Sophia's Hauler...

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I certainly can understand that but look how much you've done already!

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Sure... My "Dun-By" date passed a long time ago, lol!
I just want to be using it, not still building on it, ya know?

If you Had told me me a year ago that we would be building a camper van,
I would have thought you bat poop crazzzzzy...

No, I'm ok, just need to keep going to reap the rewards that are coming.

Again Thanks y'all! Luv ya!

Such Fun!
Update ... Yippie!

Installed the fridge, and am currently running an overnight run test to see how many
Amp hours it uses. On 12v only, mid point on the temp range dial!

After two hours, it had only used ONE! Oh my!

Such Fun!
The meter reset itself, so I have no clue what it used overnight.
The charger kicked into hi as soon as I plugged in to the shore power.

So, while it was humming away, I started on the insulation.
I managed to get five wall panels installed... Yay!
I going to use 1/2 inch Bubba wrap, reflectix, and 1/2 polyiso, between the vertical studs.

The charger dropped back to lo and slow, so I guess all is well

Such Fun!
I have the Triplite 1250 inverter charger, it has auto switching from 12v to 110v, when the shore line is not there, and it has 110v pass thru. This allows me to always have 110v at the outlets.

It is a modified sine wave, not pure, so things like a fan runs, but sounds differently, like it choppy. ( I didn't realize that when I bought it, or I might have gone a different way.)

But, it does act like a UPS, and a line conditioner if you will. So, when constant power is required, it's there.

The other down side is that I don't really know what the 3 stages of the charging cycles are.
The manual does not specifically say the actual numbers. There is a choice for AGM's or flooded via a switch.

TMI, or is that what you needed?
Perfect. Thank you. I bought a Progressive Dynamics 45, I'm told it has a three stage charging system built in. I'm pretty sure I'll fry the first set of batteries quickly but maybe learn from my mistakes.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Sorry, I haven't posted lately... Cant say I was too busy, just lazy!
I have managed to get the wall insulation all installed now and the ceiling is next...

Bubba Sandwich...
Bubba sandwich.JPG

Bubba Sandwich details...
Bubba's Ingredients.JPG

Last Wall Panel installed...
Last wall panel installed.JPG

Last panel details...
last panel detail.JPG


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Had a friend over and she and Sandy started prepping the wall boards, by sanding and a clear coat of polyurethane finish.

My Helper at work...
My helper working.JPG

My Helpers...
My Helpers.JPG

A Golden Glow...
Glowing Gold.JPG


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Drying delay....

The boards are still not ready to be installed.
I'm thinking excess humidity and too heavy first cost make for a real crappy finish.
I asked a buddy who is a woodworking legend, and he agrees we may have done it all wrong.
He suggested four very light coats, and we did not do that...

So, here's hoping we don't have to scrap these and start over with fresh ones...

Gonna try sanding and a final coat next....

Such Fun! KNOTT!
The boards dried properly after a few days. So, I resanded them all, and applied a second coat.
This is actually what the directions suggest.

I did half of the boards yesterday, and they dried quite nicely by this morning.
Second half today. I'm going to let them set until at least mid week.

Tomorrow I will begin putting up the ceiling insulation, and if that goes well,
I should be able to start the wall boards soon.
Ok, walls and ceiling are insulated and ready for the finish boards.

I need to make the bed ends tomorrow so that I will have something to attach to.


I just noticed this build has FIVE STARS!!! Holy Molie! How did that happen?
I feel so honored! Thank you WHOEVER,!! Wow!
Installed temporally, two bed end boards. These will become the forward sides of the back cabinets.

For no, I needed them to be in place to begin the wall board installs.

I must say that after putting a few of them up, I am totally rethinking this type of boards.
The variation of the van walls and the fragility of the edges of the tongue an grooves are almost way too weak.
Several of them popped off and I had to staple thru the face of the board to make them stay in place.
That is not all that noticeable, but I KNOW THEY ARE THERE! And my eye goes right to them... YUK!!!

We are about half way up both sides now, but, we halted yesterday.
We stopped because my son may come over tonight and we wanted to knock out the solar install.
And since we be PHATT, OLD and Tired, that's why!!!!
Got the roof rack installed with the help on my son, Troy!!!

Roof Eack.JPG

Making a lot of progress, pushing for our maiden voyage, aiming for last week of JUNE!!!!

Installing the solar kit today, if all goes well.... Fingers crossed!!!

Also had a lot of help from my grandson, Jace.
I've posted a lotttt of images over on the fakebook site, Feel free to check them out!


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Quick shot of Jace goofing on the port a poottie...



(NOTE: Obviously not in final position... LOL!!!)


Such Fun!!!!


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Rolled out of bed at 5am today...
Didn't help, lol! After two trips to lowes for nurtz and stuff, I'm about half way to
Having the panels ready to put up on the rack.

The main issue was that I'm using up some drapery track and its sturdy, but not as easy to use an angle aluminum would be. I figure if it doesn't work out, I'll go another way.

Maybe tomorrow!

Such Fun!

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