Somebody ransacked my van last night.

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2014
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SF Bay Area
I can't be sure if I accidentally left it unlocked or if they "jimmied" the door, but sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning, somebody got into my van and ransacked it.  Funny thing, though, absolutely nothing was taken.  :huh:   I had a pair of good quality binoculars, some tools, my Revo Lithium jumper pack, some CD's and a couple bucks in quarters in it, but they were all ignored.  

The only thing I can think of, and I know it sounds odd, is that they wanted to charge their electronics off the Acc. plug on the dash.  
The homeless used to use an outlet in our laundry room, but now that the door is locked, perhaps they're looking for alternative sources of electricity.  
I did find the cap/cover to one of my Acc plugs removed, so it's pretty clear they were messing with it.  

Oddly enough I'm not that angry about it, I'm actually relieved they didn't take anything or do any damage when breaking in.  The fact that they didn't find anything worth taking makes me think that if they do it again, I probably don't have to worry about losing any of my stuff.  Clearly I don't have anything they want.  

Still, I'm going to shop for a car alarm this weekend.
I'd think drugs before cell phone charging, but that's just me.
Not being a drug user myself, I guess maybe that's a more popular thing in people's cars than I realize.  

I would think if they wanted drugs, they might also be willing to steal something they could sell to get drugs.....  Like my expensive, $300 Swift binoculars or $70 Revo jumper kit, both of which, along with the tools, were under the seats.  None of those things appeared to have even moved.  It looks like they simply went through the glovebox and removed the cover from the Acc. plug.  They also messed up the bed.  Boy I hope they didn't sleep in it.  Time to burn the blankets.  :p

I have since removed everything from the van, returning it to cargo mode, where it will remain until I find a suitable alarm for it.  
I put some useless junk in the glovebox, though, just so I'll know if they go through it again.
I have a friend who leaves his un lived in van open. Vinyl seats. A homeless woman sometimes sleeps in there when it is raining and leaves it clean, and does not abuse the privilege.
I'm glad they didn't wreck your van or steal anything.

The doors on my van are self locking and unlocking. It's like magic. I have to walk around the van, checking every door to make sure they're all locked. Keeps me and my things safe, though!
I agree with the alarm and a "dash cam" that is motion activated. (it may have to have a clever hiding place so it
can see like a fly on the wall)   It may be interesting if it turns up a LEO/detective with a narcotics sniffing dog doing the snooping.  The messing with the electrical could just be a diversion to lead you to assumptions that
it was vandals or street people.

If you have a laptop, did you check it to see if it had been touched ?  Perhaps investigating your hard drive content ?

If I were going on the road with my laptop I think I would reformat it and use a larger jump drive set up with
a portable computing environment (PCE) like "Mojopac"  or even "U3" that I could keep in a safe secure place in the Van.  That way I could have  the Hard Drive clean and innocent if a LEO wanted to confiscate it.  Then carry a jump drive in my pocket with just some travel photos on it.   I may also maintain a FYI document on it
describing who I am, photos of me and my Van with license plate showing, and a calendar of where I've been
and where I'm intending to go at least a week ahead. (should in the worst case I would ever be found dead
with wallet removed & pockets emptied.  I'd keep the jump drive in a hidden compartment in my jeans.
BigT said:
Not being a drug user myself, I guess maybe that's a more popular thing in people's cars than I realize.  

I would think if they wanted drugs, they might also be willing to steal something they could sell to get drugs.....  Like my expensive, $300 Swift binoculars or $70 Revo jumper kit, both of which, along with the tools, were under the seats.  None of those things appeared to have even moved.  It looks like they simply went through the glovebox and removed the cover from the Acc. plug.  They also messed up the bed.  Boy I hope they didn't sleep in it.  Time to burn the blankets.  :p

I have since removed everything from the van, returning it to cargo mode, where it will remain until I find a suitable alarm for it.  
I put some useless junk in the glovebox, though, just so I'll know if they go through it again.

I wouldn't assume that the average junkie knows binoculars are worth money.

But who knows, it could have been anyone for any reason.
SternWake said:
I have a friend who leaves his un lived in van open.  Vinyl seats.  A homeless woman sometimes sleeps in there when it is raining and leaves it clean, and does not abuse the privilege.

eDJ_ said:
If I were going on the road with my laptop I think I would reformat it and use a larger jump drive set up with
a portable computing environment (PCE) like "Mojopac"  or even "U3" that I could keep in a safe secure place in the Van.  That way I could have  the Hard Drive clean and innocent if a LEO wanted to confiscate it. 

