Sophia's Hauler...

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One of the things I noticed on our trip was that my left arm was always in the sun, and my left is much darker now than my right!

So this just happened...


Just got all the glass covered with film.
70% on the front windshield,
20% on the cockpit side glass,
5% on the two side barn doors and rear doors....

All of it was the Performance series of IR and heat block from

Not an advertisement, simply middle grade of what they carried.
They had cheaper, but I didn't like it, and they had a VERY hi dollar ceramic
that cost more for the windshield, than I paid for all seven Windows!!!

Initial impressions is that I did notice some heat blockage on the way home,
and as I parked, the driver's side was in full sun, which I only noticed as soo as I opened the door... Omg! The heat hit then, and I don't mean ambient heat, but sunburn heat!

So far, we'll see... But I think I do like it compared to without!


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Finally! One of our first things we bought for the project was this folding table. It was going to be the center of the bed, as well as a table inside and outside. Well after we bought it we changed direction for a few reasons, but we still wanted to keep it and use it.

I had been pondering a few different ways of mounting it. But now it's done.  I still need to build up a cinch strap dealie, but it's found a home on the door!

I have more images on my Facebook pages, link below...


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I have been really lazy round here lately...
Today I added a can of refrigerant because the ac was cycling...
Now it does not! Yay!!!

Changed out the two very wobbly and weak oem ciggie plugs, and added a double USB outlet.

This afternoon, I'm going to work on the front bug screens, I have to attach Velcro and edging to the screens I cut out last week...
Thankyou for taking the time to post your progress . There is a BUNCH of info for someone like me who is getting ready to do a build .

Note ; There are still old guys like me who don't do facebook ,please continue to put a couple of photos on here for us .
Thankyou .
Great job so far. I look forward to seeing the inside when you've set up your soft furnishings. We're at that stage now too!
Thx guys an gals!

I have trouble posting images from my phone or iPad...
It always tells me I am using the same image...

Unless I use the desktop, then I can rename as needed.
But I can't on my mobile devices, so I have to transfer them to the desktop, rename them, then upload.... And I can only add five per post.... Yikes!

I don't have any of those issues with fake book...

It's been so freakin hawt an muggy, I'm really beat after walking the dog round the block...
The local weather man said we were wearing the air like a cheap suit....

Man, so true!!!

I did manage to get a cinch strap built for the table mount!
I'll try and get a picture up tomorrow...
galladanb said:
Some detail in the next post... (Damm iPad thinks all of the images are named the same, and I can't rename them...
Anyone have another way to add images?)

I upload all my images to a folder on my laptop so I can name them, then I use to create a bb code to insert into my posts.
Cool! I will try that... But does the tiny link thingie use the images from the laptop or do they actually upload to a web host somewhere?
I took a look, and have a lot of questions, if you have time?
Pm me or send an e mail? It's mu user name here on hotmail...
Not really an update....

But, omg, I am sooooo freakin lazy anymore. Can't blame the heat or cold, or physical pains...

Just freakin lazy.

We did make another journey, and I posted about it the captains log section.
Not sure if was interesting or not, lotta folks have looked at it, but no comments...

Oh, well. I'm kinda in a huge slump with design holdup. Trying to figure out the whole kitchen area, fridge placement, toilet, etc... 
No really good ideas yet. Tossed a few around, but mostly nuttin has stuck.

Oh, well... Still alive and kicking, just not too high!
Planning on heading out west for the rtr in early to mid Dec...
Might take another short trip when we get further along in the kitchen / living area...
galladanb said:
Here, showing the wheel well covers first two sides, these will be insulated and sound deadner applied on the inside for maximum durability. The boxes will live inside the left and right bed platforms.

Ever notice most people cut around the wheel wells? Building insulated boxes seems more practical and easier.
Come back tomorrow for a reveal of something I've been working and pondering on for a while.

Here a little sneak peak..... Can you tell what it might be?



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Ok, I think the forward cabinet is finished. Well, I still have a few ideas on a different top, and of course some drawer front cleanup. But, it is installed, locked down, and completely ready to use. I added a couple of bungies to keep the drawers in, but they are not in the photo.
And I will add some sort of retention device for the water jugs.


Also today, I added some slider discs to the fridge feet to enable us to pull the fridge backwards for emergency egress allowing us rapid access to the front seats if needed. Added a bungie cord to prevent the fridge from sliding backwards until we need it sliding back.

Moved the emergency triangle reflectors to the rear of the passenger seat. I'm thinking if we actually need them, it will be safer to deploy them from the pass side, not the traffic side.
In addition, I tried pulling the fire extinguisher out kinda as training. We bought it the day after we got the van, but havent actually managed it.

Not sure if you can see it, but the two burner propane stove fits real nice at the base of the rear of the drivers seat. So, that will be its new home.

Still on the "To Do" list is a storage jar cabinet directly behind the drivers head, we have a small quantity of clear peanut jars that should look awesummmm as a group. They will hold sugar, rice, flour, coffee, creamer, nuts, snacks, etc....

But, I'm going to head back to the garage area first, to begin the side cabinets, with a bridge tween them for our keys, phones, glasses, doggie leash during night hours...

Too much pondering, too little actual work, lol!



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For the couple of weeks, with a lotttttt of pondering and prcrastionation...

I began work on the rear garage cabinets, although I had made the forward vertical walls back in June. Trying to make a square corner out of mid air has been driving me nutz!

I guess, I kinda figured a way and I'm at the point where I should disassemble it and paint and cover it. Then reassemble and reinstall...

Here is a mid way progress shots...



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Ok, ya got me...

I am lazy.

After I got the right rear cabinet all fitted out, I covered it.
Then I installed it.

And there it sits....

Now I need to make the door and cover it. It's all cut out, but I do need to trim it.
More man glitter, yuk!

And I've come up with a way to cover the outer wall above this cabinet..
Just need to "Git er dunn"

See? Lazy! Sorry!