Single females in SE Texas?

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where is flower bluff? and am I the terry your asking?
Flower Bluff is/was between Corpus Cristi and Padre Island, on the mainland, below the new (1973) causeway bridge. There was a great pool room bar where many nights were wasted in revelry, dancing, and stuff not repeated. Many girls.
Try the (POF) "plenty of fish" website. There is a ton and I mean a ton of women on there. Too many, seriously. Be totally upfront with what you are interested in. You might be surprised how many women respond. Best part is it's a free site.
No, I had my family with me so I never went to any bars then,and we were staying on Corpus Christi City Beach, which I think is north of the cause way? I was trying to get on at some of the chemical plants and we kinda got stranded there. I wound up selling the kids tricycle and wagon to get enough money for gas to get back to Pensacola. It was fun staying on the beach with the kids. We had a cast net and would get shrimp under the bridge and mullet in the tidal pools. Even had fried oysters for the wife.
It has been over a week and NO FEMALES responded to me. Have to find one elsewhere. James AKA Lynx
Sorry man. I am of the opinion that I will spend the rest of my life alone after Cathy passes on. It seems that women are like men, they want young, hot, vibrant bodies able to take them places they want to go. Thats the reason I chose the temporary tattoo thing for future activities. It is something that I know will get you a conversation with some ladies on most ladies nights at some of the bars, and it is something a lot of kids would/will want at parties, festivals and such places and almost all kids have a mother with them when at such affairs. I know this sounds like a lot of planning for someone with a wife whom he loves immeasurably, but I've been setting at her bedside for three years with not much to do but think about the past and my future without her someday. And I really don't relish being all alone, with no one to take care of me. Heck, I'm sick of taking care of me after less than three years so what woman in their right mind wants to take on a disabled man/child in his late 50's.
I am sure that you and your wife have talk about what she would like you to do after she passes. If this is agreeable with you, then do it. The number of men that are living this lifestyle or the RV retired lifestyle is no where near the amount of woman. Before you hit the road check out the single RV sites. They may have something to offer, even if it is just someone around a campfire.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Dating any time after your 20's stinks.&nbsp; Yes, it seems like everyone wants someone half their age.&nbsp; I get hit on quite a bit by men in their 60's and 70's....almost never by someone even remotely near my age(42).&nbsp; Frankly after dealing with both of my ex's, and attempting the online dating thing once(that was scary).....I have no interest in even attempting to find someone else.&nbsp; I have to wonder if there aren't quite a few folks out there like me.<br><br>Good luck to you James.&nbsp; I don't envy you at all.
&nbsp;No, we don't talk about anything after she passes on. I'm pretty sure she wants us to go together. I don't let on that her time is near. I don't want her to give up as long as I can keep her comfortable and bring a smile to her face everyonce in a while. We talk about belonging together even after this world is over for us. And I do love her that much but I don't think I can have much of life all by myself. <br>&nbsp;And in fact, she can keep this life up for years to come. She could also not wake up tomorrow. Hers is a neurological disorder that rarely affects anyone to such an extent that they are troubled by it. Our oldest son died at 24 with it.
This is too cool.&nbsp; I hope you find that special someone. <br><br>For me after 20 years of two long relationships, I am all about the one night romances.&nbsp; We can remain friends if they like, but not required.&nbsp; When I am alone and thinking I am lonely. I get a bottle of Jim Beam, pull out the George Jones CD's and in the morning when my head is pounding I realize I go of easy with the hangover.&nbsp; LOL<br><br>I'd of been a millionaire with a few more boats and a few more brick and mortar home if it wasn't for those two.&nbsp; LOL
It is not that there is NOBODY out there. Just not on this forum. I also have time to look while I make money. There is also the Singles RV groups after I go.<br><br>Thanks for the concerns. I hope mine is better than those who have posted here.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Sorry Gypsy, didn't mean to ignore you and your right. When I'm out and about, I seem to notice women in their 30s mostly and here I am knocking on 60. <br>&nbsp;Also, we are not hopeless. Hope springs eternal. I have no plans but I have "intentions". And they don't include jumping off a bridge. I know I'm not as pitiful as I feel sometimes, even though I'm not the man I once was. Now, if I could find a way to lose 20 - 30 pounds, I might be almost as good looking as I was 30 years ago.
One night stands were great when I was a whole lot younger and drank my share of alcoholic beverages. I find that not drinking keeps me from being as sick as I once was but also brings a different frame of mind in me. I don't want just sex. I like sex but I like being with someone, hopefully thats honestly compatible with me and my antique ways.
LOL Terry, I'm actually trying to be ignored for the most part, so no problem.&nbsp; Just mostly trying to contribute a different point of view.<br><br>Hope y'all are being careful.&nbsp; There are some things out there that soap and water won't wash off.&nbsp; I know of 2 people with genital herpes that do not tell their sexual partners they have it.&nbsp; They are afraid that if they tell people that they won't 'get any'.&nbsp;
I hesitate to follow that last post...

