Screw it

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Feb 14, 2015
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Am I the only one who is having recurring thoughts of abandoning the vehicle, packing up the bare bones necessities and fully walking away from society?
I can't be.
Maybe I just need to shut off the cell phone and it's deluge of news feeds but at what point do you say that you've had enough of society at large and walk away?
We're all at that point to a certain extent or we wouldn't be here. When do you, as an individual draw the line?
I'm assuming that most of you here aren't where i am yet or you wouldn't be here.
But I think that I am.
I'm just tired of it all.
I just want to live free and be happy.
It seems that that idea is a fleeting dream of days long past.
We've all allowed more and more laws limiting our freedoms with no end in sight.
Even as "nomads" we don't know what it is to be free. We have a small grasp of an ideal.
Everything we do is regulated in some way shape or form.
That's not freedom.

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The way I figure it is we are only on this earth for a short period of time anyways, so I don't let all that stuff bother me. I work for myself so I eliminated a lot of the slave like feeling of society with that one step alone. My time is my time to do with as I please. I don't watch the news because it's 90% negativity and tricks your brain into thinking the world is doomed. Funny thing is I see none of that doom and gloom in my everyday daily life, I encounter mostly good hearted, good natured people everywhere I go.

Regulations albeit can be annoying and inconvenient at times and sometimes even illogical, for the most part do serve a greater good and aren't all that hard to go along with. Most regulations are a by product of people taking things to the extreme. They're also quite bendable in a lot of cases. I've done a pretty good job of carving out an existence with minimal intrusions from others.
I just try to make lemonade...

It's the winter. Blahhh times.

Spring is around the corner.
Maybe I just need to shut off the cell phone and it's deluge of news feeds but at what point do you say that you've had enough of society at large and walk away?


I have no news feeds coming to my email or home pages. I do not watch public TV or radio except for rare occasions. On any of them is there anything reported that makes a difference in my day to day life. Generally what is reported is so hyped up to get you to watch and be hyped up that they make mountains out of molehills. Watch it all and you start living your life reacting to what COULD happen instead of what does happen. You spend money and time on possibilities that have little or no chance of happening when you should focus both on actually improving and enjoying your life. Turn off the outside influences and you might not be so depressed about them.
mattboyrd said:
Am I the only one who is having recurring thoughts of abandoning the vehicle, packing up the bare bones necessities and fully walking away from society?
I can't be.

You're not the only one but I've noticed that those that join you in that thought all seem to have some things in common. A habit of watching and listening to only the bad news and carrying it around inside them like a ton of bricks.

Maybe I just need to shut off the cell phone  and it's deluge of news feeds but at what point do you say that you've had enough of society at large and walk away?
We're all at that point to a certain extent or we wouldn't be here. When do you, as an individual draw the line?

I didn't choose this life to get away from anything. Maybe that's one of the biggest differences between those that have thoughts like you do and those of us that don't. I draw the line btw, at hanging out with people who are consumed with negative thoughts, they can drag a positive person down over time, sometimes a short time.

I'm assuming that most of you here aren't where i am yet or you wouldn't be here.

You Know what they say about the word assume don't you! Don't assume anything. Most of the people I meet who are full time nomads love this life we live.

But I think that I am.
I'm just tired of it all.
I just want to live free and be happy.

The answer to that is inside of you, not something you will ever get from any outside source of anything whatsoever. One chooses to be as happy as one wants to be. The only person or thing that has control over your mind and your thoughts is you. Choose wisely or in the absence of choice, negative thoughts will fill the empty space.

It seems that that idea is a fleeting dream of days long past.
We've all allowed more and more laws limiting our freedoms with no end in sight.

I don't find my freedom limited at all. I am free to go where I want, governed only by my ability to maintain my vehicle and my income. If my income isn't sufficient to meet my needs, I am free to earn more money. Yes, I self limit my income so as not to pay overly to the government but that is a choice I make.

Even as "nomads" we don't know what it is to be free. We have a small grasp of an ideal.
Everything we do is regulated in some way shape or form.
That's not freedom.

Freedom is what you make of it. I don't ever feel 'not free'! It's a state of mind more than anything else.

Yes, I'm not free to speed down the highway without risk of a traffic stop but I also like others to be limited as well, mostly for my own safety... :)

I hesitate to think of what a society without any regulation would end up looking like. Think of it, no speed limits, no justice system etc. etc.
Point taken, I'm wrong in my frustration.
Happy trails everyone.

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jimindenver said:

I have no news feeds coming to my email or home pages. I do not watch public TV or radio except for rare occasions -- you should focus both on actually improving and enjoying your life. Turn off the outside influences and you might not be so depressed about them.

All of that - turn it off! And Double Bingo! Get busy, get focused, as jimindenver said. He's wayrighton.
mattboyrd said:
Point taken, I'm wrong in my frustration.
Happy trails everyone.

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Your feelings are your feelings, they are neither right nor wrong. If you want to have better feelings, change something about your life. Avoiding negativity in your life is a common, time-tested way to make a change that results in better feelings. Eating better, walking more often, and/or doing things for other people also work.

But you don't have to if you don't want to...
Rules. I am camped in a spot where it might be California or it might be Arizona. Either way this camp is clean and so are the rigs. We have few rules here. Respect your neighbor and offer help if they have a need. Drive through the camp slower than a dog can trot. 

