Some things just dont work out.

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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Hi everyone. I logged in to let you know my dream of travel isn't working out. I was hoping to save money and hit the road before winter...but no such luck. Quitting my job and then the problems with my truck really struck a blow on my finances. For now it will be all I can do to just survive here. I guess some dreams just dont workout.<br /><br />Im hopeful that perhaps one day I will be able to try again...but for now I need to concern myself with the now.<br /><br />I wish all of you the best, and I hope all your dreams come true.<br />I wont be logging in for awhile because it just reminds me of the failure.<br /><br />So that's about it.
sidat202:&nbsp; Things can turn around the other way as quickly as they turned around this one.&nbsp; Might easily be before the snow flies you'll be plotting and planning ways to get ahead of it.&nbsp; But it ain't often easy, ain't often kind, I reckons.&nbsp; Here's wishing for you whatever you're wishing on yourself.
I had the same problem. Lost my home Aug. 1st, and had to move into my broken down van. Then two weeks later lost my job. Sometimes life hits you that way. No way to go but up. And all those other cliches. But it will turn around, don't know when but it will. Good luck.
Best of luck Sid, sorry to hear you are having to leave us. Wish you would stay but go as you will and have a great life....<br /><br />Bri
This is why I leave the planning to the planners. But it's still ok to dream. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
A Failure is only such if Nothing was learned from the event. You HAVE to have a Dream and Continue working toward it, setbacks are inevitable and should be expected. Someone here or in the future could benefit from what you've already experienced. Best Wishes, but don't get caught up in&nbsp; just surviving.<br />LIVE.

It's an an obstacle not a failure. It's only a failure if you give up. You've got a support group here. are at where we all have&nbsp;been.&nbsp; If you have your health, you still can fulfill your dreams and desires.&nbsp; So its not going perfect, so what!&nbsp; Look at options and choose another path to get where you've want to go.&nbsp; Sometimes the road on the detour is far greater than the one you first imagined and tried to go down.&nbsp; We're all here for you because 99% of us have&nbsp;been there.&nbsp; Don't give up just open up your eyes, your heart, your mind.&nbsp; You know what they say, "even a bad day fishing (looking how to survive) is a better than a day at work (dead).&nbsp; If you're not dead yet, go fishing!&nbsp;&nbsp; Rae
Your right Seraphim, its not a failure because Im not giving up. So its a setback. <br />Its hard for me to see past things like this because I've never really succeeded at anything. I've done well at times and managed to get by..but never really had success. So I guess when things like this happen I just think it's the way things are for me. I know I need to change the way I think about that..but it's hard when it's been like this all my life.<br /><br />Thanks for all the good advise. I new you guys where good for something.<br /><br />I guess I should just take it one day at a time. That's more then enough to handle by itself. <br /><br />Sometimes I feel stupid when I do this because Im good at encouraging others, but never myself.
Sidat, I think we are all better at encouraging others. It's because we are on the outside looking in. When it's us we are surrounded by the problem and it's harder to see outside of that. Please don't be so hard on yourself! I think it's a great success that you have managed to get this far in life. That is a wonder in itself! Find something everyday that you are grateful for even something little and go from there. As you said, One day at a time! sometimes just one moment at a time. Keep going!!<br /><br />Be kind to you!
Sorry to hear of your bad luck Sidat. If I could suggest a book/paperback to read and think about it would be "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. His ideas have inspired many people who face obstacles to keep going on with a good attitude toward life. Darrell. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/idea.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Well Sid we knew it was to be a challenge getting you on the road... Keep your chin up and the eye on the dream... Some set-backs are meant to be and some may be blessings in disguise...<br /><br />Stay in touch...
Sid ....<br /><br />i am set back also because for financial comics ....<br /><br />travel will be always out for me because of fixed income level and injuries &nbsp;....<br /><br />i will strive for a summer and a winter location as a happy medium ....<br /><br />blkjak ....<br /><br />stay here; a lot of us are set back with our dreams ....<br /><br />you have to have a dream the alternative is not acceptable ....
<span style="font-size: small;"><strong>Don't leave me Sid!&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff00ff; font-size: medium;">Dragonfly<br /><br /><span style="color: #000000; font-size: small;">edit 1: Stude53.&nbsp;Nice reminder of failures and someone who wouldn't stop. And please folks, don't make something religious or political out of that link. Ignore the parts that may offend you. </span></span></strong></span>
Hey Sid, Really sweet and helpful advice from our family here....we do need you to do a mechanical workshop at the RTR so I hope you can make it there.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />You need to know that we have had a number of folks come to the RTR in a car and set up a tent for their time there.<br /><br />It is important for me to avoid "catastrophic thinking"&nbsp; where I come up with the worse scenario I can as a result of what today is like. Bad puppy! <br /><br />One day at a time is good juju. And how about "this too will pass" Good stuff.<br /><br />Peace brother and hang in there....<br />Bri<br /><br />
Sid, don,t give up man. I know its tough right now, but things can change and do change. Failures are just part of it, but stay fighting. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy and without sacrifice and hardships/heartache.You gotta have a goal, and write it down. Work on it everyday everychance you get. Life can be such a pain in the ass sometimes, but the freedom you desire is out their for you.
Thanks for that link stude53. And no offense taken because I believe God has a plan for me. Keeping on his path is the challenge...And I will leave the subject at that.<br /><br />Thank you everyone for the comments..I appreciate it. I will try to stop being so hard on myself. I'm not giving up. Today is a new day, and I have some ideas&nbsp;and I will try and make a plan with that.<br />The RTR doesn't look possible this time. So I will focus on one day at a time and see where I am in a couple months. If I make it that will be great...if not, maybe the next one.<br /><br />Sorry everyone for the dreary topic. Maybe it will inspire others and not bring them down. I will continue on my progress with this link and maybe I will have an abraham lincoln story of my own.<br /><br />Anyway&nbsp;I will continue on here because the sun is up, its a new day, and I feel better.&nbsp;
I also want to say that I have never had friends like you who encourage and give ideas and are positive in spite of the things you have to deal with. It's new for me.<br /><br />Most of the people, I guess I call them friends, have always joined with me in the problems I've had instead of encouraging. Usually the advise is: well thats how it is, and deal with it. <br /><br />I left them when I left my house. <br /><br />So thanks all, your my support group, and I will try to return the favor when I can.
You have to set your own standards for success, not go by others'. A favorite writer of mine once had a charcter in a story describe society as a 'crab bucket'. No one knew what was meant by the comment, until they came across a fish seller, who commented that crabs were so stupid he didn't even have to puta lid on the bucket he kept them in: if one tried to crawl to freedom, the others would cling to him and keep him trapped in the bucket.

Friends and family can be well meaning, but it often equates to the same thing: they will keep you in your current lifestyle - but only if you let them.

My son wants to go to New York and audition on Broadway. I told him if he doesn't do it now, he never will. But he has this girl ...

We each create our own crab bucket, sometimes.