I have met a number of mature, single ladies in this lifestyle. I think, IMHO, that most ladies who live like this are very independent, strong, and not willing to give up their hard-earned freedom for a relationship. Many are celebrating their release from being responsible for a partner or family, having spent most of their adult lives taking care of others in their roles as wife, mother, daughter.

Hormones also play a key role in this. As women age, estrogen levels decrease and testosterone levels exert a greater influence, causing women to become more aggressive, more confident, more like men. As men age, their testosterone levels decrease, causing less aggressiveness, more passivity. Just when women become less needful of a partner to help rear children, etc., their energy levels increase and they are ready to hit the ground running, doing and experiencing the things they have postponed most of their lives. And men are ready to slow down the pace. It's a conundrum, for sure.

Our current culture now accepts and even encourages women to be independent. We are better educated, able to support ourselves (and our children), more powerful than we've ever been. Unfortunately, the poor guys haven't been taught how to interact with these new women. The rules were changed when the men weren't looking. And just when we don't need you anymore, you need us! This isn't meant as a "bad thing", it just is what it is.

There are good people of both genders out there. The problem may be that, like me, now that my partner is gone, my children grown and out on their own, women are chomping at the bit to see what's over the next hill. It's time to do it our way, not follow along behind someone else who is seeking their dreams.

I cannot speak for all women; each of us (male and female) has their own path to walk. But I'm trying to understand why it is so difficult to establish a partnership in these, our later years. So far, this is what I've come up with.

Some&nbsp;people are just tired of being the scratching post for&nbsp;person's itch whether it be for sex or money or both.&nbsp; When someone realizes that a relationship is not about finding someone to meet YOUR own needs but&nbsp;that a real relationship actually takes work, commitment, and giving on your part, you realize how difficult it is to find someone else who's realized the same. Most people have to get that itch scratched and once the itch is gone, they don't particularly care for the scratching post that relieved it.&nbsp; And, the more people who have scratched your post, the more scarred you become; you will be less and less likely to attract a true relationship because of the way you feel about your scars and the way others view them as well.<br><br>The older we get, the chances are we have more scars.&nbsp; And, even if others don't see those scars, we feel them and tend to shy away from a real relationship because we don't want to reveal the scars.&nbsp; So when you look at someone as a only scratching post, realize the scar you'll create.&nbsp; Pretty selfish if you think about it...this pertains to men and women.
I understand there are those who feel that way. I am sure that others feel different and would enjoy a good relationship. Looking for the latter as I am in that category. <br><br>James AKA Lynx
You and me both. I know from watching people as I grew up and got older, that there are ladies in the female position that i will be in the male position. They want someone to be their "man" and that is what I am for Cathy. I protect her. I keep the nasty parts of the world from getting too close to her. I do the things she can't do. I make her the most important person in my world. I make her feel that even with age, she is still the prettiest girl in town. All she does is let me know that I'm her man.
<em> I really like what Stargazer had to say.&nbsp; James I read your post and I have to admit that I was tempted to respond to you, then my independence kicked in and I said "Nah".&nbsp; I guess maybe I need to prove to myself that I can fully go it alone?&nbsp; But I liked your description of what you want...good luck finding her.<br></em>
Anybody can be independent except when ill or hurt. I have seen that many times. Living with someone for years is what is hard.<br><br>James AKA Lynx