The above quote begs the question of exactly what might be on your hard drive that is NOT innocent? LOL And you think an LEO would have a reason to confiscate your laptop? Hmmmmmmm. Just sayin'...
Sorry to hear that, i think pills is a likely reason, if it was just power, why rummage around? Its not always as easy to fence/ carry around stolen goods(depending on where you are pawn shops are pretty strict), they might have just hoped for a quick score on a pill bottle that they hoped would be in there.
Sorry to hear that, i think pills is a likely reason, if it was just power, why rummage around? Its not always as easy to fence/ carry around stolen goods(depending on where you are pawn shops are pretty strict), they might have just hoped for a quick score on a pill bottle that they hoped would be in there.

It's very possible, if not likely, that I accidentally left the doors unlocked that night and some opportunistic homeless guy who regularly checks the cars, got lucky and found one open. It's also very possible, due to the fact that nothing was taken, that he/she never moved from the front seat while rummaging though my stuff. If they had gone into the back and looked under the bed, I have no doubt they would have taken at least the binoculars. They opened everything that could be opened, so why not also the binocular case?

A friend suggested that they may have been looking for money, drugs or weapons. When they didn't find items on their "list", they moved on.
I'm glad nothing was taken, but it still sucks to think someone was going through my stuff.
Well I am not that shocked about the binos, it's one of the advantages of buying lesser known brands. I have a decent idea what optics are worth but Swift I have barely heard of and wouldn't think they are in the same price range as Nikon, Bushnell, Leopold, other big name manufactures without actually looking it up online.

I remember your TC looks like it could be a work van as well so maybe they were looking to score some high end tools.
minimotos95 said:
Well I am not that shocked about the binos
I remember your TC looks like it could be a work van as well so maybe they were looking to score some high end tools.

Hmm, I always thought it looked more like a camper, but I suppose in the dark and to an inebriated and dysfunctional mind, it could pass as a work-truck with a ladder rack.  :p

But I guess we'll never know.  

Writer Ms.   In many parts of the country the first thing LEO's confiscate is a computer.  I guess they are trained to do that.   It's checked to see if they can find anything at all to use against you.  Even if it's clean it is still a hassle and may still cost you some fees.. There are plenty of small town cops just looking to fill their duty reports with something each day to justify their job.  

If you are a Van dweller or living in your car they may see you as a Vagrant and use that as grounds for such actions. 

I take it you've never experienced this thrill ?
I'll throw in another scenario. Homeless guy (or someone more nefarious) just gets started going through the van when an LEO drives slowly by. Perp gets spooked and sneaks away. Or.... Who knows?
what I would like to know is, what are you doing to have them confiscate anything? what, you get pulled over for speeding and they take your computer, I don't think so. highdesertranger
Violation of Murphy's Law ?    If they will go through a Van or RV looking for anything incriminating....why would a computer be off limits ?   But to investigate a computer they would have to confiscate it and take it to HQ.

When I watch the News on TV they are always reporting stories of Police busting people with incriminating evidence that was found when they confiscated their computer.  Usually after having sent the HD to the State Police Computer Forensics Lab.  

A lot of people purchase used Lap Top's that have been reformatted.  You never know what may have been
on that hard drive before you got it.   But the SPCFL has equipment that can just about detect anything that was ever on it from the beginning.  Then most folks aren't familiar with this.  

Unless you purchased your computer brand new or had a new hard drive installed in it before going on the road, where you know what has been entered on may have some vulnerabilities.  That's what I'm trying to address.
eDJ_ said:
Violation of Murphy's Law ?    If they will go through a Van or RV looking for anything incriminating....why would a computer be off limits ?   But to investigate a computer they would have to confiscate it and take it to HQ.
Murphy does get around pretty well.  That being said, LEO cannot search your vehicle without your consent or a warrant or being arrested.  I have never experienced or heard of anyone I know that had any problem with LEO's.  When I got pulled over, it was for speeding.  I was wrong and took my ticket.  I didn't get in the LEO's face for catching me, it was my fault.  Never have even been asked to search my vehicle.
It still begs the question HDR asked, what are you doing to get your vehicle searched?
In my experience,  all LEO's are like any other people.  Some are fine law abiding people and others aren't much better than the criminal element themselves. 

It's just a matter of chance with the bad ones.  I've been hassled by some of them in my Van travels and that's
why I write this "heads up".  It isn't to slam the LEO's as all being low life.  They aren't all like that.

My own Father who traveled in his work had been hassled and he taught me about the "fun and games" he had
experienced.   I listened well and heeded his advice. 

There are a lot of people coming on this board who are totally new to this.   It would be nice to see them have a
good experience  with it.  Perhaps learn enough on the board to know how to handle themselves if they
come up against some LEO who isn't a credit to his badge.

Otherwise,  life and learn.

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