Enjoy that sunrise and sunset. Watch for the local critters. Have fun. Turn off automatically updated news feeds. Who cares what the political or YouTube or other media attention junkies are doing. Soon nobody will remember them. I will always have the sunset in my memory.
What jacqueg said is right. Your feelings are your feelings. Don’t let anyone put you down for them. On the other side, I always try to ask myself why I feel a certain way about something and what I can do to change it if need be. You are responsible for your own happiness. Figure out what you think would make you happy and give it a shot!

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The most important thing in life is to have a purpose. You got to have a reason to get up in the morning. Find your life's purpose and I bet happiness follows.
mattboyrd said:
Point taken, I'm wrong in my frustration.
Happy trails everyone.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

Your feelings are not wrong. Your feelings are your feelings. I wish I could build a place in the woods, grow and raise my own food and escape the world. Run around naked sometimes without having to go to an clothing optional beach or place. Turning off my phone, stepping away from the computer and political unrest and the overwhelming drama.

I get you. I have that feeling now. But's it is WAY TOO COLD in Maine for me to even run through the woods in my backyard in a t-shirt and shorts. ;)
I do not see people telling you that you are wrong. I see people explaining that they do not watch commercial news/listen to radio...etc and how they try NOT to feel that way.

Seems you took it the opposite, but I would call that a pretty damned solid validation that you are feeling the SAME WAY.

Here is another one like that. I completely get it. IMO, our society is more concerned with the Kardashians than world hunger. The petty BS that concerns the media has me shaking my head often.
(Sometime, if we meet, I will explain in great detail why I cannot escape news media influence.)

In some ways, I see our society sinking. Then again, I was raised in an era good for heterosexual white men and bad for pretty much everyone else. No more closets/coat hangers/lynchings (at least a lot fewer...and no more unreported at least. We SHOULD be outraged when that crap goes down.) We have made some progress along with the negative though.

Try not to forget some of the best examples of the human spirit in recorded history. They were on the Titanic as it was going down. They played music. I am not trying to sound corny here, but even if you feel very dark about current events, play your own music. Do not let the negative win...under any circumstances. Seeing the negative in a sober manner need not place you on the cusp of hermitization.

Besides, you ever try cuddling to a freaking grizzly bear? They are not good BFF's bro. (Well, maybe at the right mens group they could be LOL :) :) :) )
"In some ways, I see our society sinking. Then again, I was raised in an era good for heterosexual white men and bad for pretty much everyone else."
Are you kidding? I hope you are. I hope this is sarcasm.  It is not possible for you to be alive if you were born earlier than the 1800's. Like I get that it sucks to be opposite of my skin color in 2018 ( with people's weird obsession with identity) and that is disgusting and awful as no one should be judged or dismissed for the color of their skin BUT there were MANY African Americans before slavery ended and after that were inventors in the 19th century. Would you say George Washington Carver had a bad life? Or Samuel Scottron? Anytime life is good for you is a good time/era/year.
What era are you speaking of? The 50's were great for families and women, not just white men as studies have shown that women did not suffer the stress, lack of confidence or severe body image issues that people, not just women, suffer today.
Nothing wrong with being white or male.

I think that upon rereading JD Gumbee's comment three times, perhaps you have misinterpreted it. I don't believe JD Gumbee was saying there was anything inherently wrong with being white and male.
I would agree. But I would also recognize that being a straight white male has and does come with some privilege. This is not any single individual person's fault or doing, it just exists. And the first step towards greater equality for all is recognizing that inequalities and social privileges do exist.


I agree with all of the other posters who have said that limiting their exposure to media sources that cause negative feelings is helpful. Being too plugged in to any news source can make you feel like the world is spinning out of control. I'm becoming a nomad to live simply and more deliberately. It's the same reason that I closed my social media accounts 7 yrs ago. It was getting to be too much. I don't want to be that connected to everything. The people who matter most to me know how to get ahold of me. It really made me prioritize what I want in my life.
The things you share your life with aren't always physical objects, some of them are time spent listening and watching programs. If these media sources are not adding to your life and happiness, then consider culling them from your life in an attempt to have a better overall quality of life.

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for me its my emplyer.
but i must wait 8 more years. ( money thing) they know this and are doing there best to make it rough on me.
AMGS3 said:

I think that upon rereading JD Gumbee's comment three times, perhaps you have misinterpreted it. I don't believe JD Gumbee was saying there was anything inherently wrong with being white and male.
I would agree. But I would also recognize that being a straight white male has and does come with some privilege. This is not any single individual person's fault or doing, it just exists. And the first step towards greater equality for all is recognizing that inequalities and social privileges do exist.
I'm just going to say this last thing. There is no such things as white privilege. When you say that you are dismissing the success and prosperity of those not white. Skin color does not make one successful. History shows this. And no, I'm not white.  Equality is not getting the same outcome as everyone else but being able to succeed and fail like everyone else. History and people of today have shown success, not privilege, comes to those who want it, crave it, fight for it. People of different health, skin colors, cultures, etc; have had success. Being white doesn't make you better or worse or successful just as my having brown skin and being a girl doesn't make me automatically oppressed. Then again I'm a 90's girl and my dad is white. and my ex-husband is white. My family is a rainbow of colors, cultures and sexuality. I love people. I can't wait until the day color doesn't matter because it really doesn't.
Good luck to all.
Also if you want to debate this feel free in PMs. Statistics show differently than the media. I do not see you as a white privileged male. I see you as a person finding your path on this journey called life.

I take that back..My dogs are privileged...I mean spoiled rotten
NeedtoExplore said:
I can't wait until the day color doesn't matter because it really doesn't.

We're off topic but what the hey. Can you see any irony in what you said here?
Back on topic people!

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