smart phone

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Well-known member
May 26, 2012
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looking to join the 21'st centry, i have a small travel trailer,an want to keep everthing small,. that goes in it. so instead tv or laptop, i would like a smart phone to do all that for me. first (do they make a phone that you can get internet an tv)second (what provideder att or verizon or t moible?) any help would be nice!!. i'm old an don't anything about smart phones, like what kind of phones (ie) iphone5 or razer which are the best for boondocking? fellow traveler gary
Gary, i have pretty good luck with my Galaxy Precident from Straight talk (walmart) . $45/ mo for ulimmited everything. if you do a lot of boondocking, or live in tge country, find one on the verizon network CDMA-V will be on the lower left hand corner of the package) . At less than half what an iphone and data plan costs, its a good deal, but if you are used to an iphone, or already have one, nothing else is like it.( I had a3g and 3gs)
I don't know much about smart phones, but I do know you want to be on the Verizon network. It is far, far better than anyone else. <br><br>If I were choosing a phone, I think it would be either a iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy 3.<br>Bob
thank's les an bob, just want to do my homework before buying a phone.gary
&nbsp;My buddy Nick just got himself a Galaxy note II and is luvvin' it. He's giving me his old Galaxy S. ..Willy.
If you go with Walmarts Straight Talk, find out which phones are CDMA and which are GSM. CDMA works off of Verizon towers and they have the best coverage, GSM works off of AT&amp;T which can be spotty
I do suggest if you get a smartphone for what you want, get something with unlimited data. But to my understanding, all the none contract providers give unlimited data. I also highly recommend Verizon for service, I never been without signal (just inside brick buildings without windows).
thank's niall, after attening the rtr for a week. i had a good look at the smartphone's there and what they can do. i want one more than ever!! thank's everone.fellow traveler gary
Hi Gary. Techie people will tell you to get an android (samsung, for example) After getting the samsung Galaxy3 I was discovered the iphone is much more user friendly, so user friendly that even I might understand and be able to use it's features. If I could do it again, I would get an iphone.&nbsp;
Cyndi, I am surprised you consider the Iphone more "user friendly". After trying one, I absolutely hate it. My next upgrade will likely be to an android once I let go of my current Samsung phone. Even then, I will be looking for something with physical keys instead of virtual ones. <br><br>Aside from that, I use the straight talk service and have used it all over the country for the last three years. It gives better coverage for lower price than my old Sprint phone, and equal coverage to my old Verizon phones. $45 per month(~48 with taxes) for unlimited talk text and web cannot be beat.
I'm on my 3rd iPhone with AT&amp;T and love it for the most part.&nbsp; I have all the features plus tethering to run my laptop for internet.&nbsp; I have used it from near Detroit to Houston to Los Angeles without a problem and have signal most places i go.&nbsp; I love the user friendly ease of opperation but think that Siri is a little overated at this time although she does have her good moments.&nbsp; This is iPhone 4S.&nbsp; My son recently switched to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and is loving it so I may look at that next time.&nbsp; I've had iPhone for so many years now and and am really happy with it and everything it can do but if I were starting over I would seriously look at Walmart Straight talk just because of the lower monthly cost.
DarthMuerte said:
Cyndi, I am surprised you consider the Iphone more "user friendly".
<br><br>I've used both my son's iphone and my samsung galaxy s3. For my very untechie-self, the iphone was much easier to figure out.
dang, i didn't what to start a war here, but really confuse as&nbsp;to which one to get. walmart sound great at $45 a month,&nbsp;some of the poeple i talk to at rtr were paying as high as $175 a month with verizon!!!. and they paid $299 for the the phone with a two year&nbsp; question's are what is the cheapest&nbsp; place to buy a smart phone. (ie)walmart or best buy or maybe go with the verizon package? i went online (youtube)and got confuse, but i learn a little what going on i think!!.anyhoo thank you cy, you know how tec challage i can be.also thank's for the input, darthmuerte&nbsp;an coffee tim. fellow traveler gary&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">I would also say verizon is the best service provider in the US. I use my smart phone plan for communication, gps, camera, music, and video streaming entertainment. &nbsp;I have an old grandfathered unlimited data plan, 450 talk minutes and no text for $80/ month. The grandfathered plans can be purchased on ebay. I communicate mostly through text on wifi with google voice which is still free. I only give out my google voice number so i can forward the calls to any number. I make wifi calls mostly through the talkatone app.&nbsp;</span><br><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Iphone is a much more user friendly phone but the new operating system 6.0 is really a downgrade. Connecting the iphone to an hdtv moniter to watch youtube stopped working with the 6.0 operating system. In addition, they got rid of google maps so I moved to the android market. They have since reintroduced a limited google maps. Apple does not allow downgrading operating sytems and messing with my youtube addiction was serious for me! &nbsp;I have been an apple user for 20 years and would never buy an iphone5 for this reason. They ship with the 6.0 operating system. I prefer older Iphone 4, 4s with 5.1 operating system. </span><br><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Verizon now uses sim cards so I bought a used droid razr maxx for the long battery life and micro sim card. If my droid razr battery dies, I can put the micro sim card in my&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 12px; text-align: -webkit-left;">Verizon Jetpack Novatel MiFi 4620L Mobile Hotspot 4G LTE</span>&nbsp;and use the wifi with my old deactivated verizon iPhone 4 or text from googlevoice on my laptop. This is not tethering and the FCC has ruled that it is legal. Verizon simcards can also be swapped with verizon ipad3.