I have seen lots of people more than my fair share living in poverty. I have met very few if any that conscientiously chose to live that way. There don’t seem to be a lot of people that are jealous of people’s life living in a culvert or on the streets. Many families years ago especially in remote, backwoods Southern Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia,Tennessee and Arkansas would be too proud or too illiterate and having spent a lifetime of subsistence hunting, farming and bartering mainly with close family never understood there might be a government program to help them. Generations of bright, smart children were never given a chance to rise to their potential because they were to busy trying to survive. They grew old quickly doing hard labor. Many were “lucky” enough to get jobs in the coal mines or steel mills but most struggled at minimum wage jobs for a short time before becoming down ridden or depressed turning to alcohol or drugs. Many went into the military but ended up in the field carrying a rifle rather than a desk job due to lack of poor education. Many came back with more problems than they left with but at least they got some help through the Veterans Administration. A few were able to use the Educational benefits and after working hard making up for their lack of a basic education managed a good life with just a few nightmares now and then. Yes there is now quite a few people out there with drug, alcohol, physical disabilities and mental problems that are over 65 years old that need help. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid don’t come close to being enough to meeting the basic needs a human being has to have in order to consider anything besides survival, never the less improving their living conditions by getting a job. Many come to this forum trying to cut costs living in a vehicle and find they can through extreme simple living survive and even prosper. Our government should reflect the people’s desires and insure the opportunity is there, lately seems they just want to take away any hope of helping those that need it. Silly because by doing that it makes everyone’s life better. Kentucky’s state motto “United we stand divided we fall!” Seems to have been forgotten by those quick to judge.