply of food and water, never know when you might find someplace and decide to throw a tent. found some nice places in the smokie mts. But was unprepared. and couldn't stop for night. Paid for it by ending up sleeping in my car at truck stop. Don't ride brakes coming down mountain! lol now I need front brake pads after almost setting my car and dog on fire.(long and funny story)
3. Having a dog has proved very valuable. she is my ears, and night watchman. It's like she knows its her duty to guard camp at night, and she takes it very seriously.
4. almost ALL McDonalds have free wifi, and you can access from your car, just got to find the right parking spot.
that's about it. I am starting a new thread in the general topics forum, because I am seeking advise about a situation.
congratulations, you've done something so many people never would!