&nbsp;</span><br><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">I like my droid razr maxx because it has the apps I use to connect to my tv monitor: CNN, Youtube, &amp; Netflix. Also, the android system has google maps with bike directions, which I use often. I plan to suspend my verizon plan for a few months this year to save money when I leave the country. I like that verizon plan feature. My friends can contact me via google voice and won't know the difference. My voicemails &amp; text are transcribed and I open them via email.&nbsp;</span><br><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">I have not investigated the unlimited data no contract phones or plans but if I did, I would buy a used unlocked gsm phone with a sim card to be able to use it in other countries. If someone knows a cheaper no contract plan than verizon with sim cards that can be swapped with a hotspot let me know!! I love to save a dollar!&nbsp;</span><br><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">In general I would say older phones are often better!&nbsp;Folks sell them with the cases, screen protecters and extra accessories. If it does what I need it for I don't "upgrade." &nbsp;Also, I stay away from proprietary connections that force one to buy more cords and accessories. USB is universal and I already own enough chargers to last me the rest of my life. Things I would ask:&nbsp;</span><br><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">How long does the battery last?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Does it work deactivated as a wifi device?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Is the battery removable?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Does the sound and picture connect my Netflix, youtube, &amp; CNN News to my TV?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Is the hdmi connection universal or proprietary?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Is the charger a universal micro, mini USB or proprietary?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">What maps apps work on this phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">What sports network apps work on this phone via HDMI?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I use a simcard in another country with the same phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">What do people who own this phone complain about? size, weight, screen, system, apps?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I easily copy and paste on this phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I easily buy an airline ticket or pay a bill on this phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I easily transfer and store documents on this phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I take good pictures with this phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I connect a slide out keyboard to this phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I connect a bluetooth keyboard to this phone?&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Can I make a phone call and use the internet at the same time?&nbsp;</span><br><br><br><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">GOOD LUCK!</span><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
Hey Gary...if you are as much like me as I think you might be, it will be awhile before you really do get into the 21st will take more than a phone! ROFLMAO.....<br><br>Just kidding....I have had an Android for as long as I have had a smartypants phone and hate the freeking thing...I have a LG Revolution.<br><br>I am with Cyndi in that if I were to go for it again and had a lot of money, I would go with an stuff is much my very limited opinion....same with computers....but I don't have the money and or time left to learn an entirely new bunch of crap about computers, etc.<br><br>If I was a single guy and had to only pay for a phone for myself, I would most definitely go with Straight-talk and get the best smart phone from them that I could afford. My son does all his phone and networking on a phone he bought on sale for $40 from Straight-talk. He pays $45 a month for unlimited talk, text and data for the is&nbsp; a no-brainer to me...<br><br>We were paying $170 +-....a month with Verizon for two smart phones, shared 500 minutes voice, 2 gig data for one phone and since mine had HotSpot I had 6g data.&nbsp; I finally got rid of the HotSpot part since I found it almost useless the last two times I really depended on it and a lot of that was traveling in California, Washington and Oregon where I would have thought it would work was worthless and I spent most of my online time in McDonalds every morning for free....<br><br>I don't know what the bill will be now but I think it may be $140 a month or so for the same 500 shared minutes, for two smart phones and two 2g data programs and texting on my phone....<br><br>Anyway, come December when my part of the deal is up for renewal, I am going to withdraw from the Verizon outfit and go to get Straightalk with a CDMI phone. Kit says she will quit it when her portion comes up for two years since she just got a new phone. we are sick and tired with being held to contracts for the entire time we have had cell phones.<br><br>As usual, YMMV...<br><br>Bri
I'm on verizon plan with two wifi phones, 700 talk, 250 text, 2 gb data each phone. $160. month. When I go on the road it is $20 more for hot spot and 5 gb data. I use it for my laptop. I have a HTC thunderbolt. I don't like it. It does nhave a good camera. As far as internet use, the smart phone screens are too small. I have mostly good coverage, but found many empty zones up and down the east coast. Verizon 4 LTE is great, 3 is so so so.
thank's futureprimitive, ccbreder, for your inpute,it's great to here diffence opinions on smart phones, bri, you speak my kind of language. look's like walmart for me. again thank's to everone for reponding to my post. that made doing my homework&nbsp; easy&nbsp;!!!. that what a like&nbsp; about this forum. fellow traveler gary
update on smartphone, i end up with verizon, i'm on the old persons plan. they call it the 65 plus plan.unlimited talking, 2 gb data,&nbsp;an&nbsp;no texing for $60.00 plus taxs a month. the phone a got was a samsung s III for $150.00. with a two year contact.&nbsp; i really like it, an think it will be great to &nbsp;have while boondocking or anytime while traveling.thanks again for all the input and help.&nbsp;&nbsp; fellow traveler gary&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p.s. fair highways my rubbertramps friends.
Sometimes I can't find wifi just when I need the internet. i use free wifi sites to download movies and stuff to the lap top, but really like the convenience of my Verizon phone hot spot for everyday internet. On the verizon plans, the cost for text and photo messaging is not a lot more a month, and I am now hooked to my family and don't have to talk to 'em.