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user 29855

Well-known member
Nov 19, 2020
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Hi folks, if you haven’t gotten your shingles vaccination please do I’ve been diagnosed with shingles and let me tell you it is very unpleasant. I don’t have any excuse why I didn’t get the vaccination I’ve gotten all my other shots just not shingles. In spite of the fact that my best friend had a very serious case and suffered for almost a year.


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I had my vaccination a couple of years back, two doses, 4 weeks apart, and got it at Walgreens.

I’ve heard this is very painful, also that people have gotten it in their eyes and been blinded, so it is nothing to mess with.

Get well soon.
So sorry Geneeus you are going through this. Hope you can recover quickly. Thank you for reminding all of us about the vaccine.
Looks like a very bad case of it. Sorry you are having to deal with that pain.

There were lots of other virus problems in the last few years that likely distracted you from getting that vaccination.
Ive had my shots and it made a big difference for me.

If you haven't had the shots yet, you may want to consider getting a bottle of L-Lysine Pills. If you have the pain that usually precedes an outbreak, start taking them and it may help to avoid or reduce the full outbreak.
That doesn't look very pleasant at all, ouch. Hope it heals well, probably sooner than later.

Got the shingles vaccine shot with covid round 3 booster shot.
I delayed mine because I thought you had to get it (or at least a prescription) from a doctor, and I was between doctors due to moving and procrastinating. Turns out you can just request it from a pharmacy (and it's totally free with Medicare). Get better soon, G!
I am sorry you are going through that man, that looks really painful. After seeing that I am happy to say that I have had both doses.
It helps to have a primary care physician that rides your ass like I had.
Yes I needed a prescription I thought for the first dose but I didn't to get the 2nd.
I got my 4th COVID, 2nd shingles and 2nd pneumonia all the same day at Walgreens..
Not sure if you've heard of Master Mineral Solution (MMS) or Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) for treating shingles (Herpes Zoster)? Here are testimonials:

It is cheap to make at home - here is more information
more information and instructions here at Jim Humble's site also:
Praying for your quick recovery!
Hi folks, if you haven’t gotten your shingles vaccination please do I’ve been diagnosed with shingles and let me tell you it is very unpleasant. I don’t have any excuse why I didn’t get the vaccination I’ve gotten all my other shots just not shingles. In spite of the fact that my best friend had a very serious case and suffered for almost a year.
I’m so sorry. I’m curious about something…. Did you get the Covid jabs? I’m asking because shingles are one of the many side effects.
I've had a few friends that have had shingles will before COVID was ever a thing. So I wouldn't concern myself with that being an issue.
... your... vaccination...
Let's start with:
* eliminate grains -- wheat, corn, oats, etcetera -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate sugars -- grains, root vegetables, alcohol, carbohydrates, etcetera -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate seed oils -- sunflower safflower soy corn, etcetera -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate other toxins -- floride, chlorine, stress, pollution -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate petroleum-based pesticides and fertilizer -- [inflammatory].
Use a laundry detergent certified to contain zero **dioxin** ('2,3-D plus 2,4,5-T plus TCDD', aka 'Agent Orange', the petroleum-based defoliant known to cause cancers) as a by-product of the manufacture process... it will NOT be listed as an ingredient.
Address nutrition deficiencies.
Increase weight-bearing and stamina exercises.
Increase rest, increase the quality of rest.
If you are a metaphysician, you might want to look beyond the physical... into the metaphysical:
* what is irritating me?
* what am I trying to hold in?
* what am I having a hard time expressing?
The 'dumb' physical body often says more than the 'smart' conscious mind can comprehend.
During my three decades as a Physical Therapist, I heard the same statement so often, it may as well be a script:
* "If it weren't for this [illness, trauma], I would never get any time off. I was so involved with my [family, occupation, hobbies], I never had any time for down-time..."
If you are dead-set on injections to fix one issue, remember welder-fabricator Rule Number One:
* reinforcing one area transfers stress to the next weakest area.
in loving service,
Well, Marge, as a fully vaccinated, active and reasonably healthy 74 year old, I have experienced no ill effects from Covid, shingles, flu, etc., vaccines.

I believe, personally, we should rely on our primary care physician to advise us about vaccinations we should and should not have.

I!HO ☺️
I’m so sorry. I’m curious about something…. Did you get the Covid jabs? I’m asking because shingles are one of the many side effects.

There are a handful of studies that suggest that a case of shingles might occur after the covid vaccinations. It is rare but possible.

But it's a valid question, since many of our members might be interested in the answer, if the OP is willing to share.
I think Marge makes a good point and everything mentioned makes for a better healthy body. I feel physically avoiding people worked for me but it seems humans have managed to destroy the natural environment that made all these things more effective for us to stay healthy. Now we have been overwhelmed by the amount of diseases and toxins around us in this toxic environment that have made preventive medicines and vaccines for most, if not all a necessity. When the air and life forms all around me are stressed to a point they become diseased or toxic it is time to consider any advantages modern medicine has to offer in my opinion. Yes I am trusting other humans who are prone to make mistakes or even intentionally do harm to me for the benefit of the majority but if I survived being a uninformed test subject in the military while receiving close to a hundred shots and vaccines I figure at least in this country there is some pretty good oversight, although far from perfect it has the health of the majority in mind in my opinion, so yes I roll up my sleeve and try to avoid situations that cause disease to spread. Being raised in a country where I was raised you do what is best for the majority even if it harms you is why I enlisted in the military and why I still take the recommended shots, but that’s just me, everyone makes their own decisions. Asking one person isn’t the same as a statistical study, just so you know.
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There are a handful of studies that suggest that a case of shingles might occur after the covid vaccinations. It is rare but possible.

But it's a valid question, since many of our members might be interested in the answer, if the OP is willing to share.
Let's start with:
* eliminate grains -- wheat, corn, oats, etcetera -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate sugars -- grains, root vegetables, alcohol, carbohydrates, etcetera -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate seed oils -- sunflower safflower soy corn, etcetera -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate other toxins -- floride, chlorine, stress, pollution -- [inflammatory]
* eliminate petroleum-based pesticides and fertilizer -- [inflammatory].
Use a laundry detergent certified to contain zero **dioxin** ('2,3-D plus 2,4,5-T plus TCDD', aka 'Agent Orange', the petroleum-based defoliant known to cause cancers) as a by-product of the manufacture process... it will NOT be listed as an ingredient.
Address nutrition deficiencies.
Increase weight-bearing and stamina exercises.
Increase rest, increase the quality of rest.
If you are a metaphysician, you might want to look beyond the physical... into the metaphysical:
* what is irritating me?
* what am I trying to hold in?
* what am I having a hard time expressing?
The 'dumb' physical body often says more than the 'smart' conscious mind can comprehend.
During my three decades as a Physical Therapist, I heard the same statement so often, it may as well be a script:
* "If it weren't for this [illness, trauma], I would never get any time off. I was so involved with my [family, occupation, hobbies], I never had any time for down-time..."
If you are dead-set on injections to fix one issue, remember welder-fabricator Rule Number One:
* reinforcing one area transfers stress to the next weakest area.
in loving service,
Yes to ALL of that, plus fasting.🤙🏼
I’m so sorry. I’m curious about something…. Did you get the Covid jabs? I’m asking because shingles are one of the many side effects.
The risk of getting shingles from a Covid shot is minuscule - less than .1% when compared to people who didn't get vaccinated- according to this study of over 1 million people.
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