When it comes to solar, as far as I am concerned the rule is to buy all you can afford! So the most important question is how much can you afford? So tell us what you have to spend and we can advice you what to buy. Also, where are you located? The big panels have to go by freight and not regular UPS/FedEx so shipping can be expensive. But the big panels save you so much per watt, it is worth buying them.<br><br>About Batteries:<br>The first decision you have to make is which type of battery should you buy, lead acid or AGM. <br><ol><li>Lead acid are much cheaper but they off-gas a corrosive, dangerous gas and have to be maintained by checking the water every month or two. </li><li>AGM is much more expensive but they do not off-gas and so can be safely stored inside the RV with you. They are also sealed so you never need to maintain them or check their water level.</li></ol>A lot of people buy lead acid because they are cheaper, but then they don't maintain them, so they fail prematurely. If you think that is you then in the long run you will spend less by buying AGM. In my opinion the risk of off-gassing by lead acid is greatly exagerated. They only off-gas when at a high rate of charge. If you only charge them from your solar panels, it should never be an issue. I have always kept lead acid batteries inside the vehicle with me, generally under my bed. <br><br>There are different types of batteries:<br><ul><li>Starting</li><li>Marine</li><li>12 volt deep cycle</li><li>Golf Cart: 6 volt deep cycle (must be bought in pairs)<br></li></ul>You can buy all of these in both lead acid and AGM. I think golf carts are the best choice and I have a pair of AGM golf carts in my trailer right now.<br><br>As to where to put them, many people put them on the tongue of their trailers or in a storage compartment under the trailer. If you buy AGM or are not afraid of lead acid, then you can put them inside with you. That has the advantage of keeping them out of the heat and the cold.<br><br>So tell us what you have to spend on solar and I will give you my recomendations. Bob<br><br><br><br><br><br>