Hey Tucson, thanks for starting this thread! Although I know I'm far from the point where I'll need to build my system (6-8 months maybe) I do want to get all the important systems designed so that I can set aside the appropriate space and also incorporate the necessary wiring runs, etc. prior to beginning my mod. Also I'd like to get a handle on what it's going to cost.
From your first post, it looks like you've got at least $2k into yours, which is depressing to me, lol, cuz I was hoping to be able to build mine for less than half that

. So my big hurdle is trying to figure out how much juice I'm going to need and then figure out how to design a system that'll support it. Yah, there's a hundred ways to go, but basically I'd like to rely mostly on solar and have a small 1600 watt genset for backup. Not planning on using much power, 6cu ft 150w fridge, 5K w ac, 11k w microwave, a small 45w LED TV and some lights, although I would like to occasionally run a small washer and dryer (1400 & 800 watts). So as a guesstimate my peak usage should be no more than say 6500w :huh: So how would I size my battery storage bank and solar panel needs, roughly ;?D
My initial plan was 400w of solar panels and 6 - 12v deep cycle (used/refurbished) batteries and a 2kw invertor, does that sound like it's in the ballpark?
Oh yeah and as for the inverter, I know zip about that subject as well, but if I'm 6500w peak usage, then do I need an equivalent sized inverter? I know some stuff could run on dc, but not the washer, dryer, microwave and fridge (not currently planning on using an RV fridge due to cost and efficiency), but I could adjust so that nothing major would be running at laundry time ;?D
And AC off when running anything else at all, lol.