Should You Tell Your Family & Friends?

Van Living Forum

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I am very fortunate that my friends and family are unbelievable supportive of my choice to live in a van and travel the country.

Even my friends at work are like "GO for it!!!!".

I am very lucky and it helps push away any fears I may have about making the lifestyle change.
Years ago I was very surprised at the reaction of my co-workers when I left a corporate job after 15 years to go backpacking around the world. Just about everyone told me what they would do if they had the guts to quit. The one that surprised me the most was a second level manager, his dream was to own a McDonald franchise. My reply to everyone of them was to stop dreaming and do it.

I think the people that react the most negatively are the ones that have dreams but no back bones to go after them. It's very difficult for me to give any credits to their opinion. If someone I respect brings up a suggestion I will listen, however I'm very quick to disregard nay sayer. They can be jealous all they want but I won't let them spoil my fun.

Just the other day my coworker that sits next to me was teasing saying "yeah yeah you're never gonna do it" and I said "hey, when you see me pull in with my van you will know I am close to finally leaving" and she said "oh I'll cry, but I will be so proud of you". hahaha

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