Sorry to hear about your wife. You may look into something called Ushers Syndrome. That's when someone has RP and hearing loss. I haven't experienced any hearing loss yet and I hope I don't. I want to wish you and your wife the best of luck dealing with the struggles of this disease.
It's really tough sometimes and makes you find an inner strength that, truthfully, I struggle to find on some days. My mother had RP and I watched her struggle. I decided whenever I found out that I had RP that I would travel. I moved to Denver, bought a conversion van and started seeing the west while I still had a chance to see it. I've been all over Colorado and a little of Utah so far. I hope to finish this project and take a few weeks and to see a lot more.
Again, I want to wish the best to you and your wife. Thank you.. My wife is curious how old you are and when did you find out. Did your doctor check or tell you about your hearing yet. The doctor in Manhattan was looking in her eyes when he said she has a hearing loss from looking. She had no idea and I know that she hears everything so that was a new discovery. She was told to keep it at bay for as long as possible to take high dosages of vitamin A while having regular